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Куи-куви этимология :

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Пракуи-куви: *ej-, *ej-v-
Значение: to arrive
Куи: epa (et-) "to arrive, reach, overtake, be sufficient"
Куви (Фитцджеральд): ejali "to arrive, reach, overtake"
Сункараметта куви: e- (-t-)
Донгрийя куви: ne- (-t-)
Куви (Маханти): egowā- "to arrive (compound with vā- to come)"
Куви (Израэль): ega- "to arrive (motion base)"
Дополнительные формы: Also Kui eppa (ept-) to cause to reach, cause to arrive at, cause to suffice; Kuwi_Isr eda- to arrive (personal object); ep- (-it-) to cause to reach.
Комментарии: The problem with this root is that in most (or all dialects) of Kui-Kuwi it was not used alone, but only in combination with the root *vā- 'to come' (*ey-v[ā]-) or other suffixes. In Kui *ey-v-a > *ey-pa > *e-pa, while eppa is a secondary causative. In Kuwi_F this cluster is probably responsible for the inlaut -j- (since PK *-y- normally > Kuwi_F -y-), although the exact way of development is unclear. Kuwi_Mah is an archaic form: egowā- obviously results from *ey-vā-. The n- in Kuwi_D is mysterious (although it does have parallels in Manda).
Номер по DED: 809

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