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Макро-койсанская этимология :

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Пракойсанский: "*Ha" | Метод запроса: Подстрока
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Пракойсанский: *Ha
Значение: deictic stem
Прабушменский: *(h)a/*(h)e
Пракхое: *a
Сандаве: *hā-
Хадза: *ha
Примечания: A near-universal stem; cf. Borean HV 'that, this'.
Пракойсанский: *ha
Значение: interrogative stem
Прабушменский: *ah
Пракхое: *hV
Сандаве: *ha
Пракойсанский: *haka
Значение: four
Пракхое: *haka
Сандаве: *haka
Примечания: A very interesting isogloss between Khoe and Sandawe, made a little suspicious by the fact that all other numeric parallels between these languages are either highly questionable ('one', 'two') or non-existent. On the other hand, there is no reason to attribute this to contacts between Khoe and Sandawe speakers, which are not documented; at best one could think of a common substrate - but such a substrate has not been found either (the numeral is unknown to any Niger-Congo or Nilo-Saharan speakers).
Пракойсанский: *[H]a
Значение: 2nd person pronoun
Прабушменский: *a(h)
Пракхое: *c-á
Сандаве: *ha-pV (?)
Примечания: Initial *c- in Khoe is most probably a former class prefix, as seen from the opposing form *s-á (fem., where *s- = *-s in the general feminine marker for nouns.) Much more problematic is the Sandawe stem, where the main emphasis is on the *-pV part (which also functions separately in verbal forms as the regular marker for the 2nd p. sg.), while initial ha- has been tentatively associated (e. g. by O. Dempwolff) with the deictic stem *ha- 'that'. However, given the similarity of Sandawe 1st p. pronouns with Khoe, it cannot be excluded that ha- is, in fact, the primary marker here.
Пракойсанский: *ha(ʔ)re
Значение: to fetch water
Прабушменский: *ha̰ʔare (?)
Пракхое: *hàré
Сандаве: *hawe
Примечания: Honken 1998: 187. Sandawe hawe could reflect "lenition" from *hare, or perhaps simply reflect a different suffix (*ha-we vs. *ha-re).
Пракойсанский: *Hala
Значение: scorpion
Сандаве: *alā̆la
Хадза: *hala
Примечания: A Hadza-Sandawe isogloss, possibly areal.
Пракойсанский: *ha [~]
Значение: to come
Пракхое: *hǎ
Примечания: So far found only in Khoe.
Пракойсанский: *ha [~]
Значение: tooth
Хадза: *aha
Примечания: Not found outside Hadza.
Пракойсанский: *ha
Значение: past tense marker
Прабушменский: *ha
Пракхое: *-ha(ŋ)
Примечания: A solid grammatical isogloss between Peripheral Khoisan and Khoe.
Пракойсанский: *hama [~]
Значение: to sit
Хадза: *hama
Примечания: Found only in Hadza.
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