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Севернокавказская этимология :

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PROTO: *ɦĭfV
MEANING: to guard, to graze
NAKH: *χa
AAND: *=ixʷ-
CEZ: *ʔiχo
LAK: ħuχ-ču
DARG: *=iχ:I-
LEZG: *ʔiʎʷV(n)-
COMMENT: The semantic shift 'graze' > 'feed, eat' is frequent and easily understandable. The initial laryngeal can be reconstructed on basis of Av., Lak. and PTs data; it tends to be replaced by class markers (when the root is functioning as a verb), and in PN the weak syllable with the laryngeal was lost altogether.

    In some cases it is hard to distinguish between reflexes of *ɦĭfV 'to guard, graze' and *HŭqwV 'to preserve, take care of'(q.v.) (this confusion is made, e.g., in Abdokov 1983, 88); the latter root,however, is certainly distinct in PL and PWC, and must be reconstructed as such.


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