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Енисейская этимология :

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Праенисейский: *p[u]-
Синокавказская этимология: Синокавказская этимология
Значение: intestines
Кетский: hū, pl. hu: / hu:n 'heart'; hɨ̄j, pl. Kur. hʌ:ji4, Bak., Sur. hʌ:jǝ4 / hʌjǝ4, South. hʌj4 'belly'
Югский: fu, pl. fu:n 'heart'; fɨj, pl. fʌ:hj 'belly'
Коттский: fui (fūi), phui, pl. fūjaŋ 'inside, intestines'; fa, *pha, g. fai, pl. fajikŋ "breast"; Ass. pa (М., Сл., Кл.) "breast"
Аринский: ṕhiáŋ (М., Сл., Кл.), apijen (Лоск.) "breast"
Пумпокольский: pfu (Сл., Срсл.) "heart"
Примечания: ССЕ 251-252. The forms listed above are hard to separate (although the vocalism is not quite clear). Werner (1, 332, 348) tries to make the picture clearer by reconstructing *phu 'heart' and *phǝj 'belly' respectively - but the relationship between Ket hū and Kott. fa is still unexplained. It still seems to me that we are dealing with a single root separated into later variants through old Ablaut.

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