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Баскская этимология :

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PROTO: *ondo
MEANING: 1 side, bottom 2 (part) next to, after 3 part of forehead around eyes 4 forehead (of cattle) 5 frown (of eyebrows)
BZK: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2, betondo 3, 5, (Gernika) adondo 4
GIP: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2, betondo 5
ANV: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2
BNV: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2, bethondo 3
SAL: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2
LAB: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2, bethondo 3
BZT: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2
AZK: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2
ZBR: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2, bethondo 3
RNC: ondo 1, ondo, -ondo 2
COMMENTS: It is difficult to separate this word from the homonym *ondo 'joint' (q.v.). Both of these words have been influenced by Romance words such as Span. hondo 'bottom, depth, deep', and some blending has taken place. Cf. also Bsq *ɦonda-r̄ 'sand, dregs', which etymologists have often confused with either or both types of *ondo and Span. hondo. The compounds shown (of which there are many more) involve the elements *begi-t- 'eye' and *a=dar̄ 'horn'.

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