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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 1169
Proto-Semitic: *pVwVḥ- ~ *pVḥḥ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: to breath, blow, spread (smell)
Hebrew: pwḥ 'to breathe; wheeze against' [KB 916-17], ypḥ (hitp) 'to gasp for breath, groan' [ibid. 424]; PB paḥ 'blowing', pǝḥī 'blowing out, expiration' [Ja 1151]
Judaic Aramaic: pwḥ 'to blow, evaporate' [Ja 1140].

    Cf. pǝḥē, pǝḥā 'to open mouth' [ibid. 1152]

Syrian Aramaic: pāḥ 'flavit, spiravit; respiravit, quievit; fragravit (odor)' [Brock 559]
Arabic: fḥḥ 'siffler (se dit des serpents); siffler en dormant (se dit d'un homme)' [BK 2 547]; fwḥ 'répandre parfum (se dit d'un arôme)', II 'exhaler (une odeur)' [ibid. 644]
Tigre: fǝḥot 'smell, stench' [LH 654]
Notes: Since in ARB, the only language in this entry distinguishing between ḥ and ḫ, examples with both are represented, it is impossible to chose between these two consonants in the reconstructed form.

    Note various ways of triconsonantizing (insertion of medial -w-, doubling of the second radical, etc.).

    [KB 916-7]: HBR, ARM, ARB (fwḥ, fyḥ, fwh_, fh_h_); [Brock 559]: SYR, HBR, ARB (fwh_)


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