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Лезгинская этимология :

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Пралезгинский: *hI[a]χV-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 be high 2 rise, raise 3 high 4 long
Лезгинский: aq̇-aχ-iz 2
Рутульский: ha-χa-s 1
Цахурский: aχ-tɨ-n 3
Крызский: ʕaχtä 4
Будухский: ʕapχu 4
Арчинский: eχa-s 2
Удинский: boχo 4
Комментарий: The stem is verbal (and belongs to the strong verb class), but is often used for deriving adjectives 'high' (Rut. ha-χɨ-d, Tsakh. aχtɨ-n, Arch. b-e:χu) or 'long' (Kryz. ʕaχtä, Bud. ʕapχu, Ud. boχo). The meaning 'long' may be a result of partial contamination with PL *[hI]alχä- 'long' q.v., but in general these two roots are to be strictly kept apart.

    See Хайдаков 1973, 105.


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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *=ǝ̆qĔ
MEANING: to rise, be high
NAKH: *laq-en
AAND: *=V(r)qV / *ʔiq-
LAK: la=qa-
DARG: *ʔaq-
LEZG: *hI[a]χV-
ABAD: *χ́ʷV
COMMENT: As in several other verbal roots, labialisation in PWC is here secondary (probably being a remnant of class prefixation). Otherwise the correspondence is perfectly satisfactory, both phonetically and semantically.

    The initial laryngeal in PL (together with PD *ʔ- being derived from *ɦ-) should be probably treated as a historical preverb. Another preverb, *l-, is frequent with this root (cf. the exact parallelism between the Lak. and the PN forms).

    There are no certain traces of this root in PTs; cf. perhaps Tsez. iχ-ju 'thick'. It is quite isolated within Tsezian, and may reflect the original adjective 'high' (the correlation 'high' - 'thick' is not unusual in NC languages).


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Нахская этимология :

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Протонахский: *laq-en
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: high, tall
Чеченский: leqa
Ингушский: laqa
Бацбийский: laqẽ
Комментарии: Cf. also the root *laq- in Chech. laqa 'upwards', Bacb. laq-na 'high up'.

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Аваро-андийская этимология :

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Праформа: *=V(r)qV / *ʔiq-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 to lift, raise 2 to rise (of dough) 3 to rise
Аварский: =orχ- 1, =aχn- 3
Чамалинский: ʔiχ- 2, =aχ-id- 3
Комментарии: Cf. also Av. -órχa-ta- 'high, tall'. Here -r- is most probably a former aspective (durative) infix, and not a part of the root (it, however, prohibited the change *q > χ > h in Av.). -n-conjugation in Av. =aχn- is probably secondary. For the semantic change cf. Lak. laqa-n 'to rise; to rise, ferment (of dough)'. Both in Av. (=aχn-) and in Cham. (=aχ-id-) the root has also the meaning 'to cross, pass over'.

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Лакская этимология :

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Лакский корень: la=qa-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: to rise; to increase
Лакская форма: la=qa-
Комментарий: G. pr. la=qun. Cf. also laq-s:a 'high, tall', laq-nu 'high above (adv.)'.

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Даргинская этимология :

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Прадаргинский: *ʔaq-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: high
Акушинский: aq-si
Комментарии: Cf. also Ur. aq, Kharb., Tsud. aq-se 'high, tall'. Cf. also the root aq- in the compound (Ak.) aq-biʔes 'to rise', and as a verbal root: Ak. aq-es, Ur. aIq- / iq- 'to cross, pass over' (cf. the semantic development in Av.-And.).

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Абхазо-адыгская этимология :

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Празападнокавказский: *χ́ʷV
Севернокавказская этимология: Севернокавказская этимология
Значение: to grow; to multiply
Абхазский: a-z-ħa-rá
Абазинский: z-ħa-ra
Адыгейский: xa-χʷǝ-
Кабардинский: xa-χʷǝ-
Убыхский: χ́a-χ́ǝ́-
Комментарии: PAT *ħa- (with preverbs); PAK *χʷǝ- (with the preverb *xa-). In PAT, from the same root is derived the adjective *ħa-raḳǝ 'high, tall' (Abkh. á-ħaraḳ, Abaz. ħaraḳǝ). In PAK the verb has acquired also a more general meaning ('to grow' > 'to become').

    See Shagirov 2, 113.


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Сино-кавказская этимология :

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Прасинокавказский: *=ǝ̆(x)qĔ
Значение: to rise
Севернокавказский: *=ǝ̆qĔ
Синотибетский: OC *khǝʔ 'to rise'

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