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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *ʕapālq̇wĔ(~ *ɦ-)
MEANING: burdock; leaf
AAND: *HabuḳV
CEZ: *ʕemuq̇(a)
DARG: *heq̇ul(i)
LEZG: *palq̇Iʷ
ABAD: *p:ǝǴǝ (~*b-)
COMMENT: In Av. the voiced -b- is obviously secondary (a normal result of *-p- > *-ṗ- /before a glottalised stop/ > -b-). Otherwise the correspondences are regular (*-l- disappearing in cluster in Av. and yielding nasalisation in PTs). The PD form probably comes from *hepq̇ul(i) with reduction of the medial vowel and cluster simplification.

    There are some doubts whether the WC form belongs here (in this case a usual delabialisation *-Gʷ- > *-G- after a labial should be assumed) or to another root (*panG_VlhV 'leaf; bark' q.v.) - both possibilities should be considered.


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