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Uralic etymology :

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Number: 137
Proto: *enä
> Nostratic: > Nostratic
English meaning: big, large, much, many
German meaning: groß, viel
Finnish: enää 'mehr, weiter, ferner', enempi 'mehr', eno 'Wasserfall, reißender Strom; Onkel (mütterlicher Seite)'
Estonian: enam, (S) enämb 'mehr', onu (S.) uno 'Oheim'
Saam (Lapp): ǣdnâg 'much (of), a lot (of); many' (N), ǟtna, ǟtnak (L) 'viel, viele', jienni̊g (T), ienneɣ (Kld.), ianneɣ́, jennaj (Not.), jennøj (A) 'viel; wie viel, wie viele', dædno ~ ædno -ǣn- 'the main river', ätnō (L) 'Fluß, Strom', je̯ä ̀n ̀uo͕ 'Bach', āeno, ed'nu ~ ēdnu (N) 'mother's brother, maternal uncle', ǟnoi, ädnu (L) 'jüngerer oder älterer Bruder od. Vetter der Mutter', jeanaj (T) 'Mutterbruder'
Mordovian: ińe (E), ińä (M) 'groß'
Udmurt (Votyak): uno (S), uno, úno (J), ị̑no (Uf.) 'viel' ?
Komi (Zyrian): una (S), una. (P PO) 'Menge; viel', un-aj (V) 'Oheim, älterer Bruder des Vaters'
Khanty (Ostyak): eṇǝ (V), enǝ (DN) 'dick; groß; älterer, ältester'
Mansi (Vogul): jinǝ.w (TJ), jänǝj (KU), jänǝɣ (P), janiɣ (So.) 'groß'
Nenets (Yurak): ńińeka (O) 'älterer Bruder, jüngerer Bruder des Vaters'
Enets (Yen): ina 'älterer Bruder'
Nganasan (Tawgi): aniʔe 'groß' ?, ńenne 'Bruder'
Selkup: innê, innɔ (NP) 'älterer Bruder'
Sammalahti's version: (FU?) *e/inä
K. Reshetnikov's notes: By Rédei, in this comparison is also involved Ngan. aniʔe 'big' (with ?), but I still prefer to link this form to other material (see URAET 13). It is not quite clear how to interpret some words meaning an elder (male) relative: FB-Lapp. *enoi 'maternal uncle', Komi un(-) 'uncle/aunt', Sam. *inä 'elder brother, father's younger brother'. In UEW, these words are listed as reflexes of the Proto-Uralic word in question, which is based on their phonetical shape as well as on a possibility of semantical development 'big > elder > elder brother, uncle' (note that in FB, Lapp. and Komi the first syllable vowels of respective forms are perfectly identic with those of forms meaning 'much, more' and 'big'). Such a solution doesn't seem unacceptable, but in URAET, I preliminarily treat this etymological group as a distinct one (see URAET 1801).
References: FUV; SKES; КЭСКЯ; DEWO 110; Budenz MUSz. 783, 857; Paas. Beitr. 19; Stein.Fgr.Vok. 50; Collinder CompGr. 134, 175-176, 376; ИВПЯ 21, 221;

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