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Алтайская этимология :

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Праалтайский: *t`i̯ṑlo
Англ. значение: to shine, reflect
Значение: светить, отражаться
Монгольский: *tolui
Тунгусо-маньчжурский: *tī-
Японский: *tàir- ( ~ tìar-)
Комментарии: The Jpn. diphthong is not quite clear. It is interesting also to mention Turkic data: cf. Karakh. tolun in tolun aj 'full moon' (MK, see EDT 501), with tolun formally being a participle from *dol- 'to be filled', but in fact used only in this phrase in the sense of "full moon". Modern Turkish has dolunaj 'full moon' with d- (just as in dol- 'be filled'), but the verb tolun- 'to become full (of moon)' - which would correspond quite regularly to PA *t`i̯ṑlo. One should reckon with a possibility of rather archaic contamination in Turkic (since most languages do not distinguish between the reflexes of *t- and *d-).

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