Jerry Maguire (1996): The last two films Cameron Crowe made were kinda sappy, but this is ridiculous. Sure, it's entertaining, and I hold nothing against Frank Capra for inventing the strictures for this form of motion picture. Renee Zwellager (spell?) is cute, and Tom Cruise plays, well, Tom Cruise (has he ever played anyone else?). Tugs at my heartstrings in too many manipulative ways, though. This is a fine, crafted movie of its sort, but where is the Crowe of old? Can I hear Jeff Spicoli saying, "This maturity stuff, man, it's a drag"? No head butting, but plenty of on field football injuries, and Cruise gets karate kicked by an ex who's not taking their breakup very well.

Grade: B-

Junior Bonner (1972): Another starring role for Steve McQueen, as a rodeo star whose life is going nowhere. For some reason I've never cared for this picture, despite a few trademark Sam Peckinpah touches (the destruction of the house by a bulldozer).

Grade: B-

Lumiere For Lunkheads