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Протонахский: *c̣ōq̇
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Значение: ounce, snow leopard
Чеченский: c̣oq̇
Ингушский: c̣oq̇
Комментарии: The Chech. word is recorded only in the Russian-Chechen and Ingush-Chechen-Russian dictionaries (the standard source - Chechen-Russian dictionary - records only the synonymous compound c̣oq̇-berg, and Uslar has only another compound, c̣oq̇-ɛrzaw 'eagle'), but vowel length can be securely postulated on the basis of a derived adjective: Chech. c̣ȫq̇a 'variegated (of animals)'. The oblique stem can be reconstructed as *c̣ōq̇e- (Chech. [in the Ingush-Chechen-Russian dictionary] c̣öq̇a-, Ing. c̣oq̇o). The word belongs to the 3d class in both languages.

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