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Аваро-андийская этимология :

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Праформа: *ʔanƛV-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: to hear
Андийский: anʎi- 1
Ахвахский: ãƛu-nu- 1
Чамалинский: woʎa- 1
Тиндинский: anʎ- 1
Каратинский: anʎ- 1
Ботлихский: ãh- 1
Багвалинский: ãh- 1
Годоберинский: anʎ- 1
Комментарии: Cf. also Kar. Anch. ãh-, Akhv. Tseg., Tlan. ãʎ-, Bagv. Tlond. alhã-; Cham. Gig. ruʎ- (Cham. Gig. r-, Gakv. w- < *r- is an historical prefix). The Cham. form suggests that the original root was *-uƛ- (with class prefixation), and all other Andian languages reflect actually a compound *ʔan-uƛ-, where the first component is most probably a distorted PA *han- 'ear' (with a weakened initial laryngeal) q.v. Chamalal, however, had also possessed the stem *ʔanƛV- > anʎ-, as seen from the nominal derivate ãʎ, Gig. anʎi 'word, speech' ("smth. heard").

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