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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *HVntV
Meaning: kernel
Indo-European: *endr- 'kernel'
Dravidian: *anḍ-i
References: ND 812 *HäntV 'kernel'.
Eurasiatic: *HVŋsV
Meaning: shoulder
Indo-European: *oms-
Altaic: *omuŕV (or *eŋsV?)
Uralic: *wamśV
References: Dybo 1989, 1996; ND 2592 *Xomuś/ŝV 'joint, shoulder etc.' (+ WChad.).
Eurasiatic: *HVŋV
Meaning: angle
Indo-European: *ang-
Altaic: *ṑni ( ~ -e) [?*-ŋ-]
Comments: Altaic - rather to PFU *wińa 'oblique'.
References: ND 810 *HoNka 'angle, joint' (+ Bj.).
Eurasiatic: *HVŋV
Meaning: to weave, bind
Indo-European: (?) *Aw- (or *wey[e]- )
Altaic: *i̯uŋi
Uralic: *wiŋä (wüŋä)
Chukchee-Kamchatkan: *'iŋlǝt- вплетать
References: Suggested by V. Glumov.
Eurasiatic: *HVŋV
Meaning: neck, throat
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *angʷh-
Altaic: *òŋi(čV)
References: Suggested by V. Glumov.
Eurasiatic: *HVp`V ?
Meaning: full
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: ? *Hop-
Chukchee-Kamchatkan: *'hoptъ-
Comments: A local Siberian root; related to IE *Hop- or *pot-?
Eurasiatic: *HVṗV
Meaning: drink, water
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *ap- <PIH *H->
Altaic: *ṓp`à
Dravidian: *op-
Chukchee-Kamchatkan: *'ъpaɣʷъ-
Comments: Cf. FU *iptV (*üpte) 'high water' (or to PA *ūjbV 'foam')
References: ND 1876 *qapV 'to stream, flow' (IE + Eg.). [Cf. also 2506 *woṗV 'to pour, strew': IIr. *vap-, Sam. *wɔptɔ- + Berb., Eg.?].
Eurasiatic: *HVṗV
Meaning: family, friend
Indo-European: *ēp-i-
Altaic: *ṓp`V
References: Ndr 6 *ʔo.bV ( = *ʔohbV?) 'clan' (comparing also Eg. ꜣb.t 'family').
Eurasiatic: *HVrcV ( ~ -c`-)
Meaning: wash, flow
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: (*ers-)
Kartvelian: *rećx-
Comments: Cf. also IE *ewers-, PA *orusi etc.
References: (МССНЯ 349)
Eurasiatic: *HVrimpV
Meaning: eyelid
Uralic: FB *rim[pV]se 'eyelash, eyelid'
Dravidian: *[e]r_ep-
References: Blazh. DA, ND 830 *(ħinV)rimPV 'eyelid, eyelash' (+ Cush., ?Berb.). May be a compound with "eye" (ND compares also Hitt. enera-, enira-, inira- 'eyebrow').
Eurasiatic: *HVrtkV
Meaning: a k. of predator
Indo-European: *Hrtko-
Altaic: *i̯àrgi ( ~ -o)
References: ND 742 *ɣERgE 'big beast' (+ Arab. ʕurāǧ- 'hyena(s)').
Eurasiatic: *HVŕV
Meaning: go astray, fall apart
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *erǝ-
Altaic: *ḗŕa
Uralic: *erä (Perm.) 'to be destroyed'; cf. also *arV 'to tear, rip', *jOrV 'to get lost'
Dravidian: *ed_- (?)
References: МССНЯ 359, ОСНЯ 1, 246-247; ND 779 *herV 'disintegrate, fall to pieces' (IE:Ur.:diff. Alt. /*ire 'melt'?/:Drav. + Sem.).
Eurasiatic: *HVrV
Meaning: rare
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *erǝ- (2 roots?)
Altaic: *āŕa
Dravidian: *ār-
Eurasiatic: *HVrV
Meaning: eagle
Indo-European: *or- <PIH *H->
Dravidian: SDr *eruva- 'kite, eagle'
References: ND 739 *ɣerV ~ *χerV (+ Sem. and dub. Eg.). ? Cf. SH *wary- 'eagle'.
Eurasiatic: *HVrV
Meaning: to change, distribute
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *ar- <PIH *a->
Altaic: *arV ( ~ e-)
References: Suggested by V. Glumov.
Eurasiatic: *HVŕV
Meaning: and, or
Indo-European: *ara / *erǝ part./conj.
Altaic: *aŕV
References: Suggested by V. Glumov.
Eurasiatic: *HVrVlV (*HVlVrV)
Meaning: reed
Borean: Borean
Kartvelian: *lel-
Dravidian: ? SDr *(V)reḷ- 'reed'
References: ND 833 *ħ[U]reḷ/ĺV 'reed' (+ Sem.); 1297 *Liḷ/ĺV 'reed, water-plant'.
Eurasiatic: *HV(w)[č`]V
Meaning: bone
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *Host-
Altaic: *ubč`V
Uralic: *wačV (wočV)
Kartvelian: ? *ɣač̣- (or Megr. oč̣iši 'back of the body')
Eskimo-Aleut: *icaɣǝ-
Comments: Expected -s- in Alt. Cf. *HońcV. Cf. Proto-Aleut PAl *caχ 'hand, arm'.
References: ? Cf. ND 823 *ħū(w)č̣V 'loins, lap' (Alt.+Megr.+ very dubious Drav. and Sem.); 731 *ɣUč̣V 'bone' (IE, Alt + Georg. ɣoǯ- 'fang'? + Sem. *ʕač̣am- 'bone').
Eurasiatic: *HVwHV
Meaning: relation
Indo-European: *au̯-
Altaic: *ùjò
Uralic: *äje ?
Dravidian: *av-ai (?)
Eurasiatic: *HVwjV
Meaning: bird
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *awei
Altaic: *ā̀jbi [+ *ak`a(ŋV)]
Uralic: *wajV 'wild (animal)' ?
Kartvelian: *ixw-
Dravidian: ? *vaŋk-
Eskimo-Aleut: *ǝvuKa-
Chukchee-Kamchatkan: *'eɣʷŋǝ (cf. also CK *jowa 'loon')
Comments: Cf. also PIE *ōwi̯o-, PA *èbla 'egg' (derivates?) [For forms like *'eɣʷŋǝ cf. rather PSC *ɦăχwVŋV)
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