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Южнодравидийская этимология :

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Праюжно-дравидийский: *ńoṭ-
Значение: cracking of fingers
Тамильский: noṭi
Тамильское значение: crack or snap as of the thumb and middle finger, instant as the time measure of the snap of the finger
Тамильские производные: (-pp-, -tt-) to snap with the thumb and middle finger; noṭippu instant, moment; noṭṭai smack as a sign of keen relish or anticipation; neṭṭi, neṭṭai cracking of the finger joints; neṭa-neṭ-en_al onom. expr. signifying a crashing noise, as of a falling tree
Малаялам: ñoṭi
Малаяльское значение: snap of fingers
Малаяльские производные: ñoṭṭa cracking the joints of the fingers; noṭi a snap with the thumb and middle finger, a moment; noṭikka to fillip, snap with the fingers; noṭippu fillipping; noṭṭa the cracking noise of the finger joints, smacking the lips, pressing a vesicle; ñeṭa sound of falling, crashing trees; ñeṭṭuka to crash, burst
Каннада: naṭike, naṭaku, naṭige, naṭuku, naṭṭu, neṭike, neṭṭu
Каннада значение: the cracking noise of the finger and other joints
Каннада производные: naṭakkane onom. of cracking or breaking; naṭ, naṭa sound of cracking the finger joints, that of a falling branch; loṭṭe a smack or cluck with the tongue; (Hav.) neṭṭi sound produced by pulling knuckles
Тулу: naṭanaṭa
Тулу значение: with a crackling noise
Тулу производные: naṭuku cracking the fingers; netti, luṭuka cracking the fingers; (B-K) neṭṭi making a cracking noise by pulling the knuckles
Пранильгирийский: *noṭ
Номер по DED: 2936

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