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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *bhegʷ-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to run, to escape
Old Greek: phébomai̯ `(in wildem Laufe) fliehen, flüchten', phobéō, -omai̯ `in die Flucht jagen, scheuchen'; phóbo-s m. `Flucht', phoberó- `furchtbar, furchtsam'
Slavic: *bḗgtī, *bē̃gǭ; *bḗgnǭtī; *bēžā́tī, *bē̃žǭ; *bē̂gъ
Baltic: *bē̂g- (*bē̂g-a-) (2) vb. intr., *bēg-a- c., *bē̃g-ia- c., *bē̃g-ā̂ f., *bō̂g-s-t-a- m.
Russ. meaning: бежать, убегать
References: WP II 148 f

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