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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *=ǟwčĂ
MEANING: to emit, pour; vomit
NAKH: *l-ēbč-
AAND: *=ačʷ- (~-o-)
CEZ: *ʔeč-
LAK: =i=či-
LEZG: *ʔäča-
ABAD: *ǯʷǝ
COMMENT: The medial *-w- accounts for PN *-b- and the labialisation in PA and PWC (*-čw- can not be reconstructed - it would give a quite different set of reflexes). The original meaning must have been "to emit, pour" (whence, a) "to wash, to bathe", b) "to throw, strew; to leap", c) "to vomit" - meanings constantly recurring in different subgroups). It is interesting to note that many languages have prefixed *l- or suffixed *-l- ( < *ɫ). It may mean that *ɫ- was originally part of the root (*ɫǟwčĂ) and was later reinterpreted as a preverb.

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