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Korean etymology :

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Proto-Korean: *čhắ-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: cold
Russian meaning: холодный
Modern Korean: čha-
Middle Korean: čhắ-
Comments: Nam 447, KED 1561.

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Altaic etymology :

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Proto-Altaic: *č`i̯aga
Nostratic: Nostratic
Meaning: cold, frozen snow
Russian meaning: холод, наст
Mongolian: *ča(g)-su
Tungus-Manchu: *čiaga
Korean: *čhằ-
Comments: Kor. čhiw- 'cold' is a secondary derivation from čhằ-. Mong. ča-sun may actually reflect a contamination with *čar-sun, cf. *čar 'crust (of snow), наст' (see *č`era); Southern Mongolian languages seem, however, to preserve traces of a velar *čag-su.

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Mongolian etymology :

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Proto-Mongolian: *ča(g)-su
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: snow
Russian meaning: снег
Written Mongolian: času(n) (L 166)
Middle Mongolian: časun (HY 1, SH), čāson (IM), časun (MA)
Khalkha: cas(an)
Buriat: saha(n)
Kalmuck: casṇ
Ordos: ǯasu
Dongxian: časun, ǯansun
Baoan: časoŋ, čabsoŋ (Tungren)
Dagur: čas (Тод. Даг. 180), čase (MD 128)
Shary-Yoghur: čekseu (MGCD ǯasǝn), čeksen (Sichuan)
Monguor: ćasǝ (SM 444), čaxsǝ (Minghe)
Mogol: čōsun; ZM čɔ̄ɵun (19-9a)
Comments: KW 423, MGCD 564.

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Tungus etymology :

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Proto-Tungus-Manchu: *čiaga
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 frozen snow 2 to become frozen (of snow)
Russian meaning: 1 наст 2 образовываться (о насте)
Evenki: čēɣa 1
Even: čaqaj 1
Literary Manchu: čaq-ǯa- 2
Comments: ТМС 2, 387.

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Nostratic etymology :

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Eurasiatic: *čVgV
Meaning: frozen snow
Borean: Borean
Altaic: *č`i̯aga
Uralic: *ćaka 'drift-ice'
Kartvelian: ? Georg. čχar- 'hoar-frost'
Eskimo-Aleut: *ciʁu-ɣ-, *ciʁ-mi- ?
References: ND 333 *ć̣Ak(ʕ)V 'snow, hoar-frost'. Georg. is attributed in ND to 438 *č̣[a]RʔV 'hoar-frost' which hardly exists.

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Uralic etymology :

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Number: 51
Proto: *ćaka
> Nostratic: > Nostratic
English meaning: drift-ice, thin ice
German meaning: Treibeis; dünnes Eis
Saam (Lapp): čuokke -g- 'ice-crust on pasture' (N), tjuohke (L) 'Eisüberzug des Bodens'
Khanty (Ostyak): t́oɣ (V) 'dünnes Eis, das vor dem Zufrieren des Flusses in der Strömung treibt; Eisgrieß, fein zermahlenes Eis'
Mansi (Vogul): sai̊ (LM) 'Treibeis'
Hungarian: zaj, szaj, saj (dial.) 'Eisstoß, Eistreiben; erste Eisbildung, dünne Eisdecke auf der Wasseroberfläche'
K. Reshetnikov's notes: L. Honti (HontiGObV 131) compares the Khanty form with MSs. s'ūŋk 'Eiskruste' (obviously not related to MML. sai̥) and reconstructs Proto-Ob-Ugric *c'V̄ŋk. This comparison is obviously also acceptable, since the correspondence Khanty *-ɣ ~ Mansi *-ŋk (<OU *-ŋk?) is attested in a few examples (which appear quite reliable), although the stable counterpart of the Mansi *-ŋk in Khanty is still *-ŋk (in this case, we evidently deal with some specific distribution in Khanty, which is at present hard to establish for lack of material). Note that accepting Honti's comparison would hamper the inclusion of the OU data in the FU etymology in question (cf. the absence of any traces of a nasal in Hun., where *-ŋk would have developed into -g, and in Lapp.), while it is quite evident that at least the Khanty word must be involved in it.
References: FUV; MSzFgrE; TESz; Budenz MUSz; Bár.SzófSz; Bárczi Magyar hangtörténet 164; +Beitr. u.a.

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Eskimo etymology :

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Proto-Eskimo: *ciʁu-ɣ-, *ciʁ-mi-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to become covered with dirt, sand, ice
Russian meaning: покрыться грязью, песком, наледью
Proto-Yupik: *ci[ʁ]u-ɣ-, *ciʁ-mi-
Proto-Inupik: *ciuʁa-ʁ, *ciʁ-mi-
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 85

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Yupik etymology :

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Proto-Yupik: *ci[ʁ]u-ɣ-, *ciʁ-mi-
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: to become iced, covered with dirt
Russian Meaning: обледенеть, покрыться налетом
Chaplino: siɣúɣnǝʁǝq (t) 'shore glacier, береговой припай'
Chugach (AAY): KP ciʁu- 'to cover (with dirt, etc.), to put a roof on'
Koniag (AAY): ciʁu-, Perry cu[ʁ]u- 'to cover (with dirt, etc.), to put a roof on'
Chugach (Birket-Smith): ~ ciʁqu̮ạq 'roof of deadfall'
Central Alaskan Yupik: ciʁmik 'high mountain', ciʁmiutǝ- 'to be iced in (of a squirrel hole)'
Egegik (Peripheral): ciʁu- 'to cover (with earth or snow)'
Chevak (Peripheral): ciʁuq 'covering of snow or drift'
Nunivak (Peripheral): ciʁuq 'covering of snow or drift'
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 85

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Inupik etymology :

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Proto-Inupik: *cịųʁa-ʁ, *ciʁ-mi-
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: sand 1, ice on an object 2
Russian meaning: песок 1, наледь 2
Seward Peninsula Inupik: siʁmiq 2, 'frost'
SPI Dialects: Imaq siʁmíq 2
North Alaskan Inupik: siuʁaq 'expance of fine sand'
NAI Dialects: B sioʁaq* 1, PH siʁmiq 'patch of ice put on sled runners, ice coating on boat'
Western Canadian Inupik: siuʁaq 1, siʁmiq 'earth applied to sled runners'
WCI Dialects: Cor x́ioʁaq* 1, EP siʁmiq 2 [Ow.]
Eastern Canadian Inupik: siuʁaq 1, siʁmiq 2, siʁŋut(i)- 'to freeze and be caught in new ice'
Greenlandic Inupik: siuʁaq (sioraq*) 1, siuʁaʁ- 'to strew with sand', siʁmiq 'glacier', 2, siʁmiʁ- 'to be iced over'
GRI Dialects: EG siaʁ̃aq 'grain of sand'
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 87, 85

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Long-range etymologies :

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Borean (approx.) : CVKV
Meaning : frozen snow
Eurasiatic : *čVgV
Afroasiatic : Agw. *caḳ- 'rainy season', Ar. ṣaqīʕ 'hoar-frost' or saqṭ- 'snow, dew'.
Sino-Caucasian : *čŏ́w(x)qɨ̄
Amerind (misc.) : ? *caḳ 'cold' (under *iṭaḳ R 136); ? cf. also *sukʷ 'blow' (R 856) [+ A]
Notes : Cf. also PAfAs *sVḳ-?
Reference : ND 333.

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Sino-Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Caucasian: *čŏ́w(x)qɨ̄
Meaning: drizzle; hoar-frost
Borean etymology: Borean etymology
North Caucasian: *čŏwq_ɨ̄ ( ~ ć-,-ǝ̆)
Sino-Tibetan: *chĭk (~ ś-, -ĕk)
Yenisseian: *čǝ(ʔ)G-
Burushaski: *ćhaɣúr-
Comments and references : MCGD 5; somewhat differently in HGC 30.

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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *čŏwq_ɨ̄ ( ~ ć-,-ǝ̆)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: drizzle, rain
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *čVq:V
Proto-Lak: čaIwqa
Proto-Lezghian: *čawχ:-un
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Pharyngealization in Lak. is probably expressive; otherwise correspondences are regular.

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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *čVq:V
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: drizzle
Avar: čiq:

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Lak etymology :

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Lak root: čaIwqa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: shower, heavy rain
Lak form: čaIwqa

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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *čawχ:-un
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 snow-storm 2 short rain 3 cold, ice
Kryz: čewχun 1
Archi: čubχ:un 2
Udi: čaχ 3
Comment: 3d class in Arch. and Kryz. Archi has č- ( < *č:-) as a result of assimilation in tenseness.

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Sino-Tibetan etymology :

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Proto-Sino-Tibetan: *chĭk (~ ś-, -ĕk)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: cold
Lushai: sik cold, KC *śik.
Kiranti: *[ch]ik
Comments: Garo -tśik, Naga *cik, Sichuan Queyu tʃa.13 tʃa.55 'cold'. Sh. 52.

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Kiranti etymology :

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Proto-Kiranti: *[ch]ik
Sino-Tibetan etymology: Sino-Tibetan etymology
Meaning: cold, damp
Sunwar: sīksi, sīk-so damp
Tulung: chǝk- be cold (of food, or natural objects)
Kaling: 'chunä ('chiktä) to have become cold, 'chakpä cold (with a not quite clear vowel), 'chakpä wet (= cold)
Limbu: cīkmaʔ, -cīkt-/-cīk-
Kulung: chikchilikpa adj., chīma v.
Yamphu: cäk 'wet'

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Limbu dictionary :

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Entry: ci:kmaʔ, -ci:kt-/-ci:k-
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vi.
Meaning: cool off
Comments: mɔkwa thuNɛʔ! ci:ktɛ iʔre:ʔe: Drink your tea! It's probably gotten cold already; cf. ci:Nmaʔ.

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Kulung dictionary :

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Entry: chi:ma
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: vi-3 [1: chik- 2: chi:-]
Meaning: be cold (of temperature), e.g. in the house.

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Yamphu dictionary :

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Entry: cäk
Kiranti etymology: Kiranti etymology
Grammar: adj.redupl.
Meaning: a) wet; b) swampy, miry.
Nepali: ciso ciso

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Yenisseian etymology :

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Proto-Yenisseian: *čǝG-
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: crust on snow
Ket: tъ̄-tik
Yug: tъ-tik / tъu-tik
Kottish: šāk, šāx, šāg
Comments: ССЕ 216-217. Ket and Yug reflect a compound with *tiχ "snow" (q.v.); Yug has a assimilation tъ-tik < *čǝ:-tik (old initial affricate is indicated by the Kottish form). In Kottish cf. also u-šōx, u-šou 'ice' - possibly *ul-šōx lit. 'water-crust'. Werner (2, 305, 436) apparently does not accept the assimilatory explanation for Yug t- and consequently has to separate the Kott. form (accepting for it the reconstruction *čǝG-) from the Ket and Yug one. For the latter he gives a protoform <*thǝ / *thǝ̀gǝ́> and unites it with tʌ- in *tǝʔlap 'bread crust' q.v. - which I think is hardly justified, see under *tǝʔlap. One should also mention that Kott. ušōx 'ice' is utterly strangely etymologized (Werner 2, 376) as ūša 'far' + *ku / xu 'ice'; and finally that Werner lists (without etymology, see 1, 166) Yug čɔ́χɔr 'Rauhreif' - which must be a compound *čǝG-qo-xur, with *čǝG-qo- being an exact match for Kott. šāk, and proving that Yug t- in tъtik is aq result of assimilation.

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Burushaski etymology :

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Common Burushaski: *ćhaɣúr-
Sino-Caucasian Etymology: Sino-Caucasian Etymology
Meaning: cold
Yasin: ćaɣúrum
Hunza: ćhaɣúrum
Nagar: ćhaɣúrum

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