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Source: Kari 1978
Author: Kari, James
Full name: Deg Xinag. Ingalik noun dictionary (preliminary).
Publisher data: Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center.
Language(s): Degexit'an
Code(s): pca-deg
Description: Topical dictionary of nouns and grammar words of the Degexit'an language (both Yukon and Kuskokwim dialects).
Source: Kari 1990
Author: Kari, James
Full name: Ahtna Athabaskan dictionary.
Publisher data: Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center.
Language(s): Ahtena, Central; Ahtena, Mentasta
Code(s): pca-ahc; pca-ahm
Description: Extensive dictionary of the Ahtena language, covering all dialects: Central [C], Lower [L], Western [W], Mentasta [M] (the absence of a specific siglum means that this form is used in all the dialects), and supplemented with a grammatical sketch.
Source: Kari 1994
Author: Kari, James
Full name: Lower Tanana Athabaskan Dictionary.
Publisher data: Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center.
Language(s): Tanana, Lower
Code(s): pca-tal
Description: Lower Tanana-English and English-Lower Tanana dictionary draft based on the Minto dialect plus some specific forms from the Chena dialect. Compiled from various sources, particularly the work of Michael Krauss in the 1960s.
Source: Kari 2007
Author: Kari, James
Full name: Dena'ina Topical Dictionary.
Publisher data: Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center.
Language(s): Tanaina, Upper Inlet; Tanaina, Outer Inlet; Tanaina, Inland; Tanaina, Iliamna
Code(s): pca-tfu; pca-tfo; pca-tfi; pca-tfl
Description: Thematic dictionary of the Tanaina language, covering all main dialects: Upper Inlet [U], Outer Inlet [O], Inland [I], Iliamna [Il] (apparently if Iliamna is not marked separately, the Iliamna form is assumed to be the same as the Inland [I] one, whereas specific Inland forms, not shared by Iliamna, are labeled as "NL", i.e., Lime Village and Nondalton - two subdialects of Inland). The absence of a specific sigla means that this form is used in all the dialects.
Source: Kaslandzia 2005
Author: Касландзия, В. А.
Full name: Абхазско-русский словарь. [Abkhaz-Russian dictionary].
Publisher data: Сухум.
Language(s): Abkhaz, Abzhuwa
Code(s): wcc-abk
Description: One of the most recent and detailed dictionaries of Abkhaz (in two volumes), based exclusively on the Abzhuwa dialect and well illustrated by examples of syntactic usage.
Source: Kauczor 1920
Author: Kauczor, P. Daniel
Full name: Die Bergnubische Sprache (Dialekt von Gebel Delen).
Publisher data: Wien: In Kommission bei Alfred Hölder.
Language(s): Dilling
Code(s): nub-del
Description: A detailed grammar of the Dilling (Deleny, Jebel Delen) language. Does not include a separate dictionary, but the lexical data that illustrate phonology, morphology, and syntax are copious enough to allow the construction of a near-complete Swadesh wordlist.
Source: Khalilov 1995
Author: Халилов, М. Ш.
Full name: Бежтинско-русский словарь [Bezhta-Russian Dictionary].
Publisher data: Махачкала.
Language(s): Bezhta, Proper
Code(s): tsz-bez
Description: A Bezhta-Russian dictionary (ca. 7000 entries), based on the Bezhta proper dialect with specific words from other dialects quoted. Supplemented with a Russian-Bezhta index and a grammar sketch.
Source: Khanmagomedov & Shalbuzov 2001
Author: Ханмагомедов, Б. Г.; Шалбузов, К. Т.
Full name: Табасаранско-русский словарь. [Tabasaran-Russian dictionary].
Publisher data: Москва: Илим.
Language(s): Tabasaran, Southern
Code(s): lez-tas
Description: A Literary Tabasaran-Russian dictionary of ca. 25000 entries, supplemented by a grammar sketch.
Source: Kibebe 2015
Author: Kibebe Tsehay Taye
Year: 2015
Full name: Documentation and grammatical description of Chabu.
Publisher data: PhD Thesis: Addis Ababa University.
Language(s): Shabo
Code(s): shb-shb
Description: A detailed grammatical description of Shabo (Chabu), well illustrated by lexical and syntactic examples and accompanied by a representative vocabulary.
Source: Kibrik et al. 1977a
Author: Кибрик, А. Е.; Кодзасов, С. В.; Оловянникова, И. П.; Самедов, Д. С.
Full name: Опыт структурного описания арчинского языка. Т. 1: Лексика, фонетика. Т. 2: Таксономическая грамматика. Т. 3: Динамическая грамматика [A Structural Description of Archi: V. 1. Lexics, Phonetics. V. 2. Taxonomic Grammar. V. 3. Dynamic Grammar].
Publisher data: Москва.
Language(s): Archi
Code(s): lez-aqc
Description: A detailed grammar of Archi in three volumes.
Source: Kibrik et al. 1977b
Author: Кибрик, А. Е.; Кодзасов, С. В.; Оловянникова, И. П.; Самедов, Д. С.
Full name: Арчинский язык: Тексты и словари [The Archi Language: Texts and vocabularies].
Publisher data: Москва.
Language(s): Archi
Code(s): lez-aqc
Description: Various Archi texts with Russian translation, supplemented by a detailed Archi-Russian dictionary. The texts have now been re-recorded and published at the site of the LangueDOC project: [Accessed on November 2011].
Source: Kibrik et al. 1999
Author: Кибрик, А. Е.; Тестелец, Я. Г. (ред.)
Full name: Элементы цахурского языка в типологическом освещении [Elements of Tsakhur from a typological point of view.].
Publisher data: Москва.
Language(s): Tsakhur, Mishlesh
Code(s): lez-tkx
Description: A theoretical grammar of the Mishlesh dialect (Tsakh group) of Tsakhur, supplemented by texts and a glossary.
Source: Kibrik & Kodzasov 1988
Author: Кибрик, А. К.; Кодзасов, С. В.
Full name: Сопоставительное изучение дагестанских языков: Глагол [Comparative Studies in Daghestanian Languages: The Verb].
Publisher data: Москва.
Language(s): Udi, Nidzh; Archi; Kryts; Budukh; Tsakhur, Mikik; Tsakhur, Gelmets; Rutul, Luchek; Aghul, Koshan; Aghul, Keren; Aghul, Fite; Tabasaran, Northern; Tabasaran, Southern; Khinalug; Hunzib; Bezhta, Khoshar-Khota; Bezhta, Tlyadal; Dido, Kidero
Code(s): lez-udn; lez-aqc; lez-krp; lez-bdk; lez-tky; lez-tkz; lez-rul; lez-agk; lez-age; lez-agf; lez-tan; lez-tas; kjj-kjj; tsz-huz; tsz-bek; tsz-bet; tsz-ddo
Description: A thematic glossary of verbs in East Caucasian languages. Supplemented by short sketches of the verb systems in individual languages.
Source: Kibrik & Kodzasov 1990
Author: Кибрик, А. К.; Кодзасов, С. В.
Full name: Сопоставительное изучение дагестанских языков: Имя [Comparative Studies in Daghestanian Languages: The Noun].
Publisher data: Москва.
Language(s): Udi, Nidzh; Archi; Kryts; Budukh; Tsakhur, Mikik; Tsakhur, Gelmets; Rutul, Luchek; Aghul, Koshan; Aghul, Keren; Aghul, Fite; Tabasaran, Northern; Tabasaran, Southern; Khinalug; Hunzib; Bezhta, Khoshar-Khota; Bezhta, Tlyadal; Dido, Kidero
Code(s): lez-udn; lez-aqc; lez-krp; lez-bdk; lez-tky; lez-tkz; lez-rul; lez-agk; lez-age; lez-agf; lez-tan; lez-tas; kjj-kjj; tsz-huz; tsz-bek; tsz-bet; tsz-ddo
Description: A thematic glossary of nouns in East Caucasian languages. Supplemented by short sketches of the phonetic and nominal systems in individual languages.
Source: Kiggen 1948
Author: Kiggen, J.
Full name: Nuer-English Dictionary.
Publisher data: Drukkeri van het Missiehuis, Steyl bij Tegelen (Nederland).
Language(s): Nuer
Code(s): wnl-nue
Description: As of now, this source remains the single largest officially published document on Nuer lexicography. Precise dialect is not indicated, although the dictionary occasionally indicates dialectal variants. Accuracy of transcription is debatable, since the author clearly did not have a full comprehension of the extremely complicated vowel system of Nuer.
Source: Kilian-Hatz 2003
Author: Kilian-Hatz, Christa
Full name: Khwe-English Dictionary.
Publisher data: Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.
Language(s): Kxoe
Code(s): kho-huk
Description: Large dictionary based on the author's own field research as well as previously available data from Oswin Köhler's materials. Includes an English-Khwe index as well.
Source: Killian 2015
Author: Killian, Don
Full name: Topics in Uduk Phonology and Morpho\-syntax. Ph.D. dissertation
Publisher data: University of Helsinki.
Language(s): Uduk
Code(s): kom-udu
Description: A detailed description of the phonology and grammar of Uduk, well illustrated by lexical and syntactic examples and containing several examples of glossed texts.
Source: Kirkland & Dawkins 2007
Author: Kirkland, Cortney; Dawkins, Erin
Full name: A Sociolinguistic Survey of Eastern Kayah Li in Thailand.
Publisher data: Thailand: Payap University.
Language(s): Kayah Li, Eastern; Kayah Li, Western
Code(s): krn-kli; krn-wkl
Description: This sociolinguistic report on several varieties of Kayah Li includes a 155-item comparative wordlist elicited by the authors from two dialects of Eastern Kayah Li (Huai Phung and Huang Chai Kham villages), as well as a separate wordlist on Eastern Kayah Li and another on Western Kayah Li, taken from data collected by Fraser Bennett in 1991-1992.
Source: Kloekhorst 2008
Author: Kloekhorst, A.
Full name: Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon.
Publisher data: Leiden / Boston: Brill.
Language(s): Hittite
Code(s): ana-oht
Description: Etymological dictionary of the Hittite inherited vocabulary with analysis of synchronic textological data.
Source: Koçi & Skendi 1950
Author: Koçi, R.; Serebrenjikov, B. A.
Full name: Fjalor i Shkurter Shqip-Rusisht [Краткий албанско-русский словарь].
Publisher data: Москва: Государственное издательство иностранных и национальных словарей.
Language(s): Albanian, Tosk
Code(s): alb-alb
Description: A 12,000-item Albanian-Russian dictionary of the standard literary language.
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