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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *ŋiV
Meaning: interrog. or relative pronoun
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: *i̯o- 'that, which' (rel.) (should be kept distinct from *i-)
Altaic: *ŋ[i̯V]
Uralic: FV *jo- 'which'
Kartvelian: Laz. na, Megr. ni, na- 'which (rel.)'; Svan. jä- / ja- 'who'
Dravidian: *jā̆- (NDr *nē)
Eskimo-Aleut: *ca-ŋu-
Chukchee-Kamchatkan: Itelm. *'ăŋ-qa 'what'; [Chuk. *ni- 'someone, something' ]
References: ND 1633 *ŋ[U] 'thing, what', 2616 *ya 'who' 2655 *[y]iyo 'which'. The existence of interrog. *jV is in fact quite dubious (despite ND, Altaic certainly has no trace of it, Mong. ja- certainly going back to *ŋia-, and TM forms like Evn. ē̂- - to TM *xia-); IE *i̯o- may well be < *ńo- < *ŋi̯V- (since *i̯- normally < *ń-); the Drav. and Kartv. variation *j- / *n- is also quite suspicious ( < *ŋi̯-?); the only case with *j- is thus FV.

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