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Южнодравидийская этимология :

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Праюжно-дравидийский: *eŋ-c-
Значение: remainder, leftovers
Тамильский: eccam
Тамильское значение: remainder, remains of food, spittle, whatever has come in contact with the mouth (as defiling), dung of birds, lizards, etc.; deficiency, defect
Тамильские производные: eccil saliva, spittle, anything defiled by contact with the mouth, anything defiled, refuse of food, leavings, excretions from the body (as faeces, urine, semen), leavings of sacrificial oblation made of pounded rice; eccilār persons defiled by contact with eccil, low-caste people, untouchables; eccu defect; eñcu (eñci-) to remain, be left behind, survive, lack, be deficient, be spoiled, marred, transgress; eñcal defect, blemish, extinction; eñcalār strangers; eñcali (-pp-, -tt-) to bring discredit upon, cause degradation, cause discomfiture
Малаялам: eccil, iccil
Малаяльское значение: remains and refuse of victuals
Малаяльские производные: ecci remains of victuals; eccam excrements of lizards, flies; eñcuka to become surplus
Каннада: eñjal
Каннада значение: that which in eating is left on the plates, sticks to the mouth or hands, or falls to the ground, that of which a piece is bitten off, i. e. all food or drink which has somehow come in contact with the mouth or hands of the eater and therefore is regarded as impure
Каннада производные: eñjalisu to defile; (Hal.) nɛñjǝla spittle, food or drink which has come in contact with the mouth and is regarded as impure
Кодагу: ecci
Кодагу значение: scraps of food that fall to the floor during meal
Пранильгирийский: *ecĭl
Номер по DED: 0780

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