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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *(ǝ)lak-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: leg; the main muscle of arm/leg
Old Indian: r̥kṣálā, r̥cchárā f. `part of an animal's leg between the fetlock joint and the hoof
Armenian: oɫokh `ankle, leg from knee to foot'
Old Greek: láks, lágdǟn `mit der Ferse, dem Fuss', lakhmós = laktismós; laktízdō `mit der Ferse, dem Fuss, dem Huf schlagen, stossen, ausschlagen'
Baltic: *lak-n-ā̂ f.
Germanic: *lag-já- m., *láx-az- n.
Latin: lacertus, -ī m. pl. `die Muskeln, bes. des Oberarms und dieser selbst'
Russ. meaning: нога; основная мышца руки/ноги
References: WP II 420 f

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