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Куи-куви этимология :

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Пракуи-куви: *uṇ- (caus. *ūṭ-)
Значение: to drink
Куи: uṇba (uṭ-) "to drink, partake of food, smoke tobacco"
Куви (Фитцджеральд): ūndali
Куви (Шульце): unnai "to drink, suck"
Сункараметта куви: un-
Куви (Израэль): uṇ-
Дополнительные формы: Also Kui ūṛpa (ūṛt-) to cause to drink, give to drink, suckle; ūṭpa (ūṭṭ-) idem; Kuwi_F pālū ūndali to suck; pālū ūthali to suckle; Kuwi_Su ūṭ- (-h-) to give to drink; Kuwi_Isr ūṭ- to give to drink
Комментарии: In Kuwi_F the form is irregular (*urhali would be expected); as it is, it can only be traced back to *unḍ- with an irregular -ḍ- developed after the original nasal. This can be attributed to the process of "reforming" the original simple stem by "hypercorrection": that is, the causative ūthali < *ūṇ-pali could be reinterpreted as from *ūnd-pali (which is, in fact, a far more frequent situation). One cannot also exclude an analogy with onda 'boiled rice', which, although on the PK level it is a different root, probably is of the same origin.
Номер по DED: 600

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