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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *mĭʒ_V
MEANING: sweet
NAKH: *mac̣-ri-n
AAND: *mic̣:a-
CEZ: *nucV A
LAK: nac̣u-
DARG: *muzi-
LEZG: *ʔic̣:ɨ- (/*mic̣:ɨ-)
KHIN: c̣in
ABAD: *c̣ʷǝ
COMMENT: A very widely represented root, and there is no doubt in its archaic character. Most languages also reflect the common EC derivate *hwmĭʒū 'honey' (in some of the modern languages reflexes of these two roots later merged or influenced each other, see above).

    The EC-WC comparison see Абдоков 1983, 149. It seems probable, but there are reservations: if the WC form is really related, one must reconstruct *mĭʒ_ŭ with a short final vowel (opposed to -ū in *hwmĭʒ_ū 'honey'); also unclear are the reasons for dropping *m- in PWC.


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