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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *mok:ʷ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 nest, burrow 2 basket; hive 3 tree-hollow
Lezghian: mug 1
Tabasaran: mug 2
Agul: mug 1,3
Comment: Cf. Lezg. obl. muk:a-, Khl. mɨg, mɨk:a-, Tab. Kand. mug 'nest'.
Proto-Lezghian: *moʎ (~-u-,-ʎ:)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: hornbeam
Tabasaran: mux
Comment: In the Kand. dialect (field notes) the word mux means 'asp'. Apparently isolated within Lezghian, but having reliable external parallels.
Proto-Lezghian: *moƛ:or
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 ladder 2 funeral stretcher
Lezghian: gur-ar 1
Rutul: mɨɣɨr 2
Tsakhur: mɨɣɨr 1 (Mishl.)
Kryz: mɨɣɨr 1
Budukh: jumur 1
Comment: Cf. also Lezg. Nüt. ɣur-ar 'ladder'. 3d class in all class-distinguishing languages. The syllable *mo- in Lezg. has regularly disappeared. In Bud. there occurred a metathesis (jumur < *mujur). The word probably meant originally 'wooden frame-like structure' (cf. also the external evidence).
Proto-Lezghian: *moƛ̣:or
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 birch 2 poles for planking ceiling 3 wooden pipe
Lezghian: muḳur 3
Tabasaran: muk:ur 3
Agul: muk:ur 2
Archi: moƛ̣:or 1
Comment: The precise meaning in Lezg. and Tab. is "a wooden pipe for draining urine from the cradle". 3d class in Arch.

    The root originally must have meant some foliage tree (not "birch" - because the meaning "birch" in Arch. is an innovation, after the word superseded the original PL *merχIʷ "birch" q.v.), which was used for making planking poles and certain details of the cradle. Later most languages started using the root only in these derived meanings (note also in Archi: moƛ̣:or "birch", but already "pole for planking ceiling" in a compound χ:at-moƛ̣:or "ceiling", lit. "cross-beams"+"planking poles").

Proto-Lezghian: *moq̇Iol
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 heel 2 foot, kick
Lezghian: q̇ül 2
Rutul: maq̇Ili 1 (Ikhr.)
Tsakhur: mɨq̇Iĺɨ
Comment: Cf. also Tsakh. Gelm. muq̇Ile, Tsakh. muq̇Iule 'heel'. The Rut. and Tsakh. forms have a suffixed *-j (cf. Tsakh. obl. mɨq̇Iĺɨjɨ-); loss of *mo- in Lezg. is regular. 3d class in Rut. and Tsakh.
Proto-Lezghian: *morc̣:ʷ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: corner
Lezghian: murṭ
Tabasaran: murč:̌
Agul: murt:
Archi: mec̣:e
Comment: Cf. also Lezg. Khl. mɨrd (erg. mrt:a; -ṭ in lit. Lezg. is secondary, on analogy with obl. murṭu-), Tab. Düb. muč:̌u id. Obl. base *morc̣:ʷe- or *morc̣:ʷɨ- (cf. Lezg. murṭu-, Tab. murč:̌a-). The Arch. form is originally locative ("in the corner" < *morc̣:ʷe-ʔ). 3d class in Archi.

    See Лексика 1971, 201; Гигинейшвили 1977, 107.

Proto-Lezghian: *morkol
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: toe
Lezghian: kul
Tabasaran: murkil
Agul: kumul
Rutul: kɨli
Comment: In Ag. there occurred a metathesis (as in PD); cf. also Ag. Bursh. kulum (with still another metathesis). Other comments: -i- in Tab. is secondary (analogy with the assimilated obl. stem *murkili- > murkli-), cf.Tab. Düb. murkul. In Lezg. the loss of *mo- is absolutely regular; however, in Rut. (kɨli) it occurred only on analogy with ṭili 'finger'.

    See Талибов 1980, 288.

Proto-Lezghian: *morʎ:(ol)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 balcony prop 2 post,pole 3 support 4 stairs
Lezghian: gul 2
Tabasaran: murxil 1
Agul: murxil 2
Rutul: mɨxɨl 2
Archi: moʎ:ol 3
Udi: muχ 4
Comment: Cf. also Lezg. Khl. gɨl 'post, pole'. 3d class in Arch. and Rut. In Arch. the word is preserved only within several phraseologisms, cf. moʎ:ol bekes 'to stamp one's feet', moʎ:ol orci 'stirrup' ('support for feet') etc. All languages except Udi reflect the old *-l-suffix.
Proto-Lezghian: *morƛ:ɨl / *uorƛ:ɨl
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 man 2 male 3 male child 4 brave man, hero
Lezghian: rugul 3
Tabasaran: murgu-ž̌i 4
Rutul: wɨɣɨl-dɨ 1
Tsakhur: wɨɣɨli-n 2
Kryz: miɣil 2
Budukh: wɨli 2
Archi: meƛle 2
Comment: Lezg. rugul goes back to *u_orƛ:ɨl with a regular elision of *u_o-. The original form (to judge from external correspondences) must have been the one with *m-; initial *u- substituted it under analogy with the 1t class prefix *u_-. External evidence shows also that inspite of the superficial resemblance this is not the same root as PL *ƛ:ilV- 'man, male' (q.v.).

    See Лексика 1971, 131; Гигинейшвили 1977, 86.

Proto-Lezghian: *mo-sa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: when
Lezghian: mus
Agul: mus (Tp.)
Rutul: mɨs
Tsakhur: musa(na)
Kryz: mɨs
Archi: basa
Comment: Not quite clear is the denasalisation in Arch. (for this form there are no grounds to suspect an archetype like *wo-nsa).
Proto-Lezghian: *mos:ɨ-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: hungry
Tsakhur: mɨs:ɨ-n
Budukh: mɨz
Udi: busa
Comment: Initial b- in Udi is unclear (there is no reason to suppose a PL form like *wons:ɨ-).
Proto-Lezghian: *mos:Vra (~ -s-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: goat (more than 1 y. old)
Tsakhur: mɨswa / muswa
Comment: Cf. also Gelm., Tsakh. mɨswa id. The position of -s- before -w- ( < *-r-) does not allow to choose among *-s:- or *-s- for PL (in Tsakh. the opposition in tenseness is neutralized before consonants). 3d class. The root is attested only in Tsakh., but has probable external parallels.
Proto-Lezghian: *moso-l
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 tomb-stone 2 post, pillar
Rutul: sɨl 1
Archi: mosol 1
Udi: ol 2
Comment: 3d class in Arch. and Rut. Archi preserves the most archaic root structure (cf. the external evidence); reasons for loss of *mo- in Rut. and Ud. are unclear (this process is typical only for Lezg.).
Proto-Lezghian: *moχ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 barley 2 a sp. of barley (голозерный ячмень)
Lezghian: muχ 1
Tabasaran: muχ 1
Agul: muχ 2
Kryz: mɨχ 1
Budukh: muχ 1
Archi: maχa 1
Comment: Cf. also Lezg. Khl. mɨχ, Tab. Düb. muχ, Ag. Bursh. muχ. 3d class in Bud. and Arch., 4th class in Kryz. Obl. base *moχa- (cf. Lezg. muχa-, Khl. mɨχa-, Tab. muχa-, Ag. muχa-). Arch. maχa < *moχa-j (with a frequent -j-suffix). See Гигинейшвили 1977, 134.
Proto-Lezghian: *moχor
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 breast 2 female breast 3 breast meat, brisket
Lezghian: χur 1
Tabasaran: muχur 1
Agul: muχur 1
Rutul: mɨχɨr 1
Tsakhur: muχu 2
Kryz: maχar 1
Budukh: maχar 1
Archi: moχor 3
Comment: 3d class in all class-distinguishing languages. Not quite clear is the -a-vocalism in Shakhdagh.

    See Талибов 1960а, 296; Лексика 1971, 107; Гигинейшвили 1977, 68.

Proto-Lezghian: *muʔel
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 nose 2 beak 3 snot
Lezghian: ner 1
Agul: muʔul 2
Kryz: miʔel 1
Budukh: meʔel 1
Archi: muIl 3
Comment: The Lezghi form needs a special comment. It is, in fact, a historical plural form: n-er < *ʔin-er < *ʔil-er (cf. dialectal Khl. iler 'nose'); the shift from l to n in lit. Lezghi is not quite clear, but paralleled in the case n-ez "eat" < *ʔil-ez (see *ʔiʔʷäl-). In its turn, *ʔil-er is a quite regular reflex of *muʔel-ar ("the nostrils") with a normal loss of the preaccented sequence *mu-.

    The word belongs to the 3d class in Kryz., Bud. and Arch.

    See Лексика 1971, 120.

Proto-Lezghian: *muč
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 wind 2 hope
Tabasaran: mič 2 (Düb.)
Agul: muš 2 (Bursh.)
Tsakhur: mɨc 1
Udi: muš 1
Comment: Rather strange is -c in Tsakh. (regularly -č would be expected). The shift 'wind'/'hope' is usual in NC.

    Cf. Лексика 1971, 180; Гигинейшвили 1977, 92.

Proto-Lezghian: *muc̣- (~-o-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: paw
Tabasaran: muc̣u (Khaidakov)
Comment: Isolated in Tab., but having probable external parallels.
Proto-Lezghian: *muhIVl ( ~ -ʔ-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: mountain
Archi: mul
Comment: The Arch. form is isolated within Lezghian, but with good external parallels.
Proto-Lezghian: *mulaqIʷ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 worm 2 snake
Lezghian: ʁüläʁ 2
Tabasaran: malaqIʷ 1
Agul: maluqI 1
Rutul: muluχI 1
Tsakhur: mɨqI 1
Budukh: mulaʡ 1
Archi: miliχIu 1
Udi: meq 1
Comment: Cf. also Tab. Düb. mulaqI, Ag. Burk. mäIleqʷ. In Lezg. the ʁ- is a secondary prothesis (cf. Khl. üläʁ, with regular dropping of initial *m(u)-).

    See Гигинейшвили 1977, 97.

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