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Дравидийская этимология :

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Прадравидийский: *arí- ~ *arál-
Значение: to fall
Прателугу: *rāl-
Праколами-гадаба: *rāl-
Прагонди-куи: *ari-
Комментарии: The Telugu-PKG forms, on one hand, and the Gondwan forms, on the other, are somewhat hard to reconciliate. PGn shows a bisyllabic root (not necessarily with an auslaut -i-, since the latter is only tentatively set up based on forms like Kuwi rī-ali, etc.; in reality this could have been any vowel but a labialised one) with a vocalic auslaut, whereas Telugu and PKG reflect an older variant like *arál-. Of course, if we assume the suffixal nature of the resonant, the question is resolved, although the meaning of the suffix is still unclear. No traces of the root are seen in SDR, where the main word for 'fall' is *vīẓ- - which, in its turn, has been quite poorly preserved outside of SDR. Some overlapping, however, exists, which leads us to surmise that the difference between the two roots in PDR must have been stylistic - *arí-/*arál- being the neutral, unmarked 'fall', and *vīẓ- being its "Magn" correlate, i. e. "to topple over, crumble", whence the figurative development > "die" in some languages. In SDR both roots eventually converged into one. // Present in 3/6 branches.

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