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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *srēp (~ch-)
Meaning: fall in, be reduced
Tibetan: srab thin
Kachin: sip2 be reduced, to go down (as a swelling).
Lushai: thēp to fall in (as walls of bladder).
Comments: Cf. Serdukpen achap 'thin'; Kulung cup-khaswa id. (?)
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *srǝ̆k
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: shame
Chinese: *srǝk colour; countenance, looks; beauty.
Tibetan: śags joke, jest, fun.
Burmese: hrak be ashamed, LB *srakx.
Comments: Bunan śrag; Mikir therak; Rawang sǝra; Magari kha-rak. Sh.43, 139; Ben. 34, 106.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *srĭk
Meaning: louse
Chinese: *srit louse.
Tibetan: śig louse.
Kachin: ciʔ3 the head-louse.
Lushai: hrik a louse, KC *hrik.
Lepcha: śak
Kiranti: *s-rik
Comments: Yamphu sik; PG *śé̀t louse; BG: Rabha khrɨk; Moshang thik; Rawang śi, Trung čĭʔ1; Kanauri rik, Thebor si, Bunan śrig; Miri tǝik; Chepang sryak; Magari sik. Simon 26, Sh. 436; Ben. 107; Peiros-Starostin 218. Cf. PAN *siksik 'search for lice'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ś(r)ɨăŋ
Meaning: cold, frost
Chinese: *sraŋ hoar-frost.
Burmese: (?) ćhauŋh the cold season.
Kachin: niŋšuŋ1, nšuŋ1, kǝšuŋ1 cold.
Kiranti: *ʒhùŋ
Comments: Trung dzǝŋ2 cold (weather), dzǝ̆ŋ1 winter; Miju coŋ, Taraong ʒoŋ, Konyak (Yogli) hraŋ-suŋ, Ao Naga *saŋ, Sichuan *ʒ́VN 'cold', Kham žũh id. Mat. 180.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *s(r)ɨ̄mH ( ~ ś-)
Meaning: touch, stroke
Chinese: *srǝ̄mʔ to grasp; to touch tenderly.
Burmese: sumh (sap) to stroke.
Comments: Luce 46.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ś(r)ot
Meaning: rub, scrape
Chinese: *srō̆t scrape clear, brush.
Tibetan: śud (p., f. bśud) to rub, to get scratched.
Kachin: ǝšot3 to graze, touch lightly, (H) ǯot.
Comments: Sh. 71; Luce 51. Cf. PAN *suat 'comb'. The *-t may be suffixed: cf. OC 搔 *sū 'scratch', 掃 *sūʔ 'to sweep, brush', Tib. śu, bśu 'to skin, peel off the skin'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ś(r)ōk
Meaning: suck, drink
Chinese: *srōk suck, inhale.
Burmese: sauk to drink, smoke, LB *šukx drink.
Comments: Coblin 144. STEDT 240-242 *s(y)ok 'drink, suck, smoke' (adding Mikir cho-sòk- 'suck', Chepang syuŋʔ-sa, Bantawa soN, rGyarong ka-mǝ-sćok); one should also add Naga *sak, Nung *šVu 'drink'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: [*(s)ru]
Meaning: mother's sister
Tibetan: sru mother's sister.
Comments: Kanauri, Chamba Lahuli ru father-in-law. Ben. 108.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ś(r)uaɫ
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: assault, take by force
Chinese: *chrōns take by force, usurp ( < *t-srōns ?).
Kachin: gǝšun3 to coerce, extort, take by force, (H) mǝšun to snatch.
Lushai: sual bad, naughty, wicked, sinful; to criminally assault (a woman); be in trouble to others through ill health; to sufficiently poison (a pool).
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *s(r)ŭk (~-uak)
Meaning: gather, bind together
Chinese: *sruk to bind together; to collect.
Tibetan: sog, sogs, bsog, gsog (p. (b)sags, f. bsag, i. sogs, bsag) to gather, heap up.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *su ( ~ -ǝw, -iw)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: who, interrogative pronoun
Tibetan: su who?
Burmese: ǝsu who, LB *su
Lepcha: šu who, what
Kiranti: *su
Comments: PG *su who; Kham sū̀; Kanauri su. Sh. 135; Luce 35.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ś[ua]
Meaning: that, other
Chinese: *sa mutually, each other; 相 *saŋ id.
Tibetan: śos the other.
Burmese: su he, she, it (cf. also sǝwʔ this; saŋʔ to fit, correspond).
Lushai: so that, that yonder.
Comments: Cf. also Lush. ču that, which, who; *śĕ- 'this, that'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *ś(u)a
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: deer
Tibetan: śa, śwa a hart, a stag.
Burmese: sah animal (in compounds).
Kachin: šan a deer.
Lushai: sa animal.
Kiranti: *sǝ̀
Comments: Newari sa; Midzhu śa mithan; Abor śo cow; Digaro śá (N); Chepang mo-śa. Sh. 188; Ben. 46. The root is hardly distinguishable from *śa meat, flesh; the Tib. form, however, suggests a possibility of original difference.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *suak ( ~ z-, ś-)
Meaning: rapid, swift
Chinese: *sōk rapid, quick.
Burmese: swak be swift, rapid.
Comments: Trung džɔʔ1 be quick. Cf. PAA *cVk 'quick' (Peiros 1998, 226).
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *śuaɫ (~-l)
Meaning: have fits, convulsions
Kachin: (H) kǝšan to suffer, as from spasmodic fits or convulsion.
Lushai: sual to have a fit, convulsions.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *suăt
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: snow
Chinese: *sot snow.
Tibetan: sad frost, cold air, cold.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *śŭH ( ~ ch-)
Meaning: wash
Chinese: *s_uʔ wash, 溲 *s_ruʔ moisten, wash, soak.
Lushai: su (sūk) to wash (as clothes, head).
Comments: Cf. Austric: PAA *suah 'wet, dip in', PAN *hisuq 'clean, wash, scrub, scour', *besaq 'wet, wash'
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *sŭk ( ~ -o-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: morning
Chinese: *suk early morning; 宿 *suk to stay overnight.
Burmese: sauk-kra Venus, LB *sokx morning (Matisoff 1972: 55).
Comments: Coblin 109-110. Here perhaps Nung *su, Sichuan *šV 'night'.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *śun (~-o-)
Meaning: move, shake off
Kachin: (H) ǝšun to shake off or down.
Lushai: son to move or shift from one place to another.
Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *suŋ ( ~ ch-)
Meaning: smell
Tibetan: bsuŋ smell, esp. sweet scent.
Kachin: (H) suŋ smell, scent.
Comments: Ben. 85. Cf. Austric: PAA *cVŋ 'smell', PAN *e(n)juŋ 'nose' + (Usher) Daic /Ong Be zoŋ, suŋ 'nose'.
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