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Лезгинская этимология :

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Пралезгинский: *c̣:ämk / *kämc̣:
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 feather, down 2 goat skin, goat wool
Лезгинский: c̣akul 1
Табасаранский: zikw 1
Арчинский: ḳenc̣ 2
Комментарий: The Lezg. and Tab. forms point to *c̣: in PL (conf. the correspondence Lezg. lit. c̣ak-ul : Khl. ckʷal without glottalisation, and the Tab. Kand. form c:ikʷ). Archi also has c̣: (cf. the erg. ḳenc̣:i, pl. ḳenc̣:-um) which is a strong point in favour of the comparison (inspite of the rather frequent metathesis). The Inlaut nasal must have been labial (to account for its loss in Tab. and lesg. - the dental would have been preserved - and the compensating labialisation of the velar).

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