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NUMBER: 2580
PROTO: *nVʕay-(t-) ~ *nayaʕ-
MEANING: udder, breast (of an animal)
иудейский арамейский: nǝyāʕā, nīʕā 'fat-tail, rump, breast of an animal' [Ja 906]; nyʕ 'breast of an animal' [Sok 350]
сирийский арамейский: nāʕā 'pectus' [Brock 434]
арабский: nuʕnuʕat- (redupl.) 'gésier, jabot (d'oiseau)' [BK 2 1299].

    Cf.a variant root nuɣnuɣ- 'gorge, canal de la gorge; cet endroit du cou du chameau qui remue lorsque le chameau rumine; collier du coq, plumes du cou chez le coq' [ibid. 1303]

мехри: nǝʔīt 'udder' [JM 278].

    Cf. suff. anǝʕyɛ́t-s 'her udder' [ibid.]

джиббали: naʕét 'udder' [JJ 179]
сокотри: nǝ́ʕǝh do. [JJ 179].

    Leslau quotes níʔiḥ 'pis' [LS 254], where -ḥ must reflect -ʕ devoiced in Auslaut

NOTES: *nVʕay-(t-) is likely an underlying form in MSA, and *nayaʕ-, in ARM.

    Note a meaning shift in ARB; -u- is difficult to explain from the proto-form.

    [LS 254]: SOQ, MSA, JUD

NUMBER: 2581
PROTO: *ṭap(a)ḥ-
MEANING: span, palm of hand
еврейский (иврит): ṭäpaḥ (also ṭōpaḥ, ṭapḥā) 'hand-breadth, span' [KB 378]
иудейский арамейский: ṭpḥ 'handbreadth' [Sok 229].

    Borrowed from, or influenced by, HBR ?

амхарский: ṭǝffi 'palm of the hand' [K 2192]
сокотри: ṭáfaḥ 'bord (du pied, de la main)' [SSL LS 1477].

    Cf. the authors' comment: "selon un de nos informateurs ṭ. désigne un "bord" en général" [ibid.]; in [LS 207] ṭófḥoh is rendered as 'côté' (with a reference to ARB ḌOFAR ṭofḥ 'der Rücken, die stumpfe Seite der einseitigen Schwertklinge' [Rhodokanakis 36]). Note QALAN-V ṭā́faɣ di-ŝāf (di-hēd) 'dessus du pied (de la main)' [SSL 4 92] where -ɣ in ṭā́faɣ is hard to explain. Cf. also ṭayif 'stretch (hand)'

NOTES: Rather scarcely attested; diverse meaning shifts.

    The connection with a widespread verbal root *ṭpḥ 'to spread' (cf., for instance, [KB 378]) is not quite clear; it is evident, however, that the assumption of a denominative verb in this case is no less tenable than that of a deverbal noun.

    There is AKK ṭappu 'sole of the foot' quoted without reference in [KB 378] (not in [AHw]), most probably based on [Holma 138].

    Note a derived verb to be recognized as common SEM, in ARM: JUD ṭpḥ (paʕ) 'to slap, strike with the hand; to clap hands' [Ja 546], [Sok 229], SYR ṭǝpaḥ 'pugnis cecidit; complosit (manus)' [Brock 285] and ETH: GEZ ṭafḥa 'to clap the hands' [LGz 588], (?) AMH ṭäffa 'to slap, give a slap' [K 2192] (the latter may alternatively go back to *ṣpʕ, cf. TGR ṣäfʕa 'to slap in the face' [LH 650]). Cf. also JIB ṭéfaḥ 'to scoop a little water' [JJ 274], with a presumed meaning shift 'palm of hand' > 'to scoop by hand'. Cf. another meaning shift in ARB ṭāfiḥ- 'trop grand pour tenir dans la main' (e.g. rukbatun ṭāfiḥatun 'genou dont la rotule est tellement grande que la main ne peut pas l'embrasser') [BK 2 88].

    One wonders whether MSA: MHR ṭáfḥ 'mountain side' [JM 407], JIB ṭafḥ 'steep mountain side' [JJ 275] may be a semantic development from 'palm, sole'

NUMBER: 2582
PROTO: *ɣ/ʕilb-
MEANING: 'have a thick neck'
арабский: ʔaɣlab- 'qui a le cou gros et épais' BK 2 490, ʕilbāʔ- 'grand muscle de chaque côté du cou' 2 337
тигре: ʕlb < Arb
NOTES: Denominative verb. Otherwise from ɣlb 'to win, get an upper hand over smb.'.
NUMBER: 2583
PROTO: *ḥarkak-
MEANING: 'upper part of thigh'
арабский: ḥarkakat- 'haut de la hanche' BK 1 413
NOTES: Cf. MSA *ḥark- 'cripple, lame' (JJ, JM).
NUMBER: 2584
PROTO: *pāʔil-
MEANING: 'muscle of the thigh'
арабский: fāʔil- 'muscle qui pert de la hanche et descend dans l'intérieur du fémur jusqu'au tibia'; fāʔilat- 'partie intérieur du morceau de chair qui entoure l'os de la queue et descend jusqu'au fémur' BK 2 655
NUMBER: 2585
PROTO: *gilaʕ-
MEANING: prepuce, clitoris
сирийский арамейский: gǝlaʕtā 'praeputium' [Brock 119] (the other meaning is, strangely enough, 'os palmulae')
арабский: ǯ̌lʕ 'oter, enlever le prépuce (dans la circoncision)' [BK 1 316]
мехри: gǝlōt 'clitoris' [JM 118]
джиббали: giẑʕɔ́t 'clitoris' [JJ 75]
сокотри: note ʕELHA gilɛ̄́ʕmɔti, gilɛ̄́mɔti 'amygdales; ganglions' [SSL 4 88] (according to [LS 110], gelʕémoh 'grain'); if related, the meaning shift must be very exotic
NOTES: As a noun with anatomic connotations reliably attested in ARM and MSA only; note a derived verb in ARB.

    Cf. ETH EAST: SEL gole, GUR: MSQ GOG gʷäle 'young man who is not circumcised' [LGur 271]; according to Leslau, from OROMO gole.

    Note SOQ ʕELHA gilɛ̄́ʕmɔti, gilɛ̄́mɔti 'amygdales; ganglions' [SSL 4 88] (according to [LS 110], gelʕémoh 'grain'); related with a very specific meaning shift?

    Possibly derived from SEM *glʕ 'to uncover' (in HBR PB, ARB, TGR, etc., cf. [LGz 189]) implying that what later acquired the meaning 'prepuce' or related meanings in SYR and ARB, and 'clitoris' in MSA (note that clitoral circumcision is a well-attested practice in MSA speaking areas) originally meant 'the member subject to uncovering (=circumcision)'.

    [DRS 131]: SYR, MSA

NUMBER: 2586
NUMBER: 2587
PROTO: *g(ʷ)ann- ~ *ga/inga/in-
MEANING: breastbone; side of body
арабский: ǧanǧan-, ǧanǧan-(at-), ǧinǧin- 'os de la poitrine, sternum, bréchet' [BK 1 337] (redupl.)
тигре: gǝnne 'breast-piece, shoulder piece (meat of the especially good pieces)' [LH 587].

    Also 'piece of fat meat between the forelegs of the cow (much liked); breast-callus of the camel' [ibid. 588]

амхарский: gʷänn 'flank, side (of the body from armpit to hip)' [K 2001].

    According to Leslau, the same as gʷädǝn do. [LGur 267]

гафат: gʷanä 'côte, vertèbre' [LGaf 203]
восточноэфиопские: SEL gon 'side of body, place, side' [LGur 280]
гураге: GOG SOD gʷän 'side of body, place, side' [LGur 280].

    Leslau seems to suggest the origin of this GUR and AMH roots from gʷädin 'rib' [ibid. 264] with assimilation of d to n, which looks unlikely, especially in view of the comparative data

NOTES: Cf. ETH EAST: SEL wägän 'side, direction' (also 'tribe, clan') [LGur 1 1025], WOL wägän 'side' [ibid. 1229], GUR: MUH wägän 'side' [ibid. I 946], SOD wägän 'side, direction' (also 'relatives') [ibid. 1111]; metathetically related to the present root or to *gu/in-, *ʔ/wVgVn- 'cheek-bone', No. ). Leslau unites all these (and GOG wägän 'tribe, clan' [ibid. 610]) under one heading 'side, direction, tribe, clan, relatives' [LGur 647]; the shift of meaning implied remains to be explained
NUMBER: 2588
PROTO: *kāhil-
MEANING: part of the back below the neck
арабский: kāhil- 'garrot (chez les animaux), la partie le plus élevée du dos et qui touche au cou; la partie du dos entres les homoplates (chez l'homme)' BK 2 939
NUMBER: 2589
PROTO: *gawz-
MEANING: 'maxillary gland'
арабский: ǯawzat- (unless from id. 'nut') BK 1 1355
NUMBER: 2590
PROTO: *gat_āʔ-
MEANING: 'person'
арабский: gat_āʔ- 'personne, individue'
NUMBER: 2591
PROTO: *gaṣṣ-
MEANING: 'face'
геэз (древнеэфиопский): gaṣṣ 'face, aspect, person, etc. LGz 205
тигре: gäṣṣ
амхарский: gäṣṣ, gäṭṭ ("<Gz")
NUMBER: 2592
PROTO: *gʷin/mṣ̂- ~ *gahṣ̂-am-
MEANING: 'cheek' 1, 'chin' 2, 'big-headed and round-faced' 3
арабский: ǯahḍam- 3 'qui a une grosse tête et le visage rond' BK 1 345
тиграй (тигринья): gunč̣i 1
амхарский: gunč̣, gʷǝnč̣ 1
аргобба: gumbǝč̣ 1
харари: gunč̣i, gumč̣i 1
восточноэфиопские: Sel gūnč̣a 1
гураге: *gʷīnč̣ä 1, 2
NUMBER: 2593
PROTO: *ʔalim-
MEANING: 'tanned hide used as a cushion'
амхарский: ʔalim ('peau tanné servant de couchette') Baet.
NUMBER: 2594
PROTO: *ḳʷirb-at-
MEANING: 'skin' 1, 'leather bag or basket' 2
арабский: ḳirbat- 2 ('grande outre à lait ou à eau faite d'une seule peau cousue au milieu') BK 2 704
геэз (древнеэфиопский): ḳʷǝrbābit 2 ('leather bag') LGz 440 ("probably reconstructed from Amh ḳʷǝrbabičča")
тиграй (тигринья): ḳwǝrbät 1
амхарский: ḳorbät 1, ḳäräbbō 2 ('corbeille tressée avec le cuir de la tête du boeuf') Baet
NUMBER: 2595
PROTO: *parik-
MEANING: '(a nut) with a fragile shell'
арабский: farik- 'qui a l'écorce cassée' BK 2 586, 'qui a l'écorce facile à briser (noix)' Belot 585
NOTES: A deverbal noun?
NUMBER: 2596
PROTO: *warr-
MEANING: 'thighbone'
арабский: warr- 'os des hanches' BK 2 1516
NUMBER: 2597
PROTO: *ʔ/ʕVlVk- ~ *ʕalik-
MEANING: 'chew, gnaw' 1, 'molars' 2
арабский: ʔlk 1 ('ronger son frein, le mors (se dit du cheval)' BK 1 47); ʕlk 1 ('manger, mâcher et retourner un morceau dans sa bouche; faire claquer les dents'), ʔal-ʕalikāt- 2 ('dents molaires' ibid. 2 348)
NUMBER: 2598
PROTO: *gubb-at- 1, 2 ~ *gibār-at- 1
MEANING: 'wrist' 1, 'ankle' 2
арабский: ǯubbat- 1, 2 BK 1 246; ǯibārat- 1 BK 1 248
NUMBER: 2599
PROTO: *ḳanṭ-ā/īr-
MEANING: small penis; clitoris; female genital organ
современные арамейские: Tur. ḳūṭo 'vulva (von frauen)' (Ritter 404), N.-Syr. ḳūṭā 'the womb' (M 272; according to Maclean, a loanword from Kurdish ḳūz)
арабский: ḳanṭ- 'verge chez un petit garc̣on' [BK 2 822]
современные арабские языки: DAT_ ḳanṭār 'clitoris' [GD 2533]
тиграй (тигринья): ḳǝnṭ 'vulva; lower or back part' (LH 252)
амхарский: ḳǝnṭǝr 'clitoris, female genital organ' [K 136] (cf. ḳiṭ 'buttocks, anus' K 826)
восточноэфиопские: SEL WOL ḳǝnṭǝr 'clitoris, female genital organ' [LGur 490]
гураге: CHA EZ̆A ENN GYE MUH MSQ ḳǝnṭǝr do. [ibid.].

    Leslau also quotes similar CUSH forms [ibid.]

сокотри: ḳánṭhir 'vulve' [SSL LS 1463] (after the unpublished notes by T.M.Jonstone); otherwise ḳánther [LS 379], [SSL LS 1463] (-h- points to a long vowel in the proto-form)
NOTES: Vocalism not quite reliable. Attested only in the S. SEM area; a possibility of an areal term, not of a common SEM origin, is not to be excluded.

    [LS 379]: SOQ, ETH; [LGur 490]: GUR, ETH, SOQ, ARB (DAT_)

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