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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *ḳ_wĭc̣Ĕ / *c̣_ĭḳwĔ
MEANING: spleen; intestine(s)
AAND: *c̣:iḳ:ʷa (~-o)
DARG: *ḳac̣
ABAD: *ḳʷać̣ǝ (~ *ḳ́ʷ-)
COMMENT: The root should be kept distinct from PEC *q̇_wič̣V / *č̣_iq̇wV q.v., although they are constantly contaminating with each other (see the discussion under *q̇_wič̣V).

    Similar forms are spread in Kartvelian languages: Georg. ḳuč̣i 'intestines, stomach of birds', Svan. ḳvič̣ 'bird's crop, craw'. A Kartvelian loan is Osset. gūc̣a "bird's crop; throat". See Bouda 1950, 294; Abayev 1958, 526 (he also links And. ʁʷaʁʷači "belly" which does not belong here); Shagirov 1, 217. However, Abayev's supposition about Iranian origin of Caucasian forms (cf. Sogd. qwč', kwč'k "mouth, throat", Kafir. kūc "belly") is hardly credible.


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