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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *ak-
Meaning: a k. of fish
Slavic: *okūnь
Baltic: *ač-er-ia-, *ač-er-[a]- sb.
Germanic: *ag-ú- c.; *aug-u- c.; *aug-Vr-a- m.; *ug-Vr-a- m.; *ag-il-a- m.
Latin: acus, -ūs f. `Fischname (belónē)'; acipēnser, -eris m., (älter) acupēnser, acipēnsis `ein seltener Fisch mit rotem Fleisch, Stör(?)'
Russ. meaning: рыба sp.
References: WP I 26 f

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