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Даргинская этимология :

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Прадаргинский: *ʔart:ur / *ʔurt:ur
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: thigh, hip
Акушинский: urdur
Чирагский: urt:ur
Комментарии: Cf. also Kait. art:ul (the form pointing to *a; in other dialects probably *a > u by assimilation with the following vowel), Kub. ūt:uj, Kharb., Tsud. urt:ur etc.

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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *jamdurV (~-ǝ-,-ŏ-)
MEANING: thigh, hip
DARG: *ʔart:ur / *ʔurt:ur
LEZG: *jatur
COMMENT: A Darg.-Lezg. isogloss. The correspondence PL *-t- : PD *-t:- can only occur in the combination with a preceding nasal (*-md-). The PL form does not contradict its reconstruction, and we must consider PD *ʔart:ur as an assimilation from earlier *ʔamt:ur (probably also under analogy with the rather frequent PD nominal prefix *ʔVr-).

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Лезгинская этимология :

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Пралезгинский: *ja(m)tur
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 thigh, hip 2 foot, leg
Лезгинский: jutur 1
Табасаранский: jatur 1
Крызский: jetɨr 1
Будухский: jotur 1
Удинский: tur 2
Комментарий: Cf. also Lezg. Khl. jatur 'thigh, hip'. 4th class in Shakhdagh. The medial resonant is not reflected anywhere (in the combination *-mt- it could have been preserved as -nt- only in Arch.), but may be postulated on external evidence.

    See Хайдаков 1973, 29.


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