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Korean etymology :

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Proto-Korean: *mɨ̀-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: heavy
Russian meaning: тяжелый
Modern Korean: mugǝp- (mugǝw-)
Middle Korean: mɨ̀-kǝ́p- (mɨ̀-kǝ́w-)
Comments: Nam 225, KED 652.

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Altaic etymology :

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Proto-Altaic: *ámbe
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: heavy, big
Russian meaning: тяжелый, большой
Mongolian: *amban
Tungus-Manchu: *amba-
Korean: *mɨ̀-
Japanese: *ǝ́m(p)ǝ́-
Comments: Martin 233, АПиПЯЯ 103, 277. Kor. has lost the initial vowel, as in many other cases (*mɨ̀- < *ǝ̀mɨ̀-). Rozycki 17 supposes Man. > Mong. which is not excluded.

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Mongolian etymology :

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Proto-Mongolian: *amban
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: big, large, heavy; minister, official
Russian meaning: большой, тяжелый
Written Mongolian: amban (L 36)
Khalkha: amban
Buriat: amba
Kalmuck: ambṇ
Monguor: amba 'dignitaire, légat, ambassadeur' (SM 6)

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Tungus etymology :

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Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *amba-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 big 2 many 3 very
Russian meaning: 1 большой 2 много 3 очень
Spoken Manchu: amǝ 'big, large' (2398)
Literary Manchu: amba 1
Jurchen: amban (amban-an) (668) 1, amban-lar (724) 2
Ulcha: amba(n) 1, 3
Orok: ambaramǯị 3
Nanai: amba(n) 1
Oroch: amba 3
Comments: ТМС 1, 36-37. The relation of Neg. amban, Oroch, Ud. amba, Ul., Orok amba(n), Nan. ambã 'evil spirit' is not quite clear.

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Japanese etymology :

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Proto-Japanese: *ǝ́m(p)ǝ́-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: heavy
Russian meaning: тяжелый
Old Japanese: om(w)o-
Middle Japanese: ómó-
Tokyo: òmo-
Kyoto: ómó-
Kagoshima: ómo-
Nase: ùbù-
Shuri: ʔm̀bú-
Hateruma: ń-sà-
Yonakuni: ín-sá-
Comments: JLTT 838.

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *ʔVmbV
Meaning: big, whole
Altaic: *ámbe
Uralic: *umpe 'whole, complete'
Eskimo-Aleut: *amǝ-

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Uralic etymology :

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Number: 1685
Proto: *umpe
> Nostratic: > Nostratic
English meaning: closed; closed state [rather: *'whole, complete']
German meaning: geschlossen, verschlossen; verschlossener Zustand
Finnish: umpi: ummessa silmin, silmät ummessa 'mit geschlossenen Augen', tie on ummessa 'der Weg ist verschneit'
Estonian: umbe 'verschlossen, verstopft, unzugänglich, nicht klar, trüb', umb, umbes 'ganz, durchaus, über und über'
Saam (Lapp): obbâ ~ obâ ~ oabâ (N) 'whole, in its entirety, all; only, rather, pretty', åbbå (L) 'recht, ziemlich; überhaupt, gar nicht; recht groß', omp (Kld. A), ōpp (Not.) 'geschlossen, ganz', ompi̊ 'ganz und gar'
Udmurt (Votyak): 'vollends'
Komi (Zyrian): ob (Ud.) 'heftiges Schneegestöber', ob- 'verwehen, verschneien' ?
Selkup: (omba, ombeä 'sehr' - rejected by Redei)

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Eskimo etymology :

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Proto-Eskimo: *amǝ-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: many, much
Russian meaning: много
Proto-Yupik: *amǝ- (-lǝ-, -tV-)
Proto-Inupik: *ami- (-lʁa-, -tu-)
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 22, 23

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Yupik etymology :

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Proto-Yupik: *amǝ- (-lǝ-, -tV-)
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: frequent, perpetual 1, many, much 2
Russian Meaning: часто, беспрестанно 1, много 2
Sirenik: ama 'and, also', amtuɣǝŋ, //amsǝpiɣ-, amtǝvaɫaχ [Men.] 2, //amtǝjaɣǝcǝχ 'big', amtupixtǝɣaʁ- 'to become much or many'
Chaplino: amáxwa, āmta 'also', ~ amá 'eventually'
Naukan: amáɫi 'eventually, it should be'
Alutiiq Alaskan Yupik: amlǝʁ-, amlǝχtǝ- 2
Chugach (AAY): amlǝχqat, PWS amɫǝʁ- , KP amlǝʁ- 2
Koniag (AAY): amlǝsqat, amlǝʁ- 2
Chugach (Birket-Smith): amǝlaʁqait 2
Central Alaskan Yupik: amɫǝq, amɫǝʁ- 2
Nunivak (Peripheral): ämiɫiɫaʁit* 1, 2
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 22, 23

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Inupik etymology :

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Proto-Inupik: *ämi- (-lʁạ-, -tu-)
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: many 1, to increase in numbers 2, insuffcient 3
Russian meaning: много 1, увеличеваться в численость 2, недостатачный 3
Seward Peninsula Inupik: amisut 1 [Jen.]
SPI Dialects: Imaq amaʁla- 1, amiɣanɨq neg. 'small part of sth.', amiɣaluɣu neg. 'a little', W ämalʁato(w)aq*, ämijeto(w)aq* 1, KI ämiɫʁat*, ämiɫʁaʁtut* pl. 1
North Alaskan Inupik: amizʁaq- 1, amiɣaq- neg. 3
NAI Dialects: B ämiʎʁąt* pl., ämicut* pl. 1, Ingl ämiʎʎaʁąt* pl. 1, Qaw amajaqtūrau- neg. 'few'
Western Canadian Inupik: amit- 2 [Schn.]
WCI Dialects: Cor ämiʎʁąt* pl., ämix́un* 1, Cop amihut 1, Net, amihut, amilʁaq- 1 [Ras.], Car amihut 1, amilʁait 'very numerous', Perry River amilli- 2 [Pryde], Cop amiɣaqneg. 3, amiɣaiq- neg.-neg. 'numerous, multiply' [Pryde], Cop, Net, Car amilʁat 'herd of caribou'
Eastern Canadian Inupik: amisut 1, amiɣaʁi- neg. 'to have a shortage of'
Greenlandic Inupik: amiʁɫa- (amerdláput*) 1, amisut (amisut*) 'pod of seals or white whales', amiɣaʁ- neg. 3
GRI Dialects: NG amihūssihut 'group of seals at hole in ice'
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 22, 23

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