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Енисейская этимология :

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Праенисейский: *tǝʔlap- (~-r-)
Синокавказская этимология: Синокавказская этимология
Значение: bread crust
Кетский: tʌla:3, pl. tʌĺaŋ5
Югский: tʌlap5 / tʌla:p3, pl. tʌlafɨn5
Примечания: ССЕ 284. Werner (2, 297) also reconstructs *thǝlap, but identifies the first part of the word with Ket. tъ̄-, Yug. tъ(u)- in *čǝG-tiχ 'snow crust' (q.v.). This would be possible if the second part (-lap) meant "bread" - which is unfortunately not the case: Yug. laʔp means only 'piece', so the compound would have to mean "crust-piece". Additionally, tonal parameters do not match (we have ъ̄ < *-ǝ- in tъ̄-tik, but ʌ with the 5th tone < *-ǝʔ- in *tǝʔlap), which makes Werner's treatment even less probable.

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