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Нильгирийская этимология :

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Пранильгирийский: *kanä-
Значение: to roar, bellow
Кота: kanv- (kand-) "(cow or buffalo) bellows for calf"
Тода: kenf- (kent-) "to roar (wild animal, child), make roaring sound in throat when one has a cold; kenp öṛt- (buffalo) coughs"
Комментарии: Some irregularities here: very much unclear is the -d- in the Kota past stem (both Toda and external data point to the transitive type of conjugation), as well as the vocalism -e- in Toda; normally, *a > e only under the influence of a following *-ǐ-, never *-ä-. Note, however, that the same irregularity is also met in Kodagu and Kannada, so we might be dealing with an old dialectal variation.
Номер по DED: 1409

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