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Mongolian etymology :

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Proto-Mongolian: *hejil-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: to separate
Russian meaning: отделять
Middle Mongolian: xejil- (SH)
Buriat: īle- 'to churn butter' (? *'separate')
Dagur: xeile- (Тод. Даг. 175)
Proto-Mongolian: *(h)ekeɣü
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: acid, bitter
Russian meaning: кислый, горький
Written Mongolian: ekegün (L 305)
Khalkha: exǖ
Buriat: exǖn
Kalmuck: egǖn, ekǖn
Ordos: ekǖn
Comments: KW 117, 118.
Proto-Mongolian: *heki
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 head 2 front
Russian meaning: 1 голова 2 начало, перед
Written Mongolian: eki(n) 2 (L 305)
Middle Mongolian: xeki (SH, HYt), hikin (MA) 1
Khalkha: ex 2
Buriat: exi(n) 1
Kalmuck: ekṇ 2
Ordos: eχe 1, 2
Dagur: xeki (Тод. Даг. 175), heki 1 (MD 159)
Shary-Yoghur: šǝgǝn 1
Monguor: xǝgi 'source, commencement' 2 (SM 166)
Mogol: ekin 1; ZM ekin (2-1a)
Comments: KW 118, MGCD 274.
Proto-Mongolian: *(h)ekire
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: twins
Russian meaning: близнецы
Written Mongolian: ikere, ikire (L 401)
Khalkha: ixer
Buriat: exir
Kalmuck: ikr
Ordos: eker, ekir
Comments: KW 206. Mong. ikire 'twins' > Evk. ikirē etc., see Doerfer MT 99, Rozycki 115.
Proto-Mongolian: *hel-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 to be sad, anguish 2 to decline (of mental facilities), be dumbfounded 3 wild, ignorant
Russian meaning: 1 быть печальным, тосковать 2 отупеть, остолбенеть 3 дикий, невежественный
Written Mongolian: elemeg 3 (МХТТТ)
Middle Mongolian: xelumu- 1 (HY)
Khalkha: elmere- 2 (Gomb.), elmeg 3
Proto-Mongolian: *hel-de-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: to dress, soften, tan (of leather)
Russian meaning: дубить, разминать (кожу)
Written Mongolian: elde- (L 307)
Khalkha: elde-
Buriat: elde-
Kalmuck: eld-
Ordos: elde-
Baoan: fǝlǝ-
Shary-Yoghur: elde- ( < lit.)
Comments: KW 119, MGCD 256.
Proto-Mongolian: *hele-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: to soar
Russian meaning: парить
Written Mongolian: ele- (МХТТТ)
Middle Mongolian: hilkǟn 'smth. drooping' (IM)
Khalkha: ele-
Buriat: eli-
Kalmuck: el- (КРС)
Ordos: ele-
Dongxian: helie-
Proto-Mongolian: *helige
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: liver
Russian meaning: печень
Written Mongolian: elige (L 309)
Middle Mongolian: xeligan (HY 47), xelige(n) (SH), hilgä (IM), iligän (MA)
Khalkha: eleg, elgen
Buriat: eĺge(n)
Kalmuck: elkṇ, elgṇ
Ordos: elege
Baoan: helgǝ, xelge
Dagur: xeleg (Тод. Даг. 175), helehe (MD 159)
Shary-Yoghur: heleɣe
Monguor: xalege (SM 152), xelige, xalige (Huzu), xelge (MGCD)
Mogol: ilkan 'Herz' (Weiers), elkän; ZM elkan (4-2a)
Comments: KW 119, MGCD 257.
Proto-Mongolian: *heliɣe
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: hawk, kite
Russian meaning: ястреб, коршун
Written Mongolian: elije (L 310)
Middle Mongolian: xele'e (HY 13), iläs (MA), hǝlē- (LH)
Khalkha: elē
Buriat: eĺē
Kalmuck: elɛ̄
Ordos: elē, ilē
Dongxian: helie
Baoan: heloŋ
Comments: KW 119, MGCD 257. Mong. > Yak. elia, ? > Bulg. *ileg > Hung. ölyú́, ölyuv (see Gombocz 1912, VEWT 40).
Proto-Mongolian: *(h)el-tü-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: to weave, knit
Russian meaning: ткать, вязать
Written Mongolian: eltüle- (L 310)
Khalkha: eltle-
Proto-Mongolian: *(h)enike
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: door-post, lintel of a door
Russian meaning: дверной косяк
Written Mongolian: enike (L 319)
Khalkha: enex
Ordos: eneχe
Proto-Mongolian: *herbekei
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: butterfly
Russian meaning: бабочка
Written Mongolian: erbekei, erbeɣekei (L 319)
Middle Mongolian: xerbegai (HY 12), hirbäkäi (MA)
Khalkha: ervēxij
Buriat: erbēxej
Kalmuck: erwɛ̄kɛ̄
Ordos: erwēkī
Dongxian: hǝbǝɣǝi
Monguor: xalege (SM 152), xelige, xalige (Huzu), xerbuge (MGCD)
Comments: KW 127, MGCD 264.
Proto-Mongolian: *(h)ereke-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: to vesicate; to complicate (of a disease)
Russian meaning: нарывать; осложняться (о болезни)
Written Mongolian: ereke- (L 322)
Khalkha: erxe-
Kalmuck: erk-
Ordos: erkere-
Comments: KW 125.
Proto-Mongolian: *herekei
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: thumb
Russian meaning: большой палец
Written Mongolian: erekei (L 322)
Middle Mongolian: xeregai (SH), hǝrǝkejin (gen.) (LH)
Khalkha: erxij
Buriat: erxɨ
Kalmuck: erkɛ̄ (Dörbet)
Ordos: ereχī
Dagur: xereg, (Тод. Даг. 175) xergī; herehe (MD 161)
Shary-Yoghur: hermegči
Comments: KW 125, MGCD 271.
Proto-Mongolian: *hergi-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: to go round
Russian meaning: кружиться, вертеться
Written Mongolian: erge-, ergi- (L 323)
Middle Mongolian: xergi- (SH), hirgi- (MA)
Khalkha: ergi-
Buriat: erje-
Kalmuck: ergi-
Ordos: erge-
Dagur: ergi- ( < lit.), xergi-, xorgi- (Тод. Даг. 140, 177)
Shary-Yoghur: heregdī-
Monguor: xǝrgi- (SM 167), xargi- (Huzu)
Mogol: irga- 'to spin a spindle' (Weiers)
Comments: KW 124, MGCD 267. Mong. > Man. erguwe- etc., see Doerfer MT 72; > Yak. ergij-, Dolg. ergij- (see Kaɫ. MEJ 67, Stachowski 47).
Proto-Mongolian: *her-gi (?)
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: steep bank
Russian meaning: крутой берег
Written Mongolian: ergi (L 323)
Middle Mongolian: (hergi), ergi (SH, HY 4)
Khalkha: ereg
Buriat: erje
Kalmuck: ergǝ
Ordos: erge
Dagur: ǝriǵ, ergi (Тод. Даг. 140)
Shary-Yoghur: erɣǝ
Monguor: xargi, jergi (SM 162), xerge, xargi
Comments: KW 124, MGCD 266. Mong. > Man. ergi, see Doerfer MT 137. Loss of *h- in Dag. and S.-Yugh. is not quite clear.
Proto-Mongolian: *(h)ergi-neg
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 cupboard (standing close to the door) 2 enclosure (for sheep, calves)
Russian meaning: 1 буфет (стоящий около двери) 2 загон (для овец, телят)
Written Mongolian: ergineg 1 (L 325)
Khalkha: eregneg 1
Buriat: ergeneg 1,2
Kalmuck: ergǝnǝg 1
Ordos: ergenek 1
Comments: KW 124.
Proto-Mongolian: *(h)ergül
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: sacrifice, donation
Russian meaning: жертвоприношение, пожертвование
Written Mongolian: ergül (L 326)
Khalkha: örgöl
Buriat: ürgel
Comments: The word appears to be quite transparently derived from ergü-, örgü- 'to raise, lift up' (also 'to offer, present') q. v. sub *ṓŕi. We suspect, however, that this may be a case of secondary reanalysis: *(h)ergül would be a quite regular reflex of *(h)elgü-r or *(h)elgü-l = Turk. *ạlkɨĺ 'blessing'. Note that in Lessing's dictionary we find separate entries: ergül 'donation, sacrifice' vs. örgül 'elevation' (L 641).
Proto-Mongolian: *(h)erü-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: to dig, hack
Russian meaning: копать, рубить, долбить
Written Mongolian: erü- (L 332)
Proto-Mongolian: *(h)esi
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: origin, beginning
Russian meaning: происхождение, основание, начало
Written Mongolian: esi (L 334)
Buriat: eše
Kalmuck: ešn
Ordos: iši
Comments: KW 128.
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