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Nilgiri etymology :

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Proto-Nilgiri : *koḍ-
Meaning : small intestines
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : koṛṇ
Toda : kwɨṛ
Number in DED : 1652
Proto-Nilgiri : *koḍ-
Meaning : curve, hook
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : koṛy "crick in neck from sleeping crooked or lifting heavy burden"
Toda : kwɨṛ fōɫ̣ "billhook"
Additional forms : Also Toda kwɨṛ magoy elbow; kwɨ̄ṛ curve (in: kwāṛ xwɨ̄ṛ fɨs_ rainbow, lit. curved bow of the monsoon)
Number in DED : 2054
Proto-Nilgiri : *kod-
Meaning : sp. biting insect
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Toda : kwɨɵf
Number in DED : 2086
Proto-Nilgiri : *koḍ
Meaning : hook of tongs
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : koṛ
Number in DED : 2052
Proto-Nilgiri : *koḍä
Meaning : umbrella made of leaves (only in a proverb)
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : koṛ
Toda : kwaṛ
Additional forms : Also Kota keṛ umbrella
Notes : The variant koṛ is dialectal.
Number in DED : 1663
Proto-Nilgiri : *kodc-
Meaning : to winnow, sift
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : kod- (kody-) "to separate broken from whole grains (by winnowing with several side-to-side movements followed by sharp upward movement, the process being repeatedly done)"
Toda : kwɨc- (kwɨč-) "to separate grain from stones, etc., with winnowing basket"
Additional forms : Also Toda ? kwašt bran
Notes : The correspondence "Kota -d- : Toda -c-" is unique and can only be explained by a complex cluster.
Number in DED : 2144
Proto-Nilgiri : *kodǝl
Meaning : stammerer
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Toda : kwɨɵɨl
Number in DED : 1702
Proto-Nilgiri : *koḍ-ǝm
Meaning : waterpot with small mouth
Kota : koṛm (obl. koṛt-)
Number in DED : 1651
Proto-Nilgiri : *koḍĭ
Meaning : creeper
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : koṛy
Toda : kwɨṛy
Additional forms : Also Kota koc binding (for firewood, etc.) made from plant
Notes : Whether Kota koc belongs here is unclear. The development *ḍǐ > c does indeed happen in Kota, but is usually relegated to past stems of verbs.
Number in DED : 2050
Proto-Nilgiri : *kodĭ-
Meaning : to boil
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : kodc- (kodc-) "to quiver (of water about to boil, flesh of animal just killed, eyelid)"
Toda : kwɨɵy- (...) "(water) approaches boiling-point"
Additional forms : Also Toda kwɨɵyet_-, kwɨɣkyet_- to make (water) boil; ? kwɨy- (kwɨc-) to bubble, boil
Notes : In Kota the present stem was replaced by analogy with the past stem. It is unclear whether Toda kwɨy- belongs here. Since this is the only certain example of a verbal stem in *-dǐ-, the following development is not excluded: (a) *kod-ǐ-t- > Toda *kwɨɵc- > *kwɨc-; (b) *kod-ǐ- > kwɨy- as a hypercorrect back-formation from the past stem *kwɨc-. In this case kwɨɵy- would either be an archaic variant or a newer re-borrowing.
Number in DED : 2084
Proto-Nilgiri : *kog-ĭ-
Meaning : to take a nap
Toda : kwɨxy- (kwɨxc-)
Number in DED : 1902
Proto-Nilgiri : *koj-
Meaning : to cut, pluck
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : koy- (koc-) "to cut"
Toda : kwɨy- (kwɨs-) "to pluck (fruits), (bee) sucks"
Additional forms : Also Kota koyḷ harvest, reaping
Number in DED : 2119
Proto-Nilgiri : *koj-
Meaning : Rhamnus Wightii
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : koyk
Toda : kakakoy
Notes : Strange reduplication (?) in Toda.
Number in DED : 2121
Proto-Nilgiri : *koj- (?)
Meaning : timidity, terror
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : koyed
Number in DED : 1876
Proto-Nilgiri : *kok-
Meaning : to be bent, crooked
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : kok- (koky-) "to become very bent with age"
Toda : kwɨky "crook, hook"
Additional forms : Also Kota koky crook, hook; koŋk crooked
Number in DED : 2032
Proto-Nilgiri : *koḷ-
Meaning : to acquire
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : koḷ-/koṇ- (koḍ-) "to marry (wife), buy (cattle), begin (funeral)"
Toda : kwɨḷ- (kwɨḍ-) "to carry (corpse), wear (bell); aux. with continuative-durative meaning"
Additional forms : Also Kota koḷ robbery, state of being robbed; koḷ gaḷ thief; fem. koḷ geyḷ; koṇḍ-āṛ- (āc-) to praise (god); Toda kwɨḷ- (only in negative) not to want, not to heed; kwɨḷy loot (in songs)
Number in DED : 2151
Proto-Nilgiri : *koḷ-
Meaning : to trouble; to quarrel
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : koḷ-/koṇ- (koḍ-) "to pain, trouble"
Toda : kwɨḷ- (kwɨḍ-) "to quarrel, (urine) troubles (i. e. one wishes to urinate)"
Number in DED : 2152
Proto-Nilgiri : *kol-
Meaning : to go round and round (millet in mortar pit, buffaloes in pen), frisk about, run about wasting time
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Toda : kwal- (kwad_-)
Number in DED : 1803
Proto-Nilgiri : *kol- (?)
Meaning : to kill
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : kol "act of killing"
Toda : kwaly "murder; murderous (in song, of buffalo, kite, dry season); who has died or is near death (in song, old man or woman)"
Additional forms : Also Kota kol gaḷ thief; kolgārn murderer; Toda kwalyxōr_n murderer; kos_n the messenger of the god of death (lit. the killer)
Notes : It is not excluded that all these forms are borrowings. The original verbal stem is not preserved in PN, and Toda kwaly is irregular (PN *kolä should have yielded Toda *kwas_).
Number in DED : 2132
Proto-Nilgiri : *koḷ[ä]
Meaning : tune, song
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : koḷ
Toda : ? koṇ "words of songs, words used in dance-song"
Notes : The Toda form is very dubious. Phonetically it should rather be placed with Tamil kaṇakaṇa "to sound, jingle", etc., although this is much worse semantically.
Number in DED : 2155
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