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Енисейская этимология :

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Праенисейский: *ʔik
Синокавказская этимология: Синокавказская этимология
Значение: skin (of animals, hairy); hair
Кетский: ī 'skin', pl. iʔŋ; iŋɔĺt5 / iŋɔĺtǝ5, pl. iŋɔĺtǝŋ5 id.
Югский: ijɔl5 / igɔl5, pl. iŋgɔlɨŋ5 "skin"
Коттский: ēk, pl. ēkán, ēkŋ "hair"
Примечания: ССЕ 193. Cf. also Ket. -iɣ-aq "to flay". The paradigm of igɔl in Yug is interesting: it shows that here we have a compound of *ʔik with some second component, each member gaving its own plural: igɔl - iŋ-gɔlɨŋ. The original meaning of the component -gɔl can only be guessed: cf. perhaps PEC *G_ŏŁV "skin" (NCED 463)? Werner 1, 392 <*igǝ>, doubting (for a not quite clear reason) the relationship of Kottish ēk 'hair'.

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