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Abkhaz-Adyghe etymology :

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Proto-West-Caucasian: *š́ʷa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 son 2 youth, young boy
Adyghe: śā-wa 2
Kabardian: śā-wa 1
Comments: PAK *śa-wá. We can discover the same root (with the original meaning "to bear") in Ad. śā-ʎ(a) 'placenta', χʷǝ-śa-n 'childbirth fits'. PAK *ś regularly goes back to PWC *š́ʷ.

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *=ɨ̆šwĔ
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: son, daughter
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *w-ošo, *j-oši
Proto-Tsezian: *ʔožǝ (~ -ž:-)
Proto-Lak: ars
Proto-Dargwa: *ʔurši (~-š:-)
Proto-Lezghian: *=uš:
Proto-Khinalug: ši, riši
Proto-West Caucasian: *š́ʷa
Notes: See Abdokov 1983, 89. Cf. also Urart. aršǝ 'young people, children' (see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 36). One of the widely spread nominal stems with changing class prefixes. The WC evidence suggests that it may have been originally verbal ("to bear"), but in all modern languages it is used only as a noun. Phonetic correspondences are quite regular; the only problem is Lak. -s (-š would be expected normally). The seemingly classless forms (PC *ʔožǝ, Lak. ars, PD *ʔurši, Khin. ši) reflect the PEC form with the weak male class prefix *u_=ɨšwĔ; the only form which can reflect an original prefixless stem is the PL plural *š:i-p:V ( < *šʷi-bV). In Lak., Darg. and Urart. the stem obtained a secondary medial -r- (no trace of it in any other language); it can not be a feminine class affix, because the word means only 'son, boy' in these languages. This -r- probably reflects an oblique stem with the *-rV suffix (*-ɨ̆šwĔ-rV- > *-ɨ̆ršwV).

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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *w-ošo, *j-oši
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 son 2 daughter
Avar: w-as 1, j-as 2
Chadakolob: wáša 1,jáša 2
Andian language: wošo 1, joši 2
Akhvakh: waša 1, jaše 2
Chamalal: waha 1, jah 2
Tindi: waha 1, jaha 2
Karata: waša 1, jaše 2
Botlikh: waša 1, ješi 2
Bagvalal: waša 1, jaš 2
Godoberi: waša 1, jaši 2
Comments: The root has changeable class affixes (w- for the 1st class, j- for the second). Variation of final vowels (neutralized in Av., Akhv. and Tind.) can be explained by former class suffixation (parallelling class prefixation: *w-ošV-w > wošo, *j-ošV-j > joši). Masculine and feminine forms are neutralized in Av., Akhv. and Tind. Note that there are also forms reflecting PA *b-ošV 'child of animals' (Akhv. baša, And. boši etc.). In Akhv. there also exists a form r-eša meaning 'heifer' (*'daughter of animal'), parallelling PL *ruš: and especially PGB *riže 'heifer'.

    The word for 'woman' in And. (jošḳʷa) is a contraction of joši+heḳʷa 'girl+person'.


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Tsezian etymology :

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Proto-Tsezian: *ʔožǝ (~ -ž:-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: son, boy
Tsezi: užu / uži
Ginukh: uži
Khvarshi: uža
Inkhokvari: užo
Bezhta: ožo
Gunzib: ože
Comments: PTsKh *ʔužǝ, PGB *ʔožǝ. PTs *ʔož(:)ǝ must go back to an earlier *ʔɨžʷǝ; cf. also PTs *r-ɨž(ʷ)ǝ reflected in PGB *riže 'heifer' (Bezht. Tlad., Khosh. riže, Gunz. riže; = Akhv. r-eša id.).

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Lak etymology :

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Lak root: ars
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: son
Lak form: ars

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Dargwa etymology :

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Proto-Dargwa: *ʔurši (~-š:-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: boy, son
Akusha: urši
Comments: Cf. also Ur. urši 'son'.

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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *=uš:
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 daughter 2 newborn daughter 3 newborn son
Lezghian: ruš 1
Tabasaran: riš 1
Agul: ruš 1
Rutul: rɨš 1
Tsakhur: jɨš 1
Kryz: riš 1
Budukh: riž 1
Archi: diš-du-r 2
Comment: Most Lezgian languages reflect only the feminine form *r-uš: (obl. base r-uš:a-, cf. Lezg. ruša-, Ag. ruša-, Rut. rɨšä-); cf. also Tab. Düb. riš:i, Ag. Bursh. ruš:. The only language that has preserved the old opposition between *r-uš: 'daughter' and *u_-uš: 'son' is Archi (cf. Arch. wiš-du 'newborn son'). Some languages have preserved, however, the archaic prefixless plural form *š:i-p:V (cf. Tab. pl. šu-bar, Ag. pl. ši-bar, Kryz. pl. ši-bi). [Not quite clear morphologically is Tab. šiw 'woman', perhaps corresponding to -š:e in Tsakh. xuna-š:e id. It seems to contain a masculine class marker *-u, but has a feminine meaning.]

    See Trubetzkoy 1922, 194; Лексика 1971, 109, 129; Гигинейшвили 1977, 120; Талибов 1960а, 294.


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Khinalug etymology :

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Khinalug root: ši, riši
North Caucasian etymology: 532
Meaning: 1 son 2 girl, daughter
Khinalug form: ši 1, riši 2

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *=ɨ̆šwĔ
Meaning: son, child
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
North Caucasian: *=ɨ̆šwĔ
Sino-Tibetan: *śū
Burushaski: *-́s
Basque: *-VśV
Comments and references : NSC 63 *š(V)wV; MCGD 11, BCD 33.

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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *śū
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: grandchild
Chinese: *sūn (? *swǝ̄n) grandson, granddaughter.
Kachin: šu4 grandchild, (H) also kǝšu.
Lushai: KC *su grandchild.
Lepcha: zon grandchild (?)
Comments: BG: Dimasa su, Bodo sou; Mikir su; Meithei su. Ben. 27,, Ben. 158.

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Chinese characters :

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Modern (Beijing) reading: sūn
Preclassic Old Chinese: sw(h)ǝ̄n
Classic Old Chinese: (s)w̥ǝ̄n
Western Han Chinese: (s)w̥ǝ̄n
Eastern Han Chinese: w̥ǝ̄n
Early Postclassic Chinese: swǝ̄n
Middle Postclassic Chinese: swǝ̄n
Late Postclassic Chinese: swǝ̄n
Middle Chinese: son
English meaning : grandson, descendant
Russian meaning[s]: 1) внук; 2) потомки; 3) побеги растений (при вегетативном размножении); 4) Сунь (фамилия); [sùn xùn] уступать, отклоняться; см.
Shuowen gloss: 子之子曰孫.從系子.系續也.
Comments: The OC reconstruction presents some problems. MC son would normally presuppose OC *sūn - and this is the more or less commonly accepted reconstruction (see Schüssler 592 *suǝn, Baxter 790 *sun etc.). However, the word rhymes only with non-labialised *-ǝn or *-an in Shijing, which seems to favour a reconstruction like *sw(h)ǝ̄n in OC. This must be, then, a case of irregular development *sw(h)- > s(w)- in the 1st division in MC (normally *xon would be expected). Shuowen regards 系 in 孫 as a semantic element, but it may in fact be phonetic - cf. its use in 鯀 *kwǝ̄n.
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Dialectal data: Dialectal data
Radical: 39
Four-angle index: 8296
Karlgren code: 0434 a-c
Jianchuan Bai: suã4
Dali Bai: sua4
Bijiang Bai: sõ4
Shijing occurrences: 5.1, 24.2, 24.3_, 31.2

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Chinese Dialects :

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Number: 907
Chinese etymology: Chinese etymology
MC description : 臻合一平魂心
ZIHUI: 1327 2171
Beijing: suǝn 11
Jinan: suẽ 11
Xi'an: suẽ 11
Taiyuan: suŋ 1
Hankou: sǝn 11
Chengdu: sǝn 11
Yangzhou: suǝn 11
Suzhou: sǝn 11
Wenzhou: sö 11
Changsha: sǝn 11
Shuangfeng: suǝn 11
Nanchang: sun 11
Meixian: sun 11
Guangzhou: šyn 11
Xiamen: sun 11 (lit.); sŋ 11
Chaozhou: suŋ 11
Fuzhou: souŋ 11
Shanghai: sǝŋ 3
Zhongyuan yinyun: suǝn 1

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Burushaski etymology :

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Common Burushaski: *-́s
Sino-Caucasian Etymology: Sino-Caucasian Etymology
Meaning: young (of animals), child
Yasin: -ís
Hunza: -́s-k
Nagar: -́s-k

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Basque etymology :

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Proto-Basque: *śa- / *śe- / *-śo
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 uncle 2 father-in-law 3 parent(s) 4 great-grandparent 5 grand-daughter 6 grandson 7 grand-nephew 8 ancestor 9 great-uncle
Bizkaian: osa-ba 1, gura-so 3, asa-ba 8
Gipuzkoan: osa-ba 1, gura-so 3, asa-ba 8
High Navarrese: osa-ba 1, 2, bura-so 3, asa-ba 1, 9
Low Navarrese: osa-ba 1, bura-so 4, iloba-so 6, arba-so 8
Lapurdian: osa-ba 1, 2, bur(h)a-so 3, arba-so 8
Zuberoan: osa-ba 1, alhaba-so 5, seme-so 6, iloba-so 7, bürü-so 8
Roncalese: osa-ba 1
Comments: This prolific kinship morpheme seems to be related to PNC *=ɨ̆šwĔ 'son / daughter' (originally with changing class prefixes, as still in some EC langs.). It is probably present also in Bsq *śeme 'son', possibly a compound of *śe- + *hume 'child, baby'; and BZK sein 'child'.

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : CVWV
Meaning : to bear
Eurasiatic : *š[e]wV
Afroasiatic : *šVwħ- 'be pregnant, egg' (Cush., Eg.)
Sino-Caucasian : *=ɨ̆šwĔ
Austric : PAA *caw, (?) Mal. chuchu 'grandchild'
Reference : МССНЯ 361; ND 2179.

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *š[e]wV
Meaning: to bear
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *seu̯ǝ-
Altaic: (TM *sebu - suggested by V. Glumov)
Uralic: ? Mar. šǝwä 'потомство'
Kartvelian: *šew-/*šw-
References: МССНЯ 361; ND 2179 *š[e]wħV 'to give birth, be born'.

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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *sōw-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to give birth
Tokharian: A se, B soy `Sohn' (PT *soy); B soṃśke '(dear) son' (dimin.) ( < *sūnu-) (Adams 702 f)
Old Indian: sūte, sūyate, inf. sū́tave, sávitave `to beget, procreate, bear', sū́- m. `one who begets, father, mother', sū́tu- f. `child-bearing, pregnancy'; sūnú- m. `son, child'
Avestan: hunāmi `gebären, Kinder zur Welt bringen', hazaŋrō-hunā `eine, die 1000 Kinder zur Welt bringt'; hunu- 'son'
Armenian: ustr `Sohn'
Old Greek: hüi̯ó-s, att. hüó-s, aeol. hü̂i̯o-s, älter hüi̯ǘ-s, altatt., lak., gort. hüǘ-s, hǖ́-s m., hom. gen. hü̂i̯-os, dat. hüi̯éi, hüi̯êi̯, hü̂i̯i, acc. hüi̯éa, hü̂i̯a, pl. hüi̯ées, hü̂i̯es, gen. hüi̯éōn, dat. hüiôi̯si, hüi̯ási, acc. hüi̯éas, hü̂i̯as, dual. hüi̯ée, hü̂i̯e m. `Sohn'; hüi̯ōnó-s m. 'grandson'
Slavic: *sɨ̄nъ
Baltic: *sū̂-n-u- (2) m.
Germanic: *su-n-ú- m., *su-n-í- m., *sōn-V- m.; *sōn-i- c.; *su-x-tr-ian- m.
Celtic: *sut- > OIr suth `Geburt, Frucht'
Russ. meaning: рож(д)ать; сын
References: WP II 469 f

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Vasmer's dictionary :

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Word: сын
Near etymology: I, род. п. -а, мн. сыновья́ (из *сынове по аналогии *bratrь̂ja; см. Дурново, Очерк 285; едва ли из *сынова, как предполагает Соболевский (Лекции 218, 220); укр. син, блр. сын, др.-русск., ст.-слав. сынъ υἱός (Остром., Супр.), болг. синъ́т, сербохорв. си̑н, род. п. си̑на, им. мн. си̏нови, словен. sȋn, род. п. sȋna, sinȗ, чеш., слвц. syn, польск., в.-луж., н.-луж. syn. Древняя основа на -u; относительно ударения см. Мейе, РФВ 48, 194; Булаховский, ОЛЯ 5, 470.
Further etymology: Родственно лит. sūnùs "сын", др.-прусск. souns, вин. ед. sunun, др.-инд. sūnúṣ, авест. hūnu-, гот. sunus, д.-в.-н. sunu "сын", греч. гомер., лаконск., критск., аркадск. атт. (стар.) υἱύς, род. п. υἱέος "сын", тохар. А sе, В sоуä "сын", далее связано с др.-инд. sū́tē (sāuti), sūуаtē (sūyati), savati "рождает, производит", авест. hunāmi "рождаю", ирл. suth "рождение, плод", др.-инд. sū́tiṣ ж. "рождение", sū́tuṣ ж. "беременность" (см. Траутман, ВSW 292; Арr. Sprd. 433; GGA, 1911, 249; Шпехт 89; Френкель, ВSрr. 45; Мейе, МSL 20, 101; Мейе--Вайан 29; Уленбек, Aind. Wb. 339; Торп 441). Об отношении и.-е. ū : u см. Педерсен, Еt. lit. 54 и сл.
Trubachev's comments: [См. подробно Трубачев, Терм. родства, стр. 48 и сл. -- Т.]
Pages: 3,817-818

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Baltic etymology :

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Proto-Baltic: *sū̂-n-u- (2) m.
Meaning: son
Indo-European etymology: Indo-European etymology
Lithuanian: sūnù-s `Sohn'
Old Prussian: soūns `Sohn'

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Germanic etymology :

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Proto-Germanic: *sunú-z, *suní-z, *sōnV-z; *sōni-z; *suxtriēn
Meaning: son
IE etymology: IE etymology
Gothic: sunu-s m. (u) `son'
Old Norse: sun-r, son-r
Swedish: son
Old English: { sun }; suhterga (suhtriga, suhtria), -an m. `brother's son, nephew'
English: son
Old Frisian: sunu, sune, sun, son
Old Saxon: sunu
Middle Dutch: sōne, zuene
Dutch: zoon m., dial. zeun
Middle Low German: sȫne
Old High German: sunu (8.Jh.), sun (i-St., 8.Jh.)
Middle High German: sun, suon, md. son, sūn st. m. 'sohn; das männl. junge der tiere'
German: Sohn m.

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Kartvelian etymology :

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Proto-Kartvelian: *šew- / šw-
Nostratic: Nostratic
Russian meaning: рождать
English meaning: to give birth
Georgian: šev-, š(v)-; šv-il- 'child'; Old Georg. ṗir-mšo 'firstborn'
Megrel: sku- 'to lay eggs'; skua 'son'
Svan: ǝmsge 'son', sgej, sḳe 'child'
Laz: sku-, sk(v)- 'to lay eggs', sk-ir- 'child'
Notes and references: ЭСКЯ 139, 214, 217, EWK 423-424. Весьма древний корень, имеющий как ностратические (ПИЕ *sewǝ- 'рождать', урал. *[še]wV- < ностр. *š[e]wV, см. МССНЯ 361; Бомхард 1996, 160 присоединяет также драв. *cē(y)- 'сын, ребенок'), так и СК параллели (ПСК *=ɨ̆šwĔ 'сын, дочь', см. NCED 671-672).

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Austric etymology :

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Proto-Austric: *CVw
Meaning: grandchild
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Proto-Austroasiatic: *caw
Austroasiatic meaning: grandchild
Proto-Austronesian: Mal chuchu

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Austro-Asiatic etymology :

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Proto-Austro-Asiatic: *caw
Meaning: grandchild
Austric etymology: Austric etymology
Presyllable: #
Proto-Katuic: *caw
Proto-Bahnaric: *caw
Khmer: cɔ:w < OK caw CHECK
Proto-Pearic: *cVw.N
Proto-Monic: *caw
Proto-Palaungic: Wa *saɨʔ V?
Proto-Khmu: *ʒeʔ IV?
Khasi: ksiew grandchild
References: Kh 718, S-108

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Katuic etymology :

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Proto-Katuic: *caw
Meaning: grandchild
Presyllable: #
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-West Katuic: *caw
Proto-East Katuic: *caw
References: P-65; TK7.39

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West Katuic etymology :

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Proto-West Katuic: *caw
Meaning: grandchild
Presyllable: # / ʔǝ-
Katuic etymology: Katuic etymology
Bru Van Keu: cʌw
Bru Van Keu meaning: grandson
So: caw.N
So meaning: grandchild
Kui: ʔǝcaw.N
Kui meaning: grandchild
Kuay: kâ:n.N caw.N
Kuay meaning: offspring
Ngeu: kɔ:n.N caw.N
Ngeu meaning: offspring

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East Katuic etymology :

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Proto-East Katuic: *caw
Meaning: grandchild
Presyllable: ʔǝ-
Katuic etymology: Katuic etymology
Pakoh: ʔǝcaw
Pakoh meaning: grandchild
Lao Katu: caw
Lao Katu meaning: grandchild
Ngeq: caw
Ngeq meaning: grandchild
Kri: ʔacaw
Chatong: ʔacaw
Kantu dialects: cacɛw V?
Triw: ʔacaw
Dakkan dialects (1): ńcaw, caw
Dakkan dialects (2): kɔ:n caw ndru:l
Dakkan meaning: grandson
Katu dialects (3): kakɔ:n cacaw "offspring"

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Bahnar etymology :

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Proto-Bahnaric: *căw
Meaning: grandchild
Presyllable: #
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Bahnar: sǝw
Bahnar meaning: grandchild
Proto-North Bahnaric: *caw.T
Proto-South Bahnaric: *saw
Proto-West Bahnaric: *caw
Proto-Northwest-Bahnaric: *caw
Harak: caw
References: PNB-431, JS-266, TB7.59

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North Bahnaric etymology :

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Proto-North-Bahnaric: *caw.T
Meaning: grandchild
Bahnaric etymology: Bahnaric etymology
Rengao form: caw.T
Rengao meaning: grandchild
Jeh form: caw.T
Jeh meaning: grandchild, nephew
Sedang form: caw.T
Sedang meaning: grandchild
References: PNB-431

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South Bahnaric etymology :

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Proto-South Bahnaric: *saw
Meaning: grandchild
Bahnaric etymology: Bahnaric etymology
Chrau form: saw
Chrau meaning: grandchild
Stieng form: saw
Stieng meaning: grandchild
References: SBS-259

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West Bahnaric etymology :

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Proto-West- Bahnaric: *caw
Meaning: grandchild
Bahnaric etymology: Bahnaric etymology
Jaru form: caw
Jaru meaning: grandchild
Lavi: caw
Juk: caw
Nhaheung form: co
Nhaheung meaning: grandchild
Brao form: caw
Brao meaning: grandchild
References: JS-266

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North-West Bahnaric etymology :

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Proto-North-West- Bahnaric: *caw
Meaning: grandchild
Bahnaric etymology: Bahnaric etymology
Tariang: caw
Kaseng: caw
Yaeh: caw

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Harak etymology :

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Proto-Harak: *caw
Meaning: grandchild
Bahnaric etymology: Bahnaric etymology
Harak: caw

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Khmer etymology :

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Khmer: caw
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Old Khmer: caw
Old Khmer Meaning: grand children
References: P168

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Pearic etymology :

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Proto-Pearic: *cVw.N
Meaning: grandchild
Presyllable: #
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Chong: câo.A
Chong meaning: grandson, granddaughter
Song: co:.A
Song meaning: grandson, granddaughter
Suoi Kompong: caw prɔh

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Viet-Muong etymology :

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Meaning: grandchildren
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Vietnamese: cháu
Vietnamese meaning: grandson (PH)
Arem: cawʔ cat

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Monic etymology :

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Proto-Monic: *caw
Meaning: grandchild
Presyllable: #
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Modern Mon: cau
Old Mon: cow
Middle Mon: cau
Nyakur: caw.L
Nyakur meaning: grandchild
References: N173; S-108

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Palaung-Wa etymology :

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Meaning: grandson
Austro-Asiatic etymology: Austro-Asiatic etymology
Proto-Wa: *saɨʔ
Proto-Plang: **s[ǝ/aɨ]ʔ
Proto-De'ang: **sa:u

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Wa etymology :

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Meaning: grandson
Palaung-Wa etymology: Palaung-Wa etymology
Paraok: saɨʔ, kɔn-
Paraok meaning: grandson
Wa: sauʔ, kuan-
Wa meaning: grandson
Ava: saiʔ, kuan-
Lawa: soʔ, kuan-

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