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Лезгинская этимология :

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Пралезгинский: *ʔaʔa(r)-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: to do, to make
Лезгинский: iji-
Табасаранский: aṗ-
Рутульский: =aʔa-
Цахурский: h-aʔa- / h-ā-
Крызский: je-r-
Будухский: si=ʔi-r-
Арчинский: a=a-
Удинский: be-s, be-sun
Комментарий: Cf. also Lezg. pret. awu-na, Rut. pres. =ɨʔɨ-r ( < =iʔɨ-r). The root demonstrates the Ablaut *a/*i (besides Lezg. iji-, Rut. =ɨʔɨ- cf. also Tab. Düb. dur. iṗu-r-). Tab. -ṗ- is a result of cohesion (class marker -b- + the root laryngeal -ʔ-).

    In Ag. the general word for 'do, make' is aq̇a-s (see *ʔaq̇a-). It seems possible, however, to derive from PL *ʔaʔa(r)- the Ag. (Rich.) word for 'to put through', q-uf- ( < *q-V-p-ʔ-): cf. Ag. Bursh. q-arq̇a- (from the root *ʔaq̇a-), Tab. q-aṗ- 'to put through'.

    The Shakhdagh data speak strongly in favour of the original *-r-conjugation, although the reasons for loss of -r- in Tsakhur (which usually preserves it well) are not clear.


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