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Дравидийская этимология :

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Прадравидийский: *ápa-
Значение: cake (of rice flour; of special interest to children)
Праюжнодравидийский: *ā̆pa-
Прателугу: *appa-
Брахуи: appā
Комментарии: Certain problems are caused by the Tamil-Malayalam forms which feature initial ā-; also unclear is the fact that Old Indian has the word as apūpá-, pūpa- (Turner 491). This does not include the possibility of Proto-Dravidian origin (cf. the Brahui parallel), but if the vowel length in Tamil and the trisyllabic structure of the OI form are related (e. g. āppa- < *apūpa-), this may hint at an obscure borrowing source for both subgroups. // Present in 3/6 branches.

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