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 Proto-Turkic Altaic etymology Meaning Russian meaning Old Turkic Karakhanid Turkish Tatar Middle Turkic Uzbek Uighur Sary-Yughur Azerbaidzhan Turkmen Khakassian Shor Oyrat Halaj Chuvash Yakut Dolgan Tuva Tofalar Kirghiz Kazakh Noghai Bashkir Balkar Gagauz Karaim Karakalpak Salar Kumyk Comments
face="Times New Roman Star"*bykynface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"thighface="Times New Roman Star"бедроface="Times New Roman Star"byqyn 'hip' (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"byqyn 'hip, flank' (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"bykyn (dial.)face="Times New Roman Star"byg|yn (Sib.)face="Times New Roman Star"byqyn 'hip, flank' (Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"biqinface="Times New Roman Star"biqin

face="Times New Roman Star"byqynface="Times New Roman Star"pyxty
face="Times New Roman Star"byqyn, myqyn

face="Times New Roman Star"byg|yn
face="Times New Roman Star"myqynface="Times New Roman Star"myqyn
face="Times New Roman Star"byg|ymface="Times New Roman Star"byg|yn

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 316, VEWT 73, TMN 2, 301, ЭСТЯ 2, 304-305, Лексика 280. The Khak. form is a rebuilt posessive form.
face="Times New Roman Star"*byldur- (*buldyr-)face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"a bird smaller than a grey partridge, quailface="Times New Roman Star"рыжая куропатка, степной рябчик

face="Times New Roman Star"byldyrz?|yn
face="Times New Roman Star"byldyrc?yn (Sangl., Houts., Bulgat)face="Times New Roman Star"bulduriq 'Steppenhuhn'

face="Times New Roman Star"byldyrc?yn (dial.)

face="Times New Roman Star"pъw|ldъw|rz?|an (dial.)face="Times New Roman Star"bylz?|yryt, byllyryt 'snipe'

face="Times New Roman Star"bulduruqface="Times New Roman Star"buldyryq

face="Times New Roman Star"buldyryq

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 309, TMN 2, 312, VEWT 73-74, ЭСТЯ 2, 305-306, Лексика 173. Turk. > Russ. Siber. buld'ur'uk (Аникин 140).
face="Times New Roman Star"*byldur (/*buldyr)face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"past time, last yearface="Times New Roman Star"прошлое, прошлый год
face="Times New Roman Star"byldyr (MK)
face="Times New Roman Star"byltyrface="Times New Roman Star"byltyr (AH), bylyr (Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"bultyrface="Times New Roman Star"bultu(r)face="Times New Roman Star"pytyrface="Times New Roman Star"bildirface="Times New Roman Star"bildirface="Times New Roman Star"pyltyr

face="Times New Roman Star"bylyrface="Times New Roman Star"bylyr

face="Times New Roman Star"byltyrface="Times New Roman Star"byltyr
face="Times New Roman Star"byltyrface="Times New Roman Star"byltyrface="Times New Roman Star"byldyrface="Times New Roman Star"byltyrface="Times New Roman Star"byltyr
face="Times New Roman Star"byltyrface="Times New Roman Star"EDT 334, VEWT 74, ЭСТЯ 2, 139-140, Лексика 71, Stachowski 70.
face="Times New Roman Star"*byn/anface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"a k. of grassface="Times New Roman Star"солодка, лебеда

face="Times New Roman Star"bojan, mejanface="Times New Roman Star"dial. myjaface="Times New Roman Star"bijan, CCum. bujanface="Times New Roman Star"mijaface="Times New Roman Star"buja
face="Times New Roman Star"bijanface="Times New Roman Star"bujan

face="Times New Roman Star"mъjan

face="Times New Roman Star"myjaface="Times New Roman Star"myjaface="Times New Roman Star"myja

face="Times New Roman Star"bojan
face="Times New Roman Star"mijaface="Times New Roman Star"Егоров 131. Turk. > Kalm. buja: 'лебеда', Russ. Siber. bojalyc? 'солянка древовидная' Аникин 125.
face="Times New Roman Star"*byn/l/(yk)face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"catface="Times New Roman Star"кошка
face="Times New Roman Star"mu"s? (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"pys?yk (dial.), pisiface="Times New Roman Star"pesi, dial. mys?yqface="Times New Roman Star"pis?ik, mus?uq (Pav. C., Abush., MA)face="Times New Roman Star"mus?ukface="Times New Roman Star"mo"s?u"kface="Times New Roman Star"mis?, mis?ikface="Times New Roman Star"pis?ikface="Times New Roman Star"pis?ik

face="Times New Roman Star"myz?yqface="Times New Roman Star"pus?uq

face="Times New Roman Star"mys?yqface="Times New Roman Star"mysyqface="Times New Roman Star"mysyqface="Times New Roman Star"bisa"j

face="Times New Roman Star"pys?yqface="Times New Roman Star"mis?ixface="Times New Roman Star"mis?ik, bis?ewface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 337, EDT 772, ЭСТЯ 7. Cf., however, OUygh. mys?qyc? < Sogd. mws?kys?c? id. Tur. pisi, Tat. pesi are expressive calling forms, which may explain their irregularity (medial -s-).
face="Times New Roman Star"*byn|face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"thousandface="Times New Roman Star"тысячаface="Times New Roman Star"byn|, bin| (Orkh., OUygh.), min|(OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"min| (MK, KB)face="Times New Roman Star"binface="Times New Roman Star"men|face="Times New Roman Star"min| (Abush., Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"min|face="Times New Roman Star"min|face="Times New Roman Star"men|face="Times New Roman Star"minface="Times New Roman Star"mu"n|face="Times New Roman Star"mun|face="Times New Roman Star"mun|face="Times New Roman Star"mun|face="Times New Roman Star"min|face="Times New Roman Star"pinface="Times New Roman Star"mun|
face="Times New Roman Star"mun|
face="Times New Roman Star"min|face="Times New Roman Star"myn|face="Times New Roman Star"min|, myn|face="Times New Roman Star"men|face="Times New Roman Star"min|face="Times New Roman Star"binface="Times New Roman Star"minface="Times New Roman Star"myn|face="Times New Roman Star"min|face="Times New Roman Star"min|face="Times New Roman Star" VEWT 76, MNT 4, 1742, EDT 347-347, Лексика 574. Cannot be < Chin. (see Clauson 1964, 24-25).
face="Times New Roman Star"*byn|yt (?-n/-,-d)face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"Salmo lenocface="Times New Roman Star"ленок

face="Times New Roman Star"mind-@r 'burbot'

face="Times New Roman Star"byjyt
face="Times New Roman Star"myjytface="Times New Roman Star"miit

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 336, Лексика 177.
face="Times New Roman Star"*byrak-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to let, to abandon 2 to send 3 to throwface="Times New Roman Star"1 бросать 2 покидать 3 посылать
face="Times New Roman Star"byraq-, byrag|- (IM) 1face="Times New Roman Star"byrak- 1
face="Times New Roman Star"byraq- (Pav. C.), (OKypch.) 1

face="Times New Roman Star"burax- 1, 2

face="Times New Roman Star"purqa- (R) 3face="Times New Roman Star"byrk-yra- 'to scatter, become scattered'
face="Times New Roman Star"pъw|rax- 1, 3face="Times New Roman Star"byrax- 1, 3face="Times New Roman Star"byrak- 1, 3

face="Times New Roman Star"byraq-tyr- 'to throw out'

face="Times New Roman Star"byraq- (K) 1, 3

face="Times New Roman Star"burax- (dial.) 2face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 74, ЭСТЯ 2, 307-308, Егоров 148, Федотов I 399-400, Stachowski 71.
face="Times New Roman Star"*bytface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"louseface="Times New Roman Star"вошьface="Times New Roman Star"bit (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"bit (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"bitface="Times New Roman Star"betface="Times New Roman Star"bit (Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"bitface="Times New Roman Star"pitface="Times New Roman Star"bys?tface="Times New Roman Star"bitface="Times New Roman Star"bitface="Times New Roman Star"p@tface="Times New Roman Star"pitface="Times New Roman Star"bijtface="Times New Roman Star"bitface="Times New Roman Star"pyjdъface="Times New Roman Star"byt
face="Times New Roman Star"by'tface="Times New Roman Star"by'tface="Times New Roman Star"bitface="Times New Roman Star"bi_tface="Times New Roman Star"bijtface="Times New Roman Star"betface="Times New Roman Star"bitface="Times New Roman Star"bit/ face="Times New Roman Star"bitface="Times New Roman Star"bijtface="Times New Roman Star"bis?tface="Times New Roman Star"bitface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 76, EDT 296, ЭСТЯ 2, 151-152, Лексика 182.
face="Times New Roman Star"*bodface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 body, stature 2 self 3 kin, tribe 4 counter for persons 5 lengthface="Times New Roman Star"1 тело, стан, рост 2 сам 3 род 4 сч. слово для лиц 5 длинаface="Times New Roman Star"bod 1, 2, 4 (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"bod 1 (MK, KB), boj 3 (MK - Oghuz), bod 4 (KB)face="Times New Roman Star"boj 1face="Times New Roman Star"buj 5face="Times New Roman Star"boj 1 (Sangl., MA, Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"bo.j 1, 5face="Times New Roman Star"boj 1, 5face="Times New Roman Star"poz 1, 4face="Times New Roman Star"boj 1face="Times New Roman Star"boj 1face="Times New Roman Star"pos 2face="Times New Roman Star"pozu 2face="Times New Roman Star"boj 2, 5face="Times New Roman Star"bod 1face="Times New Roman Star"pu" 1, 5

face="Times New Roman Star"bot 2
face="Times New Roman Star"boj 1, 2, 5face="Times New Roman Star"boj 1, 2, 5face="Times New Roman Star"boj 1, 5face="Times New Roman Star"buj 1, 5face="Times New Roman Star"boj 1, 5face="Times New Roman Star"boj 1, 5face="Times New Roman Star"boj 1, 2, 5face="Times New Roman Star"boj 1, 2, 5face="Times New Roman Star"bojag|yr (< bojy agyr) 'pregnant' (ССЯ)face="Times New Roman Star"boj 1, 2, 5face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 296-297, VEWT 77, TMN 2, 358-361, ЭСТЯ 2, 176-178, Лексика 265.
face="Times New Roman Star"*bodo-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to paint, dye 2 dyeface="Times New Roman Star"1 красить 2 краскаface="Times New Roman Star"bodug| 2 (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"bod|o- (MK) 1, bod|og| (MK) 2face="Times New Roman Star"boja- 1, boja 2face="Times New Roman Star"buja- 1, bujaw 2face="Times New Roman Star"boja- (Abush., Sangl.) 1, bojag|/q 2 (Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"bu.ja- 1,|q 2face="Times New Roman Star"boju-/a- 1, bojaq 2
face="Times New Roman Star"boja- 1, boja, bojaG 2face="Times New Roman Star"boja- 1, boja, bojaG 2

face="Times New Roman Star"pojo- 1 (ГАЯ), poju- (dial. - Баск. Кум.)face="Times New Roman Star"boda- 1, bodag| 2face="Times New Roman Star"p@w|ve- 1face="Times New Roman Star"butuj- 1, butuk 2
face="Times New Roman Star"budu- 1, buduq 2
face="Times New Roman Star"bojo- 1, bojoq 2face="Times New Roman Star"boja- 1, bojau 2face="Times New Roman Star"boja- 1, bojaq 2face="Times New Roman Star"buja- 1, hary bujaq 'серпуха' (a dying plant)face="Times New Roman Star"boja- 1, bojaw 2face="Times New Roman Star"boja- 1, boja 2face="Times New Roman Star"boja- 1, boja 2face="Times New Roman Star"boja- 1, bojaq 2face="Times New Roman Star"bojax| 2 (Kakuk)face="Times New Roman Star"boja- 1, bojaw 2face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 300, VEWT 77, ЭСТЯ 2, 178-179, Егоров 155. Despite EDT, Tel. bodu- is a Mongolian loanword. Chuv. -v- instead of *-r- is not quite clear here (perhaps it is a trace of the archaic *-gd-cluster?).
face="Times New Roman Star"*bod-tak
face="Times New Roman Star"young lambface="Times New Roman Star"1 ягненок 2 холостой

face="Times New Roman Star"bujdak 2 (ba"ti барашек < Chuv.?)face="Times New Roman Star"bojdag| (R) 1 молодой баран 2 холостойface="Times New Roman Star"bo.jdo|q 2face="Times New Roman Star"bojdaq 2

face="Times New Roman Star"postan|, postug| 2face="Times New Roman Star"bojdon| 2
face="Times New Roman Star"pod'ak, dial. put@ 1, козленок **AD

face="Times New Roman Star"bottan| 2
face="Times New Roman Star"bojdok 2face="Times New Roman Star"bojdaq 1 (валух старше одного года; яловый), 2face="Times New Roman Star"bojdak 2face="Times New Roman Star"bujzaq 2

face="Times New Roman Star"bojdax 2, 'молодой человек'face="Times New Roman Star"bojdaq 1 (валух старше одного года), 2
face="Times New Roman Star"bojdaq 2face="Times New Roman Star"See VEWT 77-8, Федотов 1 455 **AD. Turk. > Kalm. bojd@g (KW 49), Khalkha, Bur. bojtog 'fur boots'. Shor postan| seems to point to *bod-tak, but this is probably a secondary influence of *bod > pos (the roots are different anyway, being distinguished not only by *-j- *-d-, but also by vowel length). **AD Откуда долгота? Нет никаких оснований. Семантика производящего *bod| - рост, тело, сам, одинокий, холостой, у производного - холостой, молодой баран (в ч-ти шор. postan|, postug|, саг. postan| 'холостой').
face="Times New Roman Star"*bodu-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to fasten (with a nail, arrow) 2 to be fastened, attached 3 wooden nail in camel's nose for fastening the tether 4 nailface="Times New Roman Star"1 прикреплять, прибивать (гвоздем, стрелой) 2 быть прикрепленным 3 деревянный гвоздик в носовой перегородке верблюда для прикрепления привязи 4 гвоздьface="Times New Roman Star"bodu- 1 (OUygh.), bodul- 2, budlu 3 (OUygh. - YB)face="Times New Roman Star"bodu- 1 (MK), butlu ( = budlu) 3 (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"pojra 'wheel hob', dial. bujru, bujlu
face="Times New Roman Star"bujla (MA) 3
face="Times New Roman Star"bujla 3

face="Times New Roman Star"bu"jli 3face="Times New Roman Star"pozyg| 4face="Times New Roman Star"pozug| 4

face="Times New Roman Star"bujla 3face="Times New Roman Star"bujda 3face="Times New Roman Star"bojysqan (< *body-s?-kan) 'woollen lead for fastening calves during milking'face="Times New Roman Star"bujlyq 'a bridle detail, суголовник'

face="Times New Roman Star"bujda 3

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 300, 304, 305, ЭСТЯ 2, 287. The original meaning of the root is clearly 'to fasten, attach'. The -u-vowel in the name of camel harness may be a result of borrowing in Karakh. from a Kypchak-type dialect, with further dispersion from Karakh. Тurk. bujla > Mong. bujla 'id.' > Tuva bujla.
face="Times New Roman Star"*bodunface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"peopleface="Times New Roman Star"народface="Times New Roman Star"bodun (OUygh., Orkh,)face="Times New Roman Star"bod|un (MK)

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 306, TMN 2, 812, Лексика 316.
face="Times New Roman Star"*bog-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to tie up 2 to strangle 3 to hinder 4 bundleface="Times New Roman Star"1 завязывать 2 душить 3 препятствоватьface="Times New Roman Star"bog|- 2, bog| 4 (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"bog|- 2, bog| 4 (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"bo:- 2, dial. bog| 4, bog|a- 1face="Times New Roman Star"bu- 2face="Times New Roman Star"bog|- 2, bog| 4 (Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"bo.g|- 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"bog|- 2face="Times New Roman Star"pog|- 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"bog|- 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"bog|- 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"pog|- 1, 2
face="Times New Roman Star"po:-, po-, bu:-, pu- 1, 2
face="Times New Roman Star"pъv- 2face="Times New Roman Star"buoj- 3face="Times New Roman Star"buoj- 3 ('to pacify, appease')face="Times New Roman Star"bog|- 1, 2
face="Times New Roman Star"bu:- 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"bu- 2face="Times New Roman Star"buw- 2face="Times New Roman Star"byw- 2face="Times New Roman Star"buw- 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"bu:- 2face="Times New Roman Star"bog|- 2face="Times New Roman Star"buw- 1, 2
face="Times New Roman Star"buw- 2face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 311, VEWT 78, ЭСТЯ 2, 164-167, Stachowski 66.
face="Times New Roman Star"*bogar/face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"pregnant (of animals)face="Times New Roman Star"беременная (о животных)

face="Times New Roman Star"buwazface="Times New Roman Star"(to"l) bog|az (Oghuz-nama); bog|az, bog|uz (MA)face="Times New Roman Star"bu.g|o|zface="Times New Roman Star"bog|az
face="Times New Roman Star"bog|az (dial.)face="Times New Roman Star"bog|azface="Times New Roman Star"po:s
face="Times New Roman Star"poosface="Times New Roman Star"poos
face="Times New Roman Star"buosface="Times New Roman Star"buosface="Times New Roman Star"boos
face="Times New Roman Star"boozface="Times New Roman Star"buwazface="Times New Roman Star"buwazface="Times New Roman Star"bywad|face="Times New Roman Star"buwaz

face="Times New Roman Star"buwaz
face="Times New Roman Star"buwazface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 78, ЭСТЯ 2, 169, Stachowski 67. Turk. > WMong. bog|us, Kalm. bo:s (KW 54), Dag. bo:s (Тод. Даг. 127), see Clark 1980, 39.
face="Times New Roman Star"*bogumface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"jointface="Times New Roman Star"сустав
face="Times New Roman Star"bog|ym, bog|un (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"bog|un, bog|umface="Times New Roman Star"buwynface="Times New Roman Star"bog|un (Sangl., Бор. Бад., Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"bu.g|inface="Times New Roman Star"bog|am

face="Times New Roman Star"boGunface="Times New Roman Star"pun
face="Times New Roman Star"mun, pu:n (dial.)

face="Times New Roman Star"mu:nface="Times New Roman Star"buwynface="Times New Roman Star"buwynface="Times New Roman Star"bywyn

face="Times New Roman Star"buvunface="Times New Roman Star"buwynface="Times New Roman Star"pug|um (Kakuk)face="Times New Roman Star"bywynface="Times New Roman Star"EDT 316, ЭСТЯ 2, 170-171, Лексика 260, TMN 2, 348-349.
face="Times New Roman Star"*bogur/, *bokur-dakface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 throat 2 Adam's appleface="Times New Roman Star"1 горло 2 кадыкface="Times New Roman Star"bog|uz 1 (OUygh.), bog|zy / (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"bog|oz (MK, KB) 1face="Times New Roman Star"bog|az 1, bog|urdak, bog|urtlak (dial.) 2face="Times New Roman Star"bug|az 1 (k), pug|yrtaq (dial.), pu:rtaq (dial.) 2face="Times New Roman Star"bog|uz (Abush., Бор. Бад.) 1, boqurdaq, bog|ardaq (Sangl.) 2face="Times New Roman Star"bu.g|iz 1face="Times New Roman Star"bog|uz 1
face="Times New Roman Star"bog|az 1face="Times New Roman Star"boGaz 1, boqurdaq 1

face="Times New Roman Star"bog|az, bog|uz, bog|yz 1face="Times New Roman Star"pyr 1face="Times New Roman Star"buosax 1
face="Times New Roman Star"boos (bosqu)face="Times New Roman Star"boos (boqsu)face="Times New Roman Star"bog|os 'place where two rivers meet' (South.)face="Times New Roman Star"bug|az, bug|yz 'shaft-bed in a shovel' (dial.)face="Times New Roman Star"bog|az 'double chin; channel, strait', bog|yrdaq 1face="Times New Roman Star"bog|ad| 1, bog|ard|aq 'trachea'face="Times New Roman Star"boqqur 2, bog|urdaq 2face="Times New Roman Star"buwaz 1face="Times New Roman Star"bog|oz, bog|az 1face="Times New Roman Star"buwaz-aq 'glass for a kerosene lamp'face="Times New Roman Star"pog|tax|, pox|tax| 1face="Times New Roman Star"bog|az 'channel, strait'face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 78, TMN 2, 344, ЭСТЯ 2, 167-168, 184, Лексика 230-231. The derivative *bokur-dak consistently displays reflexes of voiceless *-k-; it is present also in some reflexes of *bogur/ (Kirgh. bog|os, Kaz. bug|az, Nogh. bog|az, Bashk. bog|ad|, Kum. bog|az) - all probably under the influence of *bokak 'crop, craw' (v. sub *pu>/k`a).
face="Times New Roman Star"*boj-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to be dilatory and careless 2 to rage, rough-house 3 rampant 4 to rot, spoilface="Times New Roman Star"1 быть неосторожным, рассеянным 2 буянить 3 буйный, ретивый 4 протухать, портиться, хиреть
face="Times New Roman Star"bojba- (MK) 1

face="Times New Roman Star"bo.j-la- 4

face="Times New Roman Star"bojna- 2, bojnaq 3

face="Times New Roman Star"boj-la- 4
face="Times New Roman Star"buj-da- 'to be confused'

face="Times New Roman Star"buj-la- 2

face="Times New Roman Star"boj-g|yn 'fainted'

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 385.
face="Times New Roman Star"*bokface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"dirt, dungface="Times New Roman Star"грязь, навозface="Times New Roman Star"boq 'ярь' (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"boq 'mildew on bread' (MK), 'dung' (IM)face="Times New Roman Star"bok
face="Times New Roman Star"(OKypch.) boq (AH, Houts.)

face="Times New Roman Star"pox|face="Times New Roman Star"boqface="Times New Roman Star"pox
face="Times New Roman Star"boq
face="Times New Roman Star"pъw|x

face="Times New Roman Star"boqface="Times New Roman Star"moqface="Times New Roman Star"boq
face="Times New Roman Star"boq
face="Times New Roman Star"boqface="Times New Roman Star"boqface="Times New Roman Star"boqface="Times New Roman Star"boq

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 79, EDT 311, ЭСТЯ 2, 183. Turk. > WMong. bog|, Kalm. bog (KW 48-49; see TMN 2, 349, Щербак 1997, 108).
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