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Afroasiatic etymology :

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Proto-Afro-Asiatic: *gaw(V)y-
Meaning: community group sharing a common territory
Semitic: *gaw(V)y- 'community group sharing a common territory'
Berber: *gVwVy- 'to crowd, get together'
Western Chadic: *gay- 1, *(ʔa-n)-gaway 2 'cooperative work, mutual help' 1, '(common) settlement, dwelling' 2
Central Chadic: *(n)gway- 'compound, (common) settlement, dwelling'
East Chadic: *gay- 'people' 1, 'friend' 2
Beḍauye (Beja): *gaw- 'homestead, house, family'
Low East Cushitic: *gVw-Vt- 'crowd of people'
High East Cushitic: *gVwVy- ~ *gVyVw- '(main) house'
Warazi (Dullay): *yVgw- (met. <*gVwVy-?) 'tribe'
Omotic: *giyVw- 'neighbour'

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Semitic etymology :

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Number: 1980
Proto-Semitic: *gaw(V)y-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'community group sharing a common territory'
Akkadian: gāʔum, gāwum 'Volk' (kan. Fw.) OB Māri [AHw 284], gāʔu 'group, gang (of workmen)' Mari; WSem lw. [CAD g 58]
Phoenician: gw 'community' [Tomb 63]
Hebrew: gōy 'people; nation; pagan peoples; persons; (of animals) swarm (of mosquitoes, birds' [Koehl new 182-3], gēw 'community' [ibid. 182]
Aramaic: ? OFF gw 'esclave féminine' [JH 48]
Judaic Aramaic: gayyūtā 'gentile status' [Ja 236] {<PB HBR gayyūt do.?}; gētā 'flock, herd' [ibid. 243]
Syrian Aramaic: gawā 'universitas, communitas; aedificia communia (monachorum)' [Brock 107]
Mandaic Aramaic: giuiata (pl. of giuta 'body, interior, inside, entrails, etc. - чушь!) 'bodies, hence congregation, company of people' [DM 89]
Arabic: ǯāwāyin- 'campement, tentes des troupes' [BK 1 360] (broken pl.; sing. not attested)
Epigraphic South Arabian: SAB gw-m, gwy 'community group' [SD 51] MIN gw (*gwy) 'groupe formant une communauté' [LM 37] QAT gw (*gwy) 'body, group' [Ricks 36]
Geʕez (Ethiopian): ge 'territory' [LGz 172]; cf. gogawa 'to be numerous, come in a large group' [LGz 185] and tagāwǝha 'to assemble, gather, accumulate' [LGz 207] with unexplained -h.
Amharic: ge 'country, town' [LGur 254]
Argobba: ge 'country, town' [LGur 254]
Harari: 'the city of Harar, city, side of' [LHar 66]
East Ethiopic: WOL ge, SEL gē 'country, land, village' [LGur 254]
Notes: Counter to [DRS 107] и [DK 149] (with another choice of examples and diff. interpretation) differs from SEM *gay/wVʔ- 'valley, depression, lowland': HBR gay(ʔ) 'valley' [KB 188], JUD gayyā 'glen, wady' [Ja 233]; ARB ǯaww-, pl. ǯiwāʔ- 'terrain déprimé, encaissé, fond de la vallée; champ, plaine', cf. ǯuwwat- 'creux dans la montagne' [BK 1 348]; ǯiwāʔ- (ǯwy) 'vallée, terrain encaissé', ǯawiyy- 'eau fétide; mauvais, qui ne convient pas à quelqu'un (pays, climat)' [ibid. 360]; ǯiyyat- (under ǯwy [ibid.] и ǯyʔ [ibid. 361]) 'mare d'eau stagnante et fétide qui s'amasse' MIN gwʔ 'carrière' [LM 37]

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Berber etymology :

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Proto-Berber: *gVwVy-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'to crowd, get together'
Zenaga: Zenaga kugi 'all' (<ku-gi)
Figig: Timimun gaw 'to gather' [B-L 537]
Qabyle (Ayt Mangellat): gguggi (<*guyyi) 's'attrouper; se précipiter en troupe' [Dallet 281]

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West Chadic etymology :

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Proto-WChadic: *gay- 1, *(ʔa-n)-gaway 2
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'cooperative work, mutual help' 1, '(common) settlement, dwelling' 2
Hausa: gayya 1 ('cooperative work; collecting together of a number of people to assist another in some piece of work; a number of people so collected') Bargery 375
Mupun: angwa 'quarter of town' Sk Hs, 278
Dera=Kanakuru: gawì [ibid., 132]
Ngamo: gāya 1 ('aider') [Skin 82]
Gera: gǝ̀wǝ 2 ('hut') [Kraft I 73]
Warji: ŋgǝwai 2 ('part of compound') [Skin 278]

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Central Chadic etymology :

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Proto-CChadic: *(n)gway- not < *g
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'compound, (common) settlement, dwelling; family'
Fali Kiria: ɣǝ̂y [Kraft II, 183] (ɣ <*g?)
Malgwa: ɣàya 'compound' Kraft III, 112 (ɣ <*g?)
Mada: gáy 'family' [BMaf] 'house ofX' ='family'
Mafa=Matakam: ŋgway 'house' Sk. Hs., 278
Logone: ʔɣo, ʔɣu 'Welt, Stadt' Sk. Hs., 278 (ʔɣ- <*g-?)
Buduma=Yedina: ŋgu 'Ort, Haus, Stelle'

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East Chadic etymology :

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Proto-EChadic: *gay-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'people' 1, 'friend' 2
Dangla: gɛ̀ɛ̀ 'les gens' [Fd 318]
Bidiya: gèe- 2 (masc.) [JBid]
Mokilko: gé 1 [CLR: 267]

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Bedauye (Beja) etymology :

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Bedauye: gaw
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'Gehöft, Haus, Familie' Rein Bed, 104

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Low East Cushitic etymology :

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Proto-Low East Cushitic: *gVw-Vt-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'crowd of people'
Somali: gúuto 'crowd of people' Abr., 99

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High East Cushitic etymology :

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Proto-High East Cushitic: *gVwVy- ~ *gVyVw-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: '(main) house'
Hadiya (Gudella): goyya 'main house' LGur., 303
Kambatta: geeyyu-ta 'hut' Huds, 82
Notes: Cf. *geeg-eess- (Burji, Gel., Had., Sid., Oromo) 'to accompany' Huds., 18 (<*gaygay-?)

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Warazi etymology :

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Proto-Warazi: *yVgw- (met. <*gVwVy-?)
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'tribe'
Harso (Werize): iko (-k- <*-g-)

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Omotic etymology :

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Proto-Omotic: *giyVw-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'neighbour'
Kafa (Kaficho): giyo, giwo 'Nachbar' Lamb 319
Chara: giyá, pl. giyoótsí
Sheko: giyo

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