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Южнодравидийская этимология :

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Праюжно-дравидийский: *sēr-
Значение: to unite
Тамильский: cēr (-v-, -nt-)
Тамильское значение: to become united, incorporated, joined together, become mixed, blended, have connexion with, be in close friendship or union, fit, suit, be collected, aggregated, join, associate with, be in contact with, belong to
Тамильские производные: (-pp-, -tt-) to join, attach, admix, admit to one's society, add, insert, gather, assemble; cērkkai collecting, gathering, combining, mixing, compound, fellowship, company, union; cērtti combining, union, fellowship, suitability, fitness, resemblance, equality; cērntār dependants, persons under one's protection, partisans, relatives; cērppu place, residence, abode, seashore, mixture, supplement; cērpu residence, house; cērvu arriving, joining, residence, town, village, union, junction, connexion, collection; cērvai fellowship, association, union, mixture, compound, collection, assemblage; cēra altogether, wholly; along with, in company with
Малаялам: cēruka
Малаяльское значение: to approach, come close, join, belong to, fit, suit
Малаяльские производные: cēra close, over against; cērikka to have collected; cērumānam assemblage as for a riot, party; cērkka to make to arrive or join, collect as men, money; cērcca adherence, union, harmony, fitness; cērppu joining, mortising, assemblage; cērppikka to have assembled or collected; cērvva mixture
Каннада: sēr (sērd-)
Каннада значение: to become or be close or near, go to, approach, reach, come, belong to, enter, be included, be connected with, join, side with, assemble, be collected, agree, concur, suit, agree, be agreeable
Каннада производные: sērike meeting, union; sērisu to join, put together, put to, attach, cause to reach, put into, make enter, insert, fix, assemble (tr.); sēruvike joining, etc.; sēruve, sērve collection, assemblage, mass, herd of cattle
Кодагу: sēr- (sēri-)
Кодагу значение: to join (intr.)
Кодагу производные: ? kē̈r- (kē̈ri-) to go up to house (Mercara dialect); kēt- (kēti-) to take (person) into house
Тулу: śēruni
Тулу значение: to arrive, reach, be added or joined to, be included in, enter as a member of sect, etc., be in harmony, agree together, be relished, liked, agree with, adhere to, be attached
Тулу производные: śērāvuni to join, combine, mix, include, etc.; śērigè, śērvè union, inclusion; śērisuni, śērisāvuni to cause to arrive, join
Пранильгирийский: *sēr-
Номер по DED: 2814

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