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face="Times New Roman Star"*tu"ke-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to come to an endface="Times New Roman Star"кончаться, истощатьсяface="Times New Roman Star"tu"ke- (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"tu"ke- (MK, KB, IM)face="Times New Roman Star"tu"ken-face="Times New Roman Star"to"gen-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"ken- (Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"tuga-, tugan-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"gu"-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"ke-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"ka"n-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"ken-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"gel-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"gen-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"gen-face="Times New Roman Star"tiken-
face="Times New Roman Star"tu"ksu", tu"gu"su" 'enough, completely'

face="Times New Roman Star"tu"go"n-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"ges-

face="Times New Roman Star"tu"gen-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"ken-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"gen-, tigen-

face="Times New Roman Star"tu"gen-face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 504, EDT 479, 484.
face="Times New Roman Star"*Tu"l/face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"fruit, seedface="Times New Roman Star"плод, семяface="Times New Roman Star"tu"s? (OUygh.)

face="Times New Roman Star"to"s?

face="Times New Roman Star"t@w|z?@w| > Komi tus/, NW t@rz?@

face="Times New Roman Star"to"s?

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 558-559, VEWT 507, Лексика 114, Федотов 2, 225, Егоров 249.
face="Times New Roman Star"*tu"lki / tilku"face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"foxface="Times New Roman Star"лисаface="Times New Roman Star"tilku" (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"tilku" (MK, Tefs., IM), tilki (KB)face="Times New Roman Star"tilkiface="Times New Roman Star"to"lkeface="Times New Roman Star"tu"lku" (Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"tulkiface="Times New Roman Star"tu"lka"face="Times New Roman Star"tolg|o (ЯЖУ)face="Times New Roman Star"tu"lku"face="Times New Roman Star"tilkiface="Times New Roman Star"tu"lgu"face="Times New Roman Star"tu"lgu"face="Times New Roman Star"tu"lku"; tilgu" (dial. - Баск. Туба)face="Times New Roman Star"tilku", tu"lku"face="Times New Roman Star"til@

face="Times New Roman Star"dilgiface="Times New Roman Star"dilgiface="Times New Roman Star"tu"lku"face="Times New Roman Star"tu"lkiface="Times New Roman Star"tu"lkiface="Times New Roman Star"to"lko"face="Times New Roman Star"tu"lku"face="Times New Roman Star"tilkiface="Times New Roman Star"tu"lku"face="Times New Roman Star"tu"lkiface="Times New Roman Star"t'iligu (Kakuk), tu"ligu (ССЯ)face="Times New Roman Star"tu"lku"face="Times New Roman Star"See VEWT 480, EDT 498-499, Щербак 1961, 135, Лексика 161.
face="Times New Roman Star"*Tu"menface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"ten thousand; very muchface="Times New Roman Star"десять тысяч; очень многоface="Times New Roman Star"tu"men (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"tu"men (MK, KB), (Kypch. 14 cent.) du"menface="Times New Roman Star"tu"menface="Times New Roman Star"to"me|nface="Times New Roman Star"tu"men (Abush., Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"tumanface="Times New Roman Star"tu"ma"nface="Times New Roman Star"tu">men (ЯЖУ)
face="Times New Roman Star"tu"men (arch.)

face="Times New Roman Star"tu"men

face="Times New Roman Star"tu"ma"n
face="Times New Roman Star"tu"men
face="Times New Roman Star"tu"mo"n

face="Times New Roman Star"tu"men, kimen, timen

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 504, EDT 507-508, Лексика 574-575. In general we agree with Doerfer's arguments (TMN 2, 632-642: the Turkic word is the source of Persian tu:ma:n '10000', not vice versa, although in some cases the word was borrowed back into Turkic (in particular: Az. tu"ma"n, Khal. tima"n 'a Persian coin', KBalk., Kum. tu"men '10 roubles'); the Tokharian word, whose IE source is highly dubious, is most probably < Turkic; a Chinese source is extremely dubious). Turk. > Mong. tu"men (see TMN 2, 641, Щербак 1997, 160), whence Evk. tumen etc., see Doerfer MT 78. Weak evidence of initial voice (*d- should be expected in PT) may be due to later cultural interborrowing.
face="Times New Roman Star"*tu"nface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 night 2 yesterdayface="Times New Roman Star"1 ночь 2 вчераface="Times New Roman Star"tu"n 1 (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n 1 (MK, KB), du"n, tu"n 'night, dark' (IM)face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n 1, du"n 2face="Times New Roman Star"to"n 1face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n 1 (Abush.), 'dark' (Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"tun 1face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n 1face="Times New Roman Star"tune, tu"n 1face="Times New Roman Star"du"na"n 1face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n 1, du":n 2face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n 1, 'dark'face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n 1face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n 1

face="Times New Roman Star"tu":n 1face="Times New Roman Star"tu":nface="Times New Roman Star"du"n 1face="Times New Roman Star"du"n 1face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n 1face="Times New Roman Star"tun 1face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n 1face="Times New Roman Star"to"n 1face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n 1face="Times New Roman Star"du"n 2face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n 1face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n 1
face="Times New Roman Star"tun, tu"n 1face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 505, EDT 513, ЭСТЯ 3, 315-316, Лексика 81, Stachowski 236. Cf. also Yak. tu"n| 'dark, darkness' (< *tu"n-Vk). The variant *du":n, reflected in some languages, is obviously due to a secondary influence of *du":l/ 'dream' (v. sub *t`u:l/ke), as well as the archaic compound *tu"-gu"n 'yesterday' (*'that day'), preserved in: Tur. dial. du"hu"n, SUygh. tugyn, Tuva, Tof. du":n.
face="Times New Roman Star"*tu"n|-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"funnel, windowface="Times New Roman Star"дымовое отверстие, окноface="Times New Roman Star"tu"gnu"k (OUygh. - YB), tu"nlu"k (late OUygh. - Lig. VSOu)face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n|lu"k (MK), t/du"nlu"k (IM)face="Times New Roman Star"tu"jnu"kface="Times New Roman Star"to"nla"kface="Times New Roman Star"tu"jnik (Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"tujnukface="Times New Roman Star"tu"n|lu"kface="Times New Roman Star"tyndyk
face="Times New Roman Star"tu"jnu"kface="Times New Roman Star"tu"nu"kface="Times New Roman Star"tu"ndu"kface="Times New Roman Star"tu"nu"k
face="Times New Roman Star"t@w|n@w|face="Times New Roman Star"tu"nnu"kface="Times New Roman Star"tu"nnu"kface="Times New Roman Star"du"ndu"kface="Times New Roman Star"du"n|nu"kface="Times New Roman Star"tu"ndu"kface="Times New Roman Star"tu"n|dikface="Times New Roman Star"tu"nlikface="Times New Roman Star"to"nlo"k

face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n|likface="Times New Roman Star"tu"mlu"xface="Times New Roman Star"tu"n|u"lu"kface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 505, TMN 2, 643-645, EDT 520, Лексика 506-507, 516, Stachowski 234.
face="Times New Roman Star"*Tu"n|-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 metaphor 2 summary, conclusion 3 interpreter 4 realityface="Times New Roman Star"1 притча, иносказание 2 итог, обобщение 3 переводчик 4 явь

face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n|c?i 3

face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n| 1 (Верб.), tu"n|ej 'одинаковый'

face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n|et- 'делить, распределять'face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n|ehe 'ein Brauch, dem gema"s| ein Ja"ger das Fleisch des von ihm erlegten Rentiers den Nachbarn schenkt und fu"r sich selbst nur den Rentierkopf beha"lt, welcher ihm Glu"ck bringen soll'face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n| 2

face="Times New Roman Star"tu"n 4

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 505, Stachowski 235.
face="Times New Roman Star"*tu"piface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 high wind 2 dust-storm, stormface="Times New Roman Star"1 вьюга 2 пылевая буря
face="Times New Roman Star"tu"pi 1 (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"tipi 2

face="Times New Roman Star"(dial.) du"bu"la"j 2

face="Times New Roman Star"tibi: 1, tip- 'to blow'face="Times New Roman Star"tibi: 1, tip- 'to blow (of a snowstorm)'face="Times New Roman Star"du"vu" 2face="Times New Roman Star"to"p`o" 2

face="Times New Roman Star"du"belej 2

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 436, VEWT 503, Лексика 48, Stachowski 222, 223. The Uzb. and KKalp. forms may reflect a merger with PT *tu"ge-le(j) (v. sub *t`u>ge).
face="Times New Roman Star"*tu"pku"r-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to spitface="Times New Roman Star"плевать
face="Times New Roman Star"tu"fku"r- (Tafs.)face="Times New Roman Star"tu"ku"r-face="Times New Roman Star"to"ker-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"ku"r- (Pav. C., Ettuhf.)face="Times New Roman Star"tupur-, tup-la-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"ku"r-, tu"ka"r-
face="Times New Roman Star"tu"pu"r-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"jku"r-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"ku"r-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"kku"r-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"ku"r-

face="Times New Roman Star"du"kpu"r-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"kku"r-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"ku"r-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"kir-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"kir-face="Times New Roman Star"to"ko"r-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"ku"r-
face="Times New Roman Star"tu"ku"r-face="Times New Roman Star"tu"kir-
face="Times New Roman Star"tu"ku"r-face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 504.
face="Times New Roman Star"*tu"t-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to quarrelface="Times New Roman Star"ссоритьсяface="Times New Roman Star"tu"tu"s?- (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"tu"tu"s?- (MK, KB)

face="Times New Roman Star"tu"tu"s?- (MKypch. - Houts.)

face="Times New Roman Star"tu"te- 'be angry at smb.'

face="Times New Roman Star"t@t@r- 'to scold'

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 507, EDT 462 (if not a metaphor for *tu"t- 'to fume').
face="Times New Roman Star"*tu"t-u"n, *tu"t-su"gface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to smoke 2 smokeface="Times New Roman Star"1 дымить 2 дымface="Times New Roman Star"tu"t(e)-1, tu"tu"n, tu"tsu"g 2 (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"tu"t(e)- 1 (KB), tu"te-t- caus. (1), tu"tu"n, tu"tsu"g 2 (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"tu"t- 1, tu"tu"n 2face="Times New Roman Star"to"ta"- 1, to"ten 2face="Times New Roman Star"tu"tsi 2 (Sangl.), tu"tu"n 2 (MKypch. - Houts.)face="Times New Roman Star"tutun 2face="Times New Roman Star"tu"tu"n 'tobacco'face="Times New Roman Star"tu"t- 1, tutun 'tobacco'face="Times New Roman Star"tu"stu" 2face="Times New Roman Star"tu"te- 1, tu"sse 2face="Times New Roman Star"tu"de- 1, tu"du"n 2face="Times New Roman Star"tu"du"n 2face="Times New Roman Star"tu"du"n 2face="Times New Roman Star"titi- 1face="Times New Roman Star"t@w|d@w|m 2

face="Times New Roman Star"du"du"skek 'haze'; du"du"- 'to rot, mould'face="Times New Roman Star"tu"tu"- (ФиЛ 177 du"du"-) 'to rot, mould'face="Times New Roman Star"tu"to"- 1, tu"tu"n 2face="Times New Roman Star"tu"te- 1, tutin 2face="Times New Roman Star"tu"te- 1, tu"tin 2face="Times New Roman Star"to"ta"- 1, to"to"n 2face="Times New Roman Star"tu"tu"n 2face="Times New Roman Star"tu"t- 1, tu"tu"n 2face="Times New Roman Star"tu"te- 1, tutun 2face="Times New Roman Star"tu"te- 1, to"ten 2face="Times New Roman Star"cu"cyn, tyssy 2 (ССЯ)face="Times New Roman Star"tu"tu"n 2face="Times New Roman Star"PT *tu"t-u"n, *tu"t-su"g - derivations from *tu"t(e)- 'to smoke'. See VEWT 507, EDT 452, 457-8, 461, TMN 2, 605, Лексика 364-365. The Tuva-Tof. verb meaning 'to rot' may belong here as well, though the absence of pharyngealization in Tof. is strange.
face="Times New Roman Star"*tu":kface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 feather 2 (animal's) hair 3 (body) hair 4 fur 5 hairface="Times New Roman Star"1 перо 2 шерсть (животного) 3 волос (на теле) 4 мех 5 волосface="Times New Roman Star"tu" 1, 3 (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"tu" 3 (MK, KB)face="Times New Roman Star"tu"j 1-5face="Times New Roman Star"to"k 1, 2, 3face="Times New Roman Star"tu"k, tu"j, tu"g 3 (Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"tuk 3face="Times New Roman Star"tu"k 2, 3
face="Times New Roman Star"tu"k 1,2,3,5face="Times New Roman Star"tu"j 2,3face="Times New Roman Star"tu"k 1, 2, 3face="Times New Roman Star"tu"k 1face="Times New Roman Star"tu"k 1, 2, 3face="Times New Roman Star"ti:k 3face="Times New Roman Star"t@w|k 1, 3face="Times New Roman Star"tu": 1, 2, 3, 4face="Times New Roman Star"tu": 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"du"k 3, 5face="Times New Roman Star"du"k (Рас. ФиЛ), tu"k 2, 3, 5face="Times New Roman Star"tu"k 2, 3face="Times New Roman Star"tu"k 3face="Times New Roman Star"tu"k 1, 2, 3face="Times New Roman Star"to"k 2, 3face="Times New Roman Star"tu"k 1, 2, 3face="Times New Roman Star"tu"j 1, 2, 3face="Times New Roman Star"tik, t/uk 2, 3face="Times New Roman Star"tu"k 1, 2, 3face="Times New Roman Star"tu"x, z|/u"x 2 (ССЯ)face="Times New Roman Star"tu"k 3face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 503; EDT 433 (: originally only 'body hair', opposed to sac? 'hair of head', kyl 'hair (in general)' and ju"g 'feather'); Лексика 197-198; Stachowski 236. Loss of *-k in OT and Yak. is not quite clear (perhaps a rather unique development of the final *-u":k).
face="Times New Roman Star"*TVbVr-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"secondface="Times New Roman Star"второйface="Times New Roman Star"Bulg. tvirem

face="Times New Roman Star"teb@r, teb@rew

face="Times New Roman Star"Chuv. -b- is secondary, on analogy with p@w|rem 'first'.
face="Times New Roman Star"*ubygface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"sticks supporting the upper rim of a yurtface="Times New Roman Star"жерди, поддерживающие верхний край юртыface="Times New Roman Star"ug| (MK); ujug|lug| ( = uvug|lug|) 'tent pole' (MK)
face="Times New Roman Star"hug| 'hut'
face="Times New Roman Star"ug| (Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"u:g| (dial.)face="Times New Roman Star"oq (dial.)

face="Times New Roman Star"u:q
face="Times New Roman Star"ug|, u: 'house, yurt' (R)face="Times New Roman Star"u: 'das Stangenrippe der Jurte, u"ber welches die Filzdecken ausgebreitet werden' (R - Teleut)

face="Times New Roman Star"u:qface="Times New Roman Star"u>wyq

face="Times New Roman Star"uwyq

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 76, 271, VEWT 510, TMN 2, 150-151, ЭСТЯ 1, 583, Лексика 517-518.
face="Times New Roman Star"*ubutface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 shame 2 to be ashamedface="Times New Roman Star"1 стыд 2 стыдитьсяface="Times New Roman Star"ubut (Orkh.) 1face="Times New Roman Star"uvut (MK) 1face="Times New Roman Star"ut, -du 1, ut-an- 2

face="Times New Roman Star"uvat, ubat 1
face="Times New Roman Star"ut-an- 2face="Times New Roman Star"ut-an- 2

face="Times New Roman Star"ut-an- 2

face="Times New Roman Star"ЭСТЯ 1, 561-563.
face="Times New Roman Star"*uc?-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"fly v.face="Times New Roman Star"лететь, летатьface="Times New Roman Star"uc?- (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"uc?- (MK,KB)face="Times New Roman Star"uc?-face="Times New Roman Star"oc?-face="Times New Roman Star"uc?- (Abush., Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"uc?-face="Times New Roman Star"uc?-face="Times New Roman Star"uc?-face="Times New Roman Star"uc?-face="Times New Roman Star"uc?-face="Times New Roman Star"uc?ux-face="Times New Roman Star"uc?uq-face="Times New Roman Star"uc?-face="Times New Roman Star"uc?-, uc?g|ur-face="Times New Roman Star"v@w|s/-face="Times New Roman Star"uhun- 'float'face="Times New Roman Star"uhun- 'float, swim'face="Times New Roman Star"u's?-face="Times New Roman Star"u's?-face="Times New Roman Star"uc?-face="Times New Roman Star"us?-face="Times New Roman Star"us?-face="Times New Roman Star"os-face="Times New Roman Star"uc?-face="Times New Roman Star"uc?-face="Times New Roman Star"uc?-face="Times New Roman Star"us?-face="Times New Roman Star"us?-face="Times New Roman Star"uc?-face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 509, EDT 19, ЭСТЯ 1, 612-613, Stachowski 241.
face="Times New Roman Star"*uc?-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 waterfall 2 sprayface="Times New Roman Star"1 водопад 2 брызги

face="Times New Roman Star"uc?ary 'ausschweifend'face="Times New Roman Star"oc?oq 2

face="Times New Roman Star"uc?ar 1
face="Times New Roman Star"v@w|z?|@w|lt-v@w|z?|@w|lt 'gurgle, guggle (onomat.)'face="Times New Roman Star"usun 'river rapid' (Пек.)
face="Times New Roman Star"u'z?ar 'river rapid'

face="Times New Roman Star"u.s?an-ten|iz 'broad sea'

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 509.
face="Times New Roman Star"*uc?-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 rash, inflammation, pustules on lips (during cold, fever) 2 catarrh, cold, fever 3 to appear (of rash), catch coldface="Times New Roman Star"1 сыпь, воспаление, прыщи на губах (во время простуды, лихорадки) 2 простуда, лихорадка 3 появляться (о прыщах, сыпи), простужаться
face="Times New Roman Star"uc?g|uq (MK) 2face="Times New Roman Star"uc?uk 1
face="Times New Roman Star"uc?uq (Бор. Бад., Pav. C.) 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"uc?uq 1, uc?un- 3face="Times New Roman Star"uc?uq 1
face="Times New Roman Star"uc?uG 1face="Times New Roman Star"uc?uq 1

face="Times New Roman Star"uc?uq 1face="Times New Roman Star"u>s?yq 1, u>s?yn- 3face="Times New Roman Star"us?yq 1, us?yn- 3face="Times New Roman Star"u>su>n- 3
face="Times New Roman Star"uc?uq 1face="Times New Roman Star"uc?un- 'to become epileptic'face="Times New Roman Star"us?yq 1, us?yn- 3

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 22, 23, ЭСТЯ 1, 616, TMN 2, 139. Turk. > Kalm. uc?@g 'простуда', see TMN ibid.
face="Times New Roman Star"*ud-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to follow, conformface="Times New Roman Star"следовать, соответствовать, повиноватьсяface="Times New Roman Star"ud- (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"ud|- (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"uj-face="Times New Roman Star"u>jys?-face="Times New Roman Star"uj- (Abush.)face="Times New Roman Star"ujus?-face="Times New Roman Star"ujus?-
face="Times New Roman Star"uj-face="Times New Roman Star"uj-

face="Times New Roman Star"uta: 'next'

face="Times New Roman Star"ujus?-face="Times New Roman Star"u>jys-face="Times New Roman Star"ujys-face="Times New Roman Star"u>ju>s?-
face="Times New Roman Star"uj-face="Times New Roman Star"uj-face="Times New Roman Star"ujys-

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 38, ЭСТЯ 1, 573-574.
face="Times New Roman Star"*udface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"ox, bullface="Times New Roman Star"вол, быкface="Times New Roman Star"ud (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"ud| (MK)

face="Times New Roman Star"uj (Бор. Бад., Abush., Pav. C.)
face="Times New Roman Star"ujface="Times New Roman Star"ut

face="Times New Roman Star"uj

face="Times New Roman Star"uj

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 34, ЭСТЯ 1, 572-573, Лексика 434-435 ( > MMong. uj, Щербак 1997, 161).
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