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Аваро-андийская этимология :

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Праформа: *=it-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 to leave, let 2 to stay,be there
Аварский: te- 1, =at- 2
Чадаколоб: =Vtá- 1
Андийский: =et- 1
Ахвахский: ot- 1
Чамалинский: =et- 1
Тиндинский: =et- 1
Каратинский: =it- 1
Комментарии: Av. =at- reflects "stem 1", te- - "stem 2". The back vowel in Akhv. (cf. also Tseg., Tl. ut-) is not clear; perhaps it reflects an old Ablaut grade *ut-, attested also in Cham. =ut- 'to sit (down)', Tind. =ut- 'to release, untie'.

    The vowels *-i- and *-e- are not usually distinguished in PA; but in this verbal root they seem to distinguish the transitive stem ("to leave") from the intransitive ("to stay; to get lost, disappear"). Cf. Akhv. ot- 'to leave' : =it- 'to lose (in a game)'; Kar. =it- 'to leave' : =et- 'to get lost'; Cham., Tind. =et- 'to leave' : =it- 'to get lost; (in Tind. also) to lose (in a game)'. We must probably reconstruct a single stem *=it- with later differentiation in individual languages.


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