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Uralic etymology :

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Number: 346
Proto: *koĺe
> Nostratic: > Nostratic
English meaning: testicle(s)
German meaning: Hode(n)
Finnish: kolli 'läufischer Hund od. Katze; Kater', kolli-koira 'läufiger Hund'
Estonian: koli 'Hode'
Saam (Lapp): guol'lâ-, pl. guollâk (N) 'the whole scrotum (of man or animal)', kuolla (L), kī̊ll (T), kūll (Kld.), kuoll (Not.) 'Testikel'
Udmurt (Votyak): kȯĺan (S), ke̮ĺan (Uf.) 'Hoden'
Komi (Zyrian): ke̮ĺ (Lu. P) 'Hode'
Nenets (Yurak): hi̊le (Kan.)
Kamass: ki̮ 'Penis'

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *ḳoĺV
Meaning: testiculus
Borean: Borean
Indo-European: (*k'eul- 'testiculi)
Altaic: ? Even. kụlba 'мошонка быка, дикого барана'
Uralic: *koĺe (cf. also *kaĺkkV )
Kartvelian: *q̇wer- (+ *q̇al- 863)
Dravidian: *goḷ-ai; *gojil- 'pudendum muliebre'
References: МССНЯ 372; ND 1041 *Ḳo[y)(V)lE 'testicles', 1912 *q̇ul[ä] 'boy, child', 1920 *q̇Uĺ(V)[ʕ]V 'penis' (with much confusion).

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Kartvelian etymology :

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Proto-Kartvelian: *q̇wer-
Nostratic: Nostratic
Russian meaning: testiculi, кастрировать
English meaning: testicles, to castrate
Georgian: q̇ver-
Megrel: 'vaǯ- n., 'var- v.
Svan: q̇ur-naj n., q̇or- v.
Laz: q̇vaǯ-, ḳvaǯ- n., q̇var- v.
Notes and references: EWK 414. В МССHЯ 373 сравнивается с урал. *kō̆le id.

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Dravidian etymology :

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Proto-Dravidian : *goḷ-ai
Meaning : anus
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Proto-South Dravidian: *goḷ-ai

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South Dravidian etymology :

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Proto-South Dravidian : *goḷ-ai
Meaning : anus
Dravidian etymology: Dravidian etymology
Kannada : goḷḷe
Kannada meaning : the anus of males
Kodagu : goḷḷe
Kodagu meaning : anus
Number in DED : 2159

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : KVLV
Meaning : testicle
Eurasiatic : *ḳoĺV
Afroasiatic : *ḳʷalḥ-
Sino-Caucasian : *xkṓlʔV
Austric : PAA *kǝla 'testicle'
Reference : ND 1041.

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Afroasiatic etymology :

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Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *ḳʷalḥ-
Meaning: testicles
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
Semitic: *ḳʷVlḥ- 'genitals; testicles'
Western Chadic: ḳʷal- 'testiculi'
Central Chadic: *kwalay- 'testicles' 1, 'penis' 2
East Chadic: *kVlH- 'testicles'
Central Cushitic (Agaw): *ḳʷil- 'testicles' (?)
Dahalo (Sanye): *ḳʷall- 'have an erection'
Omotic: *ḳur- 'testicles' (?)

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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 2139
Proto-Semitic: *ḳ(ʷ)Vlḥ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: genitals; testicles
Akkadian: ḳallû (gallû) 'vulva' (hapax) SB [CAD ḳ 66], 'Sexualorgan' (von Mann ?) [AHw 894].

    According to both dictionaries, from SUM (gal4 'Scham, Vulva' [IK 301]). Cf. also maḳlālu, a name for female genitals, SB [CAD 251]; according to [AHw 607], 'Geringes', vulva (i.e. interpeted as a form derived from ḳalālu 'to be thin, small'), which seems rather a folk etymology

Arabic: (?) ḥlḳ 'avoir la verge écorchée et rouge à la suite du coit' [BK 1 481].

    Related with metathesis and a meaning shift?

Geʕez (Ethiopian): ḳʷǝlḥ 'testicle' [LGz 428].

    According to Leslau, a reconstructed form of AMH ḳʷǝla (OLD AMH ḳʷǝlḥa) borrowed, in its turn, from CUSH

Amharic: ḳʷǝla 'testicles, male genitals' [K 675]
East Ethiopic: ZWY ǝnḳulu 'testicles' [LGur 70].

    Note the ʔVn- prefix

Gurage: ENN GYE ḳura, END ḳurʔä 'penis' [ibid.].

    On -r- <*-l- see [LGur XLVIII]

Notes: Highly problematic. To be cancelled if AKK is a Sumerism, which is hard to prove; in this case the ETH examples are probably to be regarded as a meaning shift from 'egg' (see *ḳa(w)ḥil- ~ *ʔVn-ḳulaliḥ- 'egg', No. ).

    Cf. ARB ḥlḳ 'avoir la verge écorchée et rouge à la suite du coit' [BK 1 481] (related with metathesis and a meaning shift?); cf. also MGR ḳǝlwä 'testicles' [LGur 70] (note that in MGR dialects ḥ is normally preserved).

    Cf. ETH forms with somewhat unusual phonetic development: SEL ūnḳulābčä [LGur 70], WOL mʷanḳulabče 'testicles' [ibid. 411]; MSQ ǝnḳulalčä do. [ibid. 70] (on -č < -t see [ibid. LVIII-LXII]; on "w becoming b through pseudo-correction or false reconstruction" see [ibid. LXXXII]).

    Note HAR kūr 'testicles' [LHar 93]; according to Leslau, from CUSH, which is probable in view of irregular k- and -r.

    Cf. SOQ míḳliz 'penis' [LS 375]


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West Chadic etymology :

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Proto-WChadic: *ḳwal-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'testiculi'
Hausa: ḳwā̀lā̀tai

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Central Chadic etymology :

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Proto-CChadic: *kwalay-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'testicles' 1, 'penis' 2
Bura: kwãl 2 [Kr N 63]
Chibak: kwalaè 2 [Kr]
Kilba: kwà́l 2 {Kr]
Ngwaxi: kwǝ̀l 2 [Kr]
Margi: kwal2 [Kr]
Wamdiu: kwal 2 [Kr]
Hildi=Margi Mbazuwa: kwàlu 2 [Kr]
Higi Futu: kwǝla 2 [Kr]
Higi Baza: kwal(l)á 2 [Kr]
Higi Nkafa: kwala2 [Kr]
Higi Ghye: kwala 2 [Kr]
Kapsiki=Higi Kamale: kwala 2 [Kr]
Bachama: kwàléy 1 [Sk]
Logone: lı̀kòlı́ 1 [CLR: 323]

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East Chadic etymology :

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Proto-EChadic: *kVlH-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'testicles'
Kera: kǝ́lǝ́ŋ [Eb]
Kwang: kʌ́lʌ́sʌ́ [CLR] (for the same suff.seeMokilko)
Mokilko: kùrrì-só [JMkk] *ll- > -rr-?
Notes: Note body-part marker -so in Mokilko.

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Central Cushitic (Agaw) etymology :

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Proto-Agaw: *ḳʷil- (?)
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'testicles'
Bilin: ḳʷelaa
Notes: Unless from Eth.

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Dahalo etymology :

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Dahalo: ḳʷall-id-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'have an erection'

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Omotic etymology :

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Proto-Omotic: *ḳur- (<*ḳul-?)
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'testicles'
Kafa (Kaficho): ḳuroo

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *xkṓlʔV ( ~ *xkwɨ̄́lʔV)
Meaning: male
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
North Caucasian: *χ_ōlʔV (~ -ʡ-)
Yenisseian: *qɨĺiŋ (~χ-)
Burushaski: *wal

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *χ_ōlʔV (~ -ʡ-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: male (animal or human)
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *χ:irHV
Proto-Tsezian: *χ:ɔr A (~-l)
Proto-Lezghian: *χ:Iol
Proto-West Caucasian: *χʷǝ
Notes: The comparison is quite plausible phonetically and semantically. The only problem is the vowel -o- in PTsKh ( < PTs *-ɔ-); however, the word is attested only in Khvarsh. and Inkh., and thus a reconstruction of PTs *ɨ or *ǝ is also not absolutely excluded (a regular reflex would be PTs *χ:ɨr).

    See Abdokov 1983, 123.


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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *χ:irHV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: husband
Akhvakh: χ:e-we
Comments: The final -r- of the root is seen in the plural form χ:er-a; cf. also Tseg. χ:ew, Tlan. χ:uw (pl. χ:er-ar).

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Tsezian etymology :

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Proto-Tsezian: *χ:ɔr A (~-l)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: husband
Khvarshi: χol
Inkhokvari: χol
Comments: PTsKh *χɔR.

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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *χ:Iola
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 husband 2 bull-calf 3 calf 4 young he-goat
Lezghian: ʁül 1
Rutul: miχIɨl 4
Tsakhur: mɨχIɨwa 4 (Gelm.)
Kryz: läħ 3
Budukh: leħ / leʕ 3
Archi: χ:Iili 2
Comment: Cf. also Lezg. Khl. χül 'husband'. The initial mɨ- in Rut. and Tsakh. is secondary, on analogy with *motol 'kid'. Arch. has a suffixed form (χ:Iili < *χ:IolV-j). The Shakhdagh forms have a complicated history: one can reconstruct a proto-Shakhdagh paradigm *laχ:I, *loχ:IV- (strong *χ:I is indicated by Bud. voiced -ʕ; the Ablaut is preserved in the Kryz. paradigm läħ, lüħü-r). Since other languages have no trace of Ablaut in this root, it is probable that the form *laχ:I was an innovative back-formation after the productive model *CaC / *CoCV- and that the earlier form was *loχ:I - a metathesis of the PL *χ:Iol. The early Shakhdagh form was borrowed in Khin. as läq 'calf' (with q rendering the strong fricative χ:I, absent in Khinalug).

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Abkhaz-Adyghe etymology :

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Proto-West-Caucasian: *χʷǝ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 male 2 calf, bull-calf
Abkhaz: a-ħʷǝ́-s 2
Abaza: ħʷǝ-s 2
Adyghe: χʷǝ 1
Kabardian: χʷǝ 1
Ubykh: χʷǝ 1
Comments: PAT *ħʷǝ-śǝ, pl. *ħʷa-ra (cf. Abkh. a-ħʷá-ra, Bzyb. a-ħʷǝ́ś, a-ħʷára, Abaz. pl. ħʷa-ra); PAK *χʷǝ.

    The etymological relation of PAT *ħʷǝ and PAK *χʷǝ is quite transparent (cf., e.g., the same combination of meanings in the reflexes of the related PL *χ:Iol), and the attempts to relate PAK *χʷǝ to the verb *χʷǝ- 'to ripen, to become' (Яковлев 1948, 180, Shagirov 1977,2,112) are obviously folk-etymological. Ub. χʷǝ (compared with PAK *χʷǝ by Abdokov 1973, 73) may be an Ad. loan (which is the idea of T. Esenč, see Vogt 1963, 209, and of Shagirov 1977,2,112), but may well also be genuinely related (the phonetic correspondences are quite regular).


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Yenisseian etymology :

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Proto-Yenisseian: *qɨĺiŋ (~χ-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: amoral, adulterous
Ket: qɨĺiŋ5
Yug: xɨĺiŋ5
Comments: ССЕ 260. Werner 2, 150 <*qɨlǝŋ>.

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Burushaski etymology :

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Common Burushaski: *wal
Sino-Caucasian Etymology: Sino-Caucasian Etymology
Meaning: male (of unedible animals)
Yasin: wal

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