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Дравидийская этимология :

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Прадравидийский: *asár_-
Значение: mud, mire
Праюжнодравидийский: *as- ~ *asar_-
Прателугу: *asal-
Комментарии: The irregular correspondence PSDR *-r_- - Tel. -l- in the 2nd syllable is not unique (cf., for instance, PDR *pesaL- 'green gram'). The monosyllabic version of the root may actually not belong here - or might be an archaism. // Present in 2/6 branches.

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Южнодравидийская этимология :

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Праюжно-дравидийский: *as- ~ *asar_-
Значение: mud, mire
Тамильский: acar_u
Тамильское значение: mud, mire
Тамильские производные: acumpu soft mud, miry place; ayam mud, mire
Малаялам: ayam
Малаяльское значение: mud, mire
Малаяльские производные: ayar_u manure
Комментарии: Tamil, Mal. ayam 'mud, mire' may actually be connected with a different root, cf. PSDR *aja-; if so, semantic contamination between the two must be supposed.
Номер по DED: 0041

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Телугу этимология :

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Прателугу: *asal-
Значение: mud, mire
Телугу: asalu
Номер по DED: 41

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Ностратическая этимология :

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Евразийский: *HacV ( ~ -c`-, -č-, -ǯ-)
Значение: pond, mud, mire
Уральский: *aća
Дравидийский: *asár_-
Ссылки: ND 11 *ʔaĉ̣V (comparing also Arab. ʔaδ̂ā(t-un); all quite dubious.

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Уральская этимология :

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PROTO: *aća
MEANING: meadow with a brook, valley
GERMMEAN: (Bach)wiese, Tal
EST: aas (gen. aasu, aasa) 'Wiese, Bachwiese'
UDM: aź-dor 'безлесистая местность' ?
KOM: aʒ́ (SM VO) 'пойма (SM), прорубь (VO)', Lu. aʒ́ 'gute, trockene Wiese'
UGR: dial. aszó 'Tal, niederung; (aung.) Fluß, Bach'
REDEI: Das wotj. Wort kann nur dann hierher gestellt werden, wenn seine frühere Bedeutung 'Wiesenrand, Steppe' war und es nicht mit dem Kompositum az'-dor 'переднее место' ('fore-place') identisch ist. Zu dem ung. Wort s. auch *s8s'3 'trocken, dorren' Ug. (Réd.)
RESHET: Hun. -s- (orthographically sz) points to Ur. *s', not *c'. The reconstruction of the final *-a for the Uralic stem is apparently based on Hu. *asa-k (see Ugret.dbf) as well as on the -a(-) in the second syllable of the Est. oblique forms (the loss of the final vowel in Est. and Perm. gives no certain information about its quality). The Est. oblique forms with -u (like aasu) are likely to be secondary, having arisen as a result of analogical processes (influence of other declination types). The length of the first syllable vowel in Est. is secondary: in Est. monosyllabic words, short vowels are generally not allowed. As for the the length in the forms like aasu, where the second syllable vowel was preserved, it may be caused by a leveling. Contrary to Rédei, Komi UV aʒ' 'ice-hole' doesn't belong here; it may be related to Mansi So. as, K äs 'hole, orifice' (Toivonen Affr., 135, 229).
LIT: КЭСКЯ; MSzFgrE; TESz.; Steinitz Fgr.Vok. 38; ИВПЯ 167

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