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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *steigh-
Meaning: to walk, to step
Old Indian: stighnoti, inf. -stígham, steghitum `to step, stride, step up, mount'
Old Greek: stéi̯khō, stíkhō, aor. stikhẹ̄̂n, perí-stei̯ksās (Hom.) `(in Ordnung) einherschreiten, marschieren, steigen, ziehen,; gehen'; gen. stikhós, pl. stíkhes, acc. -as f. `Glied(er), Reihe(n)'; stíkho-s m. `Reihe, Glied', stôi̯kho-s m. `Reihe od. Kolonne von Soldaten, Choreuten, Schiffen usw., Schicht von Bausteinen, Reihe von Bäšumen, Pfählen usw.'
Slavic: *stīgnǭ, aor. *stīgъ; *stьgā/*stьʒā, *stьgnā
Baltic: *stig- vb/ intr/. *steĩg- (-ja-) vb. tr., *staîg-ā̂- vb. (1)
Germanic: *stīg-a- vb., *stīg-a- m., *stig-a- m., *staig-ō f., *stīg-ō f., *stig-ō f., *steig-ō f., *staig-r-i- c., *stix-t-i- c., *stig-il-ō f., etc.
Latin: vestīgium, -ī n. `подошва ноги; подкова; отпечаток ноги, след'
Celtic: *tiktā, *teigho- etc. > OIr tiagu `ich schreite, gehe', techt `das Gehn; der Bote'; Cymr taith `Reise'; mor-dwy `Seefahrt'
Albanian: štek, best. štegu `Durchgang, eingang,Weg, Haarscheitel'
Russ. meaning: идти, шагать
References: WP II 614 f
Comments: In Baltic it is almost hopeless to search for traces of a distinction between *steigh- 'to tread' and *steig- 'to pierce, stab'. Lith. stìgti 'entbehren, nicht haben' can be explained as *'to have reached'. There is also Lith. stíegti 'ein Strohdach aufsetzen, das Dach mit Stroh decken; das Stroh (beim Dachdecken) ausbreiten, hinlegen' + stṓga-s 'Dach', that may be compared both with *(s)teg- and with Greek stôi̯khos, stíkhos etc. For "roof" cf. also Slav. *strēxā (looking similar to Lith. stíegti (?).

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