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face="Times New Roman Star"*dal-g-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"waveface="Times New Roman Star"âîëíà

face="Times New Roman Star"dalga 2
face="Times New Roman Star"talg|a 'Wellenschlag', talg|um, talqum 'sea waves'

face="Times New Roman Star"dalg|a 2

face="Times New Roman Star"KW 94, VEWT 458, 487. An Oghuz word.
face="Times New Roman Star"*damface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 drop 2 to dropface="Times New Roman Star"1 êàïëÿ 2 êàïàòü
face="Times New Roman Star"tam- 2 (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"dam- 2face="Times New Roman Star"tam- 2face="Times New Roman Star"tam 1 (Abush.), tam- 2 (Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"to|m-face="Times New Roman Star"tam- 2
face="Times New Roman Star"dam- 2face="Times New Roman Star"dam- 2

face="Times New Roman Star"tam- 2
face="Times New Roman Star"tom-la- 2face="Times New Roman Star"tammax 1
face="Times New Roman Star"dam-dy 1face="Times New Roman Star"tam-dy 1face="Times New Roman Star"tam- 2face="Times New Roman Star"tam- 2face="Times New Roman Star"tam- 2face="Times New Roman Star"tam- 2face="Times New Roman Star"tam- 2face="Times New Roman Star"dam-na 1face="Times New Roman Star"tam- 2face="Times New Roman Star"tam- 2
face="Times New Roman Star"tam- 2face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 459, EDT 503, ÝÑÒß 3, 139-140, Ôåäîòîâ 2, 245. There is also a variant *dym 'wetness' (ÝÑÒß 3, 294).
face="Times New Roman Star"*da.morface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 vein, artery 2 rootface="Times New Roman Star"1 æèëà, ñîñóä 2 êîðåíüface="Times New Roman Star"tamar, tamyr 1 (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"tamur (MK, KB), tamar (MK-Oghuz) 1face="Times New Roman Star"damar 1face="Times New Roman Star"tamyr 2face="Times New Roman Star"tamur 1, 2 (Sangl., Abush., MA)face="Times New Roman Star"to|mir 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"tomur, temir 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"tamyr 1face="Times New Roman Star"damar 1face="Times New Roman Star"damar 1face="Times New Roman Star"tamyr 1, 2
face="Times New Roman Star"tamyr 1, 2
face="Times New Roman Star"tymar 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"tymyr 1face="Times New Roman Star"tymyr 1face="Times New Roman Star"damyr 1face="Times New Roman Star"damyr 1face="Times New Roman Star"tamyr 2face="Times New Roman Star"tamyr 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"tamyr 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"tamyr 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"tamyr 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"damar 1face="Times New Roman Star"tamur 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"tamyr 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"tamyr 1face="Times New Roman Star"tamur 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 460, EDT 508, ÝÑÒß 3, 143-144, Ëåêñèêà 107-108, 264-265, Stachowski 238. There are also some forms with -o-: Oyr. tomur- 'to uproot', Kirgh. tomor 'name of a plant, from the root of which dye is produced', Kaz. tomar id., KKalp. tomar 'root' - possibly contaminations with *Tomar 'block, log' (v. sub *t`ome).
face="Times New Roman Star"*dan|-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to bind togetherface="Times New Roman Star"ñâÿçûâàòü
face="Times New Roman Star"tan|- (MK)

face="Times New Roman Star"tan|- (Abush., Sangl.)

face="Times New Roman Star"tan|-
face="Times New Roman Star"dan|-

face="Times New Roman Star"tan|-

face="Times New Roman Star"tan|-face="Times New Roman Star"tan|- 'to put on'face="Times New Roman Star"don|-na-
face="Times New Roman Star"tan|-face="Times New Roman Star"tan|-

face="Times New Roman Star"tan|-

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 461, EDT 514, ÝÑÒß 3, 145-146, Stachowski 216. Turk. > Kalm. tan- 'to plait, knot'.
face="Times New Roman Star"*dAr/face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"vultureface="Times New Roman Star"ñòåðâÿòíèê

face="Times New Roman Star"tasqara (dial., Malov - Xami)

face="Times New Roman Star"dazzarkelface="Times New Roman Star"tasxa 'owl'
face="Times New Roman Star"tas qus? (Âåðá.)

face="Times New Roman Star"das
face="Times New Roman Star"tazqaraface="Times New Roman Star"tasqara
face="Times New Roman Star"tad|g|ara

face="Times New Roman Star"Turk. > Kalm. tas (KW 381-382).
face="Times New Roman Star"*dar-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to go apart, scatter, spread 2 to branch, be forked 3 branch 4 claw 5 fingerface="Times New Roman Star"1 ðàñõîäèòüñÿ, ðàññåèâàòüñÿ, ðàñïðîñòðàíÿòüñÿ 2 ðàñòîïûðèâàòüñÿ, ðàçâåòâëÿòüñÿ 3 âåòâü 4 ëàïà 5 ïàëåö
face="Times New Roman Star"tarmaq 4, tarmaqla- 2, tar- 1 (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"darga- 1 (dial.)face="Times New Roman Star"tar- 1 (dial.), tarmaq 3face="Times New Roman Star"tar- 'to put an end to smth.' (Qutb)face="Times New Roman Star"tarvaj- 2, tarmaq 3face="Times New Roman Star"tarmaq 3face="Times New Roman Star"tarmaq 5face="Times New Roman Star"darma-dag|yn 'scattered'face="Times New Roman Star"darg|a- 1face="Times New Roman Star"tarba- 2

face="Times New Roman Star"torat 3face="Times New Roman Star"tarbax 5, targ|a:- 1face="Times New Roman Star"targat- 1 (tr.)face="Times New Roman Star"darba- 2
face="Times New Roman Star"tarba- 2, tarmaq 3face="Times New Roman Star"tarmaq 3face="Times New Roman Star"tarma- 2, tarmaq 3face="Times New Roman Star"tarba- 2, tarmaq 3

face="Times New Roman Star"tarba- 2, tarmaq 3
face="Times New Roman Star"tarmaq 3face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 463, EDT 529, ÝÑÒß 3, 150-151, Äûáî 312, Ëåêñèêà 256, Ôåäîòîâ 2, 251, Stachowski 218. Widely spread modern Kypchak forms like Kirgh. tara-, tarqa- 'to become scattered' etc. are most probably < Mong. tara-, tarqa- (see under *t`a/jri), since the (rather scanty) Oghuz evidence points to *d-, so Clauson (EDT 529) may be right in thinking that there is no etymological connection between PT *dar- and Mong. tara-, tarqa- 'disperse'. It is also probable that the common Turkic derivatives *darma- 'to scrape, rake up; to scatter, disperse in different directions', as well as *dara- 'to comb' (ÝÑÒß 3, 147-149, Stachowski 217) can belong here - although both roots tend to contaminate actively with PT *dyrn|a- 'to scrape' (q. v. sub *c?i_u>ru).
face="Times New Roman Star"*dar/ (?-a:-)face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"baldface="Times New Roman Star"ëûñûéface="Times New Roman Star"taz (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"taz (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"dazface="Times New Roman Star"tazface="Times New Roman Star"taz (Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"to|zface="Times New Roman Star"taz
face="Times New Roman Star"daz
face="Times New Roman Star"tasface="Times New Roman Star"tasface="Times New Roman Star"tas

face="Times New Roman Star"tasface="Times New Roman Star"tasface="Times New Roman Star"tazface="Times New Roman Star"tazface="Times New Roman Star"tazface="Times New Roman Star"tad|

face="Times New Roman Star"tazface="Times New Roman Star"tazface="Times New Roman Star"taz (ÑÑß)
face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 467, EDT 570, ÝÑÒß 3, 124. Turk. > Hung. tar 'bald', see MNyTESz 3, 847.
face="Times New Roman Star"*da.ry-gface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"milletface="Times New Roman Star"ïðîñîface="Times New Roman Star"taryg| (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"taryg| (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"daryface="Times New Roman Star"taryface="Times New Roman Star"(MKypch.) tary (CCum., AH)face="Times New Roman Star"tariqface="Times New Roman Star"teriqface="Times New Roman Star"taryg|face="Times New Roman Star"daryface="Times New Roman Star"daryface="Times New Roman Star"taryg|face="Times New Roman Star"tara: (possibly < Mong.)face="Times New Roman Star"taral 'angelica' (?)
face="Times New Roman Star"tyrú 'corn'

face="Times New Roman Star"tara: (possibly < Mong.)face="Times New Roman Star"dara: (possibly < Mong.)face="Times New Roman Star"taru:

face="Times New Roman Star"taryface="Times New Roman Star"daryface="Times New Roman Star"tary, daryface="Times New Roman Star"taryface="Times New Roman Star"daryface="Times New Roman Star"tariface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 464, EDT 537-538, TMN 2, 480-482, ÝÑÒß 3, 157, Ëåêñèêà 456-457. Turk. > Hung. dara 'grain, groats', see Gombocz 1912.
face="Times New Roman Star"*dart-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to pull; to hangface="Times New Roman Star"òÿíóòü; ïîäâåøèâàòü, âçâåøèâàòüface="Times New Roman Star"tart- (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"tart- (MK, KB)face="Times New Roman Star"tart-face="Times New Roman Star"tart-face="Times New Roman Star"tart- (Abush., Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"to|rt-face="Times New Roman Star"ta(r)t-face="Times New Roman Star"tart-face="Times New Roman Star"dart-face="Times New Roman Star"dart-, tart-face="Times New Roman Star"tart-face="Times New Roman Star"tart-face="Times New Roman Star"tart-
face="Times New Roman Star"tort-face="Times New Roman Star"tart-face="Times New Roman Star"tart-face="Times New Roman Star"ty'rt-face="Times New Roman Star"ty'rt-face="Times New Roman Star"tart-face="Times New Roman Star"tart-face="Times New Roman Star"tart-face="Times New Roman Star"tart-face="Times New Roman Star"tart-face="Times New Roman Star"dart-face="Times New Roman Star"tart-face="Times New Roman Star"tart-face="Times New Roman Star"ta't- (ÑÑß)face="Times New Roman Star"tart-face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 465, EDT 534, ÝÑÒß 3, 154-156, Ôåäîòîâ 2, 254, Stachowski 218.
face="Times New Roman Star"*da:gface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"mountainface="Times New Roman Star"ãîðàface="Times New Roman Star"tag| (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"tag| (MK, KB)face="Times New Roman Star"dag|face="Times New Roman Star"tawface="Times New Roman Star"tag| (MA), tag|,| (Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"to|g|face="Times New Roman Star"tag|face="Times New Roman Star"tag|face="Times New Roman Star"dag|face="Times New Roman Star"da:Gface="Times New Roman Star"tag|face="Times New Roman Star"tag| (Âåðá.)face="Times New Roman Star"tu:face="Times New Roman Star"ta:g|face="Times New Roman Star"tuface="Times New Roman Star"tya 'taiga, wood'face="Times New Roman Star"tya 'land, tundra'face="Times New Roman Star"dag|face="Times New Roman Star"dag|, tag|face="Times New Roman Star"to:face="Times New Roman Star"tawface="Times New Roman Star"tawface="Times New Roman Star"tauface="Times New Roman Star"tauface="Times New Roman Star"da:face="Times New Roman Star"dag|face="Times New Roman Star"tawface="Times New Roman Star"da:g|face="Times New Roman Star"tawface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 454, TMN 2, 439-440, EDT 463, ÝÑÒß 3, 117-118, Ëåêñèêà 94, 111, Stachowski 236.
face="Times New Roman Star"*da:j-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"uncleface="Times New Roman Star"äÿäÿface="Times New Roman Star"tag|aj 'maternal uncle' (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"tag|aj 'maternal uncle' (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"dajy
face="Times New Roman Star"tag|aji 'maternal uncle' (Sangl., MA)face="Times New Roman Star"to|g|aface="Times New Roman Star"tag|aface="Times New Roman Star"tag|yjface="Times New Roman Star"dajyface="Times New Roman Star"da:jyface="Times New Roman Star"taj, tajy, ta:jface="Times New Roman Star"tajyface="Times New Roman Star"ta:j, taj

face="Times New Roman Star"ta:j
face="Times New Roman Star"da:j
face="Times New Roman Star"taj, tag|aface="Times New Roman Star"tag|a (dial.)

face="Times New Roman Star"dajy
face="Times New Roman Star"dajyface="Times New Roman Star" VEWT 455-456, TMN 3, 196, EDT 474, ÝÑÒß 3, 127-129, Ëåêñèêà 296. Some forms go back to a suffixed *da:ja-kaj.
face="Times New Roman Star"*da:l-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to lose strength, to faint, lose consciousnessface="Times New Roman Star"òåðÿòü ñèëû, ñîçíàíèåface="Times New Roman Star"tal- (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"talg|an ig 'epilepsy' (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"dal-face="Times New Roman Star"tal-face="Times New Roman Star"tal- (Abush., Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"to|l-face="Times New Roman Star"tal-

face="Times New Roman Star"da:l- (dial.)
face="Times New Roman Star"tal-face="Times New Roman Star"tal-

face="Times New Roman Star"ta:l-
face="Times New Roman Star"dal-face="Times New Roman Star"dal-face="Times New Roman Star"tal-, taly-face="Times New Roman Star"tal-face="Times New Roman Star"tal-face="Times New Roman Star"tal-face="Times New Roman Star"tal-
face="Times New Roman Star"tal-face="Times New Roman Star"tal-
face="Times New Roman Star"tal-face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 457, EDT 490, ÝÑÒß 3, 133-134.
face="Times New Roman Star"*da:l-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to sink 2 oceanface="Times New Roman Star"1 ïîãðóæàòü(ñÿ) 2 ìîðå, îêåàíface="Times New Roman Star"taluj 1 (Orkh., OUygh.)
face="Times New Roman Star"dal- 1face="Times New Roman Star"tal- 1 (dial.)face="Times New Roman Star"tal-, dal- 1

face="Times New Roman Star"da:l- 1 (dial.)

face="Times New Roman Star"tal- (Castr.) `swim'

face="Times New Roman Star"dal- 1face="Times New Roman Star"dal- 1

face="Times New Roman Star"ÝÑÒß 3, 133-134 (to be separated from *Tal- `to faint'); EDT 502 (the Chinese etymology of OT taluj seems hardly plausible: the compound MC da^\j-lwi is not attested, and we would expect *Tajluj, not *Taluj anyway).
face="Times New Roman Star"*da:la-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to biteface="Times New Roman Star"êóñàòü

face="Times New Roman Star"dala-face="Times New Roman Star"tala-face="Times New Roman Star"tala- (MKypch.: AH, Ettuhf.)

face="Times New Roman Star"dala-face="Times New Roman Star"da:la-

face="Times New Roman Star"tula-, recipr. tola-s?-

face="Times New Roman Star"dala-

face="Times New Roman Star"ÝÑÒß 3, 134-136, Àøì. XIV, 120. This root should be strictly distinguished from PT *ta:la- 'to rob', with which it is confused in VEWT 458 and in EDT 492.
face="Times New Roman Star"*da:p-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to trampleface="Times New Roman Star"òîïòàòü
face="Times New Roman Star"tabry- 'to jump about (about a camel)' (MK)
face="Times New Roman Star"tapa- (dial.)

face="Times New Roman Star"da:bala- 'to trample' (of a camel), da:byra- 'to ride, stamp'

face="Times New Roman Star"tabar- 'to fall upon'

face="Times New Roman Star"tabyj- 'to hit with front hooves' (of a horse)face="Times New Roman Star"tabyn- 'to scratch with a hoof'

face="Times New Roman Star"tapa-
face="Times New Roman Star"tapa-

face="Times New Roman Star"tapylda-

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 443, ÝÑÒß 3, 111-112, Stachowski 214. The Tat., Kaz., Bashk. and KKalp. reflect a variant *dapa- (or perhaps expressive *da:ppa-, to account for the lack of voicing -p- > -b- after a long vowel).
face="Times New Roman Star"*da:panface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"foot, soleface="Times New Roman Star"íîãà, ïîäîøâà
face="Times New Roman Star"taban (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"tabanface="Times New Roman Star"tabanface="Times New Roman Star"taban (Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"to|bo|nface="Times New Roman Star"tapanface="Times New Roman Star"tawanface="Times New Roman Star"dabanface="Times New Roman Star"da:ban

face="Times New Roman Star"taman
face="Times New Roman Star"toban

face="Times New Roman Star"davanface="Times New Roman Star"damanface="Times New Roman Star"tamanface="Times New Roman Star"tabanface="Times New Roman Star"tabanface="Times New Roman Star"tabanface="Times New Roman Star"tabanface="Times New Roman Star"tabanface="Times New Roman Star"tabanface="Times New Roman Star"taban
face="Times New Roman Star"tabanface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 462, EDT 441, ÝÑÒß 3, 110-112, Ëåêñèêà 289, Ôåäîòîâ 2, 249.
face="Times New Roman Star"*da:ry-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to touch, fall upon, attackface="Times New Roman Star"äîòðàãèâàòüñÿ, íàïàäàòü

face="Times New Roman Star"(Osm.) dary- (14 c.)face="Times New Roman Star"tary-face="Times New Roman Star"dary- (Pav. C.)

face="Times New Roman Star"daras?-face="Times New Roman Star"da:ra-

face="Times New Roman Star"ta:ryj-

face="Times New Roman Star"tary-

face="Times New Roman Star"ÝÑÒß 3, 149. Despite VEWT 133, hardly a mongolism (but Kaz., Nogh., KKalp. dary- are probably < Mong. dag|ari-). One should perhaps link also *dAry-n-, *dAry-l- 'to become angry, offended' (ÝÑÒß 3, 161-162 - pass. or medial forms, i.e. *'to be touched, approached').
face="Times New Roman Star"*da:t-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to taste 2 taste 3 sweet, tasty 4 to get accustomedface="Times New Roman Star"1 èìåòü âêóñ (1à ïðîáîâàòü íà âêóñ) 2 âêóñ 3 ñëàäêèé, âêóñíûé 4 ïðèâûêàòüface="Times New Roman Star"tat- 1, 1a (OUygh.), tatyg| 2 (OUygh.), tatyg|-lyg| 3 (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"tat-lyg| 3 (MK), taty- 1 (MK, KB), tatyg| 2 (MK, KB), tatyg|-lyg| 3 (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"tat- (tatar) 1a, tat (-d-), tadym, tatyk 2, tatly 3, dad-a- 'to bait, lure', dad-a-n- 4face="Times New Roman Star"tat- 1, 1a, tat 2, tatly 3face="Times New Roman Star"tat- 1a (Abush., Pav. C., Sangl.), tat 2 (Sangl.), tat-lyg|3 (Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"to|t- 1a, tati- 1, 1a to|t 2, to|tli 3face="Times New Roman Star"teti- 1, 1a, tatq 2, tatliq 3face="Times New Roman Star"taty- 1 a, tatyg| 3face="Times New Roman Star"dad- 1a, dad 2, dadly 3, dadan- 4face="Times New Roman Star"da:t/d- 1a, da:t 2, da:t-ly 3face="Times New Roman Star"tady- 1, tadyg| 2, tadylyg| 3face="Times New Roman Star"tatqy 2face="Times New Roman Star"tatu 2, 3face="Times New Roman Star"ta:t- 1face="Times New Roman Star"tuda-l- 1, tuda-n- 1a, todú 2, tut-lú 3

face="Times New Roman Star"tat- 1 a, taty- 1, tatyq 2, tattuw 3, tatq-a-n- 4face="Times New Roman Star"tat- 1, 1 a, ta"tti 3face="Times New Roman Star"tat- 1, 1 a, tatyq 2face="Times New Roman Star"taty- 1a, tat 2, tatly 3face="Times New Roman Star"tat- 1 a, tatyw 2, tatly 3face="Times New Roman Star"dat- 1a, dat 2, datly 3, dad-a-n- 4face="Times New Roman Star"tat- 1a, taty- 1, 1a, tat (K), tatuv (T,H,K) 2, tatly (T,H,K) 3, tatan- (K) 4face="Times New Roman Star"tat- 1 a, taty- 1, 1a, tatly 3
face="Times New Roman Star"taty- 1, tatyw 2, tatli 3face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 466, EDT 449-450, 452, 454, ÝÑÒß 3, 162-164, Ôåäîòîâ 2, 256-257. Oghuz (Osman) devoicing is secondary. Turk. > Mong. *tati- > tac?i(ja)- 'become accustomed' (KW 385) > TM tati- id. (ÒÌÑ 2, 170.)
face="Times New Roman Star"*debeface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"camelface="Times New Roman Star"âåðáëþäface="Times New Roman Star"tebe (Orkh.), teve (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"teve (tevej) (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"deveface="Times New Roman Star"du">ja"face="Times New Roman Star"deve (Pav. C.), teve (Abush., Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"tujaface="Times New Roman Star"to"ga"face="Times New Roman Star"te, tiface="Times New Roman Star"deva"face="Times New Roman Star"du"jeface="Times New Roman Star"tibe
face="Times New Roman Star"to":, tebe
face="Times New Roman Star"t@w|veface="Times New Roman Star"taba 'deer'face="Times New Roman Star"taba 'deer'face="Times New Roman Star"teveface="Times New Roman Star"tebe (Ðàñ. ÔèË)face="Times New Roman Star"to":face="Times New Roman Star"tu"jeface="Times New Roman Star"tu"jeface="Times New Roman Star"du">ja"face="Times New Roman Star"tu"jeface="Times New Roman Star"deva"face="Times New Roman Star"tu"je, deveface="Times New Roman Star"tu"jeface="Times New Roman Star"to"je, to"u"va", tu"viface="Times New Roman Star"tu"jeface="Times New Roman Star"EDT 447-448, VEWT 468, ÝÑÒß 3, 313-315, Ëåêñèêà 445, Stachowski 214. Turk. > Hung. teve, see Gombocz 1912.
face="Times New Roman Star"*debir-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to capsize, subvertface="Times New Roman Star"îïðîêèäûâàòü, íèñïðîâåðãàòüface="Times New Roman Star"tevir- (OUygh.)
face="Times New Roman Star"devir-

face="Times New Roman Star"devir-

face="Times New Roman Star"devir-

face="Times New Roman Star"ÝÑÒß 3, 172-173.
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